Addison disease: diagnosis and treatment


Addison disease: diagnosis and treatmentAddison disease or hypocorticism — Pretty rare endocrine disease, manifested by the lack of adrenal cortex, when the synthesis of cortisol hormone is significantly reduced. Addison's disease, the diagnosis of which is sometimes difficult due to the fact that patients may not notice the manifestations of its symptoms, both men and women of any age, the most typical manifestations of Nesudg are celebrated at the age of 30-50.

A characteristic feature of hypocorticism is its slow, for months or even years, invisible development. This may continue long enough until stress or severe disease happens, against which the need for glucocorticoids increases.

Symptoms of Addison's disease, their manifestation

Signs of Addison's illness manifest themselves very multifaceted and brightly draw a clinical picture of the patient's state. First of all, these are chronic muscle weakness and fatigue, a noticeable weight loss due to the lack of appetite. Often arises nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain against low blood pressure. As a result of an insurmountable thrust to acidic and salted food, there is a strong thirst with the use of a significant amount of fluid, which is manifested by an excessive amount of urine. The patient becomes an irritable, hot-tempered, dissatisfied world around, he has paresthesia and sensitivity disturbance, right up to paralysis. There is a low blood glucose and an increased amount of eosinophils, dehydration — Dehydration of the body, tremor hands and heads, tachycardia, anxiety and inner concern. A characteristic feature is a brown raid on his teeth and language due to the deficiency of iron in the body, which made it possible to call this disease «Bronze» — It occurs uneven distribution of melanin pigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes to form spotty, especially on thin skin, lip mucosa and nipples.

There are cases when the symptoms of the addison disease occur and develop very quickly, such a condition is called addisonic crisis, which is very dangerous for patients in the case of late diagnosis of the disease or insufficient dose of corticosteroids during therapy.

Any acute disease or injury can lead to adrenal crisis, a significant blood loss, the operation can also exacerbate adrenal insufficiency. In addition, this exacerbation is possible from those patients who do not suffer from Addison's disease and is treated for a long time with hormonal drugs due to other diseases. Symptoms of the crisis manifest themselves sudden pain in the legs, abdomen and lower back, vomiting, diarrhea, a sharp decrease in pressure leading to the development of shock and loss of consciousness. At this time, there is a decrease in blood glucose and acute psychosis.

About the causes of Addison's disease

About the causes of Addison's diseaseAddison's disease may occur if the adrenal bark itself is affected, or under central hormonal insufficiency, when the front proportion of the pituitary is low the amount of adrenocorticotropic hormone.

Among the causes of the disease should first note the autoimmune lesion, tuberculosis infection, poisoning of chemicals, the effects of hormone therapy, sarcoidosis, adrenