

  • Question number 1
  • Question # 2
  • Question number 3
  • Question number 4
  • Question number 5
  • Question number 6
  • Question number 7

  • The liver is the largest inner iron of a person, similar to
    Highly flattened top of a big ball. Liver length in adult
    20-30 cm, width - 10-21 cm, height - from 7 to 15 cm. Weight is
    Approximately 1,400-1800 g. The liver is located in the right hypochondrium and so
    called the domain of Napshevia. Special cells from which the liver consists,
    are called hepatocytes.

    On common pathology,
    defined as «Beep fatty dystrophy», Or simply - «oily
    liver», tells Alexey Olegovich Buyevers, a candidate of medical
    sciences, gastroenterologist, hepatologist, senior scientist clinic
    Propedeutics of internal diseases, gastroenterology and hepatology
    Moscow Medical Academy. AND.M.Sechenov.

    Question number 1. Alexey Olegovich, what is «Breased liver»?

    «Breased liver» - The term that is more common in the English-language literature is the literal translation of the expression «Fatty LIVER».
    In our country, the concept «Breased liver» denote pathological
    condition that «Strict» medical diagnoses may sound
    differently. Usually doctors use three terms: fatty dystrophy
    Liver, fatty hepatosis, liver steatosis. All these names describe
    the same condition that is characterized by the accumulation of fat in
    liver cells - hepatocytes. The causes of such pathology is extremely

    In the first place is alcohol defeat
    liver. It is approximately 65%, that is, about 2/3 of all cases «oily
    liver». On the second, third and subsequent places are,
    which occur with some forms of diabetes,
    hyperlipidemia (elevated level of fat in the blood) and in obesity
    (overweight). To the number of rare causes of this disease
    Refers to the admission of some drugs, toxic
    Impact, surgery on the gastrointestinal tract and others. except
    that listed factors can be combined.

    Question # 2. And what is dangerous «Breased liver»?

    This condition threatens the increased probability of the development of complications. How
    fat man and a person with «Fat biscuit» Launcher yourself
    Different diseases. For example, fat in hepatocytes under the influence of alcohol or
    Other reasons begin to oxidize, and oxidation - the path to inflammation.
    Thus, «Breased liver» is the potential cause of development
    Hepatitis (inflammation of liver cells). With a significant obesity of the liver
    The normal activity of hepatocytes may even be disturbed because
    Created by fat mechanical interference. When developing inflammation
    There is a substantiation of special hepatocyte tissue «empty», Useless
    connective tissue and, in the worst version, it leads to cirrhosis.
    I want to emphasize that the obesity of the liver is completely reversible when liquidation
    the reasons for its occurrence (especially for alcohol intake) and
    Timely treatment. With an unfavorable coincidence
    Such a progressive pathological chain is possible: fat
    Liver dystrophy («Breased liver») - hepatitis - cirrhosis.

    Question number 3. How syndrome is manifested «Fatty liver» and which methods of its diagnosis exist?

    «Breased liver» insidious in that it often does not show itself.
    Some patients lead to a doctor, for example, a feeling of gravity in the right
    hypochondrium, sometimes driving pains there. At approximately posing
    myself the location of the organs, patients believe that it is «hurts
    liver». In general, there is nothing to hurt in the liver, because there is no
    nerve endings, they are only in capsule and biliary ducts.
    Usually painful sensations are associated with concomitant disconesia
    biliary tract (violation of their motor activity). Others
    Patients can disturb general discomfort, malaise, nausea. BUT B
    Such cases rarely appeal to the doctor.

    Unfortunately, «oily
    liver», Despite its widespread, most often
    Recognized by chance. For example, the patient is carried out ultrasound
    study (ultrasound) of the abdominal organs or he turns to the doctor
    Regarding any other disease (diabetes,
    Ischemic Heart Disease and T.NS.), and the doctor has already been examined
    reveals the presence of a patient with liver disorders. It is very important here to
    The patient appealed to a specialist, that is, to a doctor who deals
    It is the pathology of the liver. Because not all doctors therapists in
    sufficiently oriented in liver diseases. It's not only
    Our problem, but also the problem of economically more developed Western

    Why do you need to get to a specialist? It's not even
    In the fact that those methods are practiced in a specialized clinic
    laboratory and instrumental diagnostics that do not apply,
    For example, in the district polyclinic. There are perfectly equipped
    Polyclinics in which they conduct any surveys, but cannot
    properly interpret due to the lack of relevant experience.

    In total, the doctor must inspect the patient because sometimes in patient
    «written» if not the whole diagnosis, then at least half of it.
    Then the ultrasound is usually carried out, which allows you to identify the very fact of availability
    Syndron «Fatty liver». Detect the presence of hepatitis by ultrasound
    difficult; Signs of cirrhosis on fairly fortunate
    stages can be revealed and ultrasound. For final diagnosis
    War studies are conducted: clinical, in which you can
    detect signs characterizing the inflammatory process and
    biochemical. In particular, with biochemical analyzes, great importance
    have indicators of special enzymes - the so-called transaminases. If
    The level of their content is increased, then this is, when excluding heavy
    diseases of the heart or muscles, is a sign of hepatitis.

    Togo, the specialist will almost always prescribe a study for viruses
    hepatitis A. The point is not that viral hepatitis is the most frequent in the world
    The reason for the lesion of the liver, and in the fact that in some forms of viral
    hepatitis, in particular with viral hepatitis C, possibly in
    as one of the syndromes and development of obesity of the liver. More
    Specialized research methods, such as computer
    Tomography, Immunological Study Study or Liver Biopsy
    (when a piece of fabric is taken on a microscopic study)
    are held in the presence of special testimony.

