You can fight with malaria and need!


    We protect from malaria

    Malaria is transmitted through mosquito bites. The best way to prevent mosquito bites is a dream under a mosquito net treated with the recommended insecticide.

    You can fight with malaria and need! If you relax in the habitat of mosquitoes - Malaria carriers, then you and your loved ones should be protected from mosquito bites, in particular, young children and pregnant women and, especially in the period between sunset and sunrise, when mosquitoes are most active.

    Mosquito nets, curtains or mats impregnated with recommended insecticide, destroy the mosquitoes on them. Special permanently treated mats or grids, curtains or mats, which are impregnated with insecticide regularly. Usually re-processing nets should be carried out with the start of rain, at least once every six months and after each third washing. Qualified health care workers can advise on safe insecticides and re-processing graphics.

    Babies and young children should sleep under a mosquito net treated. If the mesh is expensive, the family must acquire at least one big grid, under which young children can sleep. Breast children should sleep under the grid with their mothers.

    Processed mosquito nets should be used all year round, even during periods when mosquitoes are relatively small.

    If you cannot use mosquito nets, other measures can help:

    • Over doors and windows you can hang curtains, matters or mats impregnated with recommended insecticide
    • On the doors and windows you can accommodate shirms
    • You can use mosquito spirals or other fumigans
    • As soon as it starts to try out, you can wear clothes that closes hands and legs (long sleeves and long pants or skirts). This is especially important for children and pregnant women.

    How does malaria manifest in the early disease

    In places where malaria is common, children are under threat of infection. A child suffering from fever must be immediately examined by a qualified health care worker and must pass proper antimalarium treatment as soon as possible.

    Malaria disease should be assumed if someone from the family members of Malaria or if young children refuse food or detect vomiting, drowsiness or convulsions.

    A child suffering from a fever caused by presumably malaria must pass the immediate antimalarial treatment, somehow recommended by the medical and sanitary officer. If children have a malarious fever, they received treatment during the day, they may die. The health care worker should advise on the optimal type of treatment and its duration.

    A child suffering from malaria must pass a full course of treatment, even if the fever quickly passed. If the treatment is not completed, malaria can pour out in a more severe form and it will be difficult to cure it.

    If the symptoms of malaria are manifested after treatment, the child must be brought to a clinic or hospital to provide medical care. The problem may consist in:

    • The child does not get drugs in sufficient quantities
    • The child has a different disease, different from malaria
    • Malaria is resistant to the action of a medicinal product, it is necessary to use another drug.

    Children suffering from fever need to be cooled as long as the disease should not stop:

    • Wiping with a sponge or bathing in cool (not cold) water
    • There should be a lot of clothes on the child or it should be covered with only one blanket.

    Malaria and pregnancy

    Malaria is very dangerous for pregnant women. In places where malaria is common, pregnant women can warn malaria, taking antimalarial pills recommended by the health care worker.

    Pregnant women are more susceptible to malaria than other women. The disease is a greater danger during pregnancy, especially during the first pregnancy. It can cause human anemia («Blood depletion»), miscarriage, premature childbirth or the birth of a dead fetus. Children born from mothers who suffered with malaria during pregnancy, most often have a lack of body weight and therefore are more susceptible to infections and death in the first year of life.

    Pregnant women should take antimalarial tablets during pregnancy, if such is the recommendation of the doctor.

    Not all antimalarial pills can be safely taken during pregnancy. Medical and sanitary worker will advise what antimalarial pills are optimal.

    Pregnant women need to sleep under mosquito nets, which are regularly processed by insecticide in order to prevent mosquito bites.

    Pregnant women with signs and symptoms of malaria must pass proper and immediate treatment to prevent death.

    Pregnant women, sick malaria, should ask for a medical and sanitary worker supplements of iron and vitamin A.

    Children and malaria

    A child suffering from malaria or recovering, abundant drinking and food is needed.

    Malaria burns energy, and the child loses a large amount of body fluid from then. Child must often offer food and drink in order to prevent defective nutrition and dehydration.

    Frequent breastfeeding prevents dehydration and helps a child in the fight against infections, including with malaria. Children suffering from malaria, need to be fed as often as possible.

    Frequent malaria diseases can slow down the growth of children and the development of their brain, and also often cause anemia. A child who has undergone several malaria diseases must be examined for anemia.

    Malaria Warning - Everyone

    Families and communities can warn malaria, preventing the breeding of mosquitoes.

    Mosquitoes multiply in places where there is standing water - for example, in ponds, swamps, puddles, pits, ditches and wet grass and bushes. They, in addition, can multiply along the streams and in containers and water tanks, as well as on rice fields.

    The number of mosquitoes can be reduced in the following ways:

    • Falling or draining water collection sites
    • Cover with capacitance capacities and water tanks
    • Cleaning from shrubs around houses.

    Malaria is reflected on all. Everyone should work together to reduce mosquito breeding places and organizing regular treatment of mosquito nets insecticide. Communities should be called on all health workers and political leaders to help prevent malaria and establish control over it.

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