    Question number 4. What is the name of the doctor who specializes in liver diseases?

    Hepatologist. Today, this term is missing in the register of medical
    specialties Ministry of Health. In polyclinics, hepatologists do not lead, so
    As for them there are no approved rates, but often such experts
    stay in the positions of gastroenterologists and even simply therapists.

    I have already said, hepatologist - semi-official name. However, we have
    The country has been operating the Russian liver study society for the fifth year,
    Which is headed by Vladimir Trofimovich Ivashkin, Academician, the main gastroenterologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

    Question number 5. Who most often suffers from «Fatty liver»?

    The risk group includes people abusing alcohol, people with
    excessive body weight, with atherosclerosis of various vessels (as
    The rule, atherosclerosis is a consequence of an increased level of blood lipids);
    suffering from type II diabetes (most of these people
    and elderly); Persons applying a large amount of drugs
    At the same time (for example, drugs that are treated for diseases
    Cardiovascular system, hormonal and other.); Moved operations
    on the gastrointestinal tract and patients with rare hereditary

    As for alcohol - this is the most
    Common reason «Fatty liver». «Breased liver» became frequent
    Diagnosis of patients from high social layers. This diagnosis is often
    meets in artists, politicians, businessmen, diplomats.
    They are not «abuse» alcohol, just they have a nice glass
    Cognac - either an indispensable attribute of buffets and presentations, or
    Means for removing stress after the working day, and sometimes during.
    They feel great and immediately after a glass, and the next morning
    after a glass, and their new day begins again with a glass (let
    not even at eight in the morning, but at two in the afternoon). When are detected
    Pathological liver changes, then patients are very surprised.
    The reaction to alcohol from each of us is individual. That one is not
    Bringing harm, may have the most difficult impact on another.
    In addition, there are accompanying diseases that a person can
    not even know the sensitivity of the liver cells to alcohol,
    For example, viral hepatitis. Speaking of liver diseases, I always
    I emphasize that the liver is very reliable, silent and patient
    the authority, about his diseases, it gives to know only when tolerate
    More impossible.

    Question number 6. What preventive measures are needed in
    attitude «Fatty liver»? Whether they differ depending on the stages
    Development of the disease?

    Any prevention can be divided
    on primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary is preventing
    Diseases before its development, secondary - developmental prevention
    Subsequent stages of the disease and tertiary - developmental prevention
    severe, threatening life complications. Primary prevention is simple.
    It may sound trite, but you only need to lead a healthy image
    Life. If a person understands that he abuses alcohol if
    Ryumka brandy or beer bottle becomes an integral attribute
    life; If he knows that he has diseases that can
    cause the development of liver obesity; If it takes a lot
    drugs, then he himself can be attributed to the group
    risk and consult a doctor.

    As for the prevention of development
    more serious violations - hepatitis and cirrhosis, then here should be conducted
    Speech about a mandatory meeting with a specialist. If «Breased liver»
    revealed, then the patient needs to be under the supervision of
    hepatologist, who, firstly, must carry out a complete adequate
    Examination, secondly, when identifying the causes of liver obesity, assign
    appropriate treatment and give specific recommendations for change
    The lifestyle of this particular patient. Well, the prevention of heavy
    complications should, as you understand, be conducted in a specialized

    If we talk about rational nutrition, then special
    diet does not exist, but it is recommended not to be carried away with fats and carbohydrates
    (especially people suffering from diabetes and cardiovascular
    diseases) alcohol. Need more plant
    Food, fish, dairy products. Recommended physical exertion, in
    First of all to reduce excess body weight. When «oily
    liver» not complicated, there are no contraindications for exercise.

    There are some problems with the liver, then in our clinic functions
    free school for hepatitis. School thematic. Usually
    Classes consist of cycles. Talk about general provisions
    diagnosis, prevention, treatment of certain forms of liver disease
    and about how to behave sick: what to fear, and what is not worth.

    Question number 7. How to treat «Fatty liver»?

    First of all, it is necessary to either be excluded, or to reduce the maximum
    The effect of that factor that led to development «Fatty liver».
    For example, if there is an excessive use of alcohol, then
    This patient is recommended to either completely eliminate or limit
    dose of alcoholic beverages. If we are talking about diabetes, such a patient must
    Endocrinologist is observed. If the level of lipids in the blood is increased, then
    it must be reduced because it is the risk of development
    Cardiovascular diseases and liver damage. Such a patient
    Must be observed simultaneously with the cardiologist and hepatologist. Important
    Dietary recommendations aimed at reducing excess mass
    bodies (with their insufficient effectiveness prescribed medicinal
    drugs). In addition, there is a group of drugs that are directly
    Directed on the treatment «Fatty liver». The medicine is selected
    individually depending on the testimony and contraindications, that is
    The presence of concomitant diseases and individual sensitivity.
    Operations about actually «Fatty liver» Do not be held.

    liver» - The condition is potentially reversible. If the causes of the disease
    eliminated, then you can either fully restore the normal structure
    liver, or save that stage of the development of pathological condition,
    When the liver function is not broken.

    In conclusion I will give you my
    Favorite toast, which I usually pronounce kefir in my hands - for
    Health, in the interpretation of this concept by the World Organization
    Health: «Health is the condition of full physical,
    mental and social well-being, and not just the absence
    diseases and physical defects». If you take the definition of WHO,
    That health is equal to the state of happiness, which I want to wish readers

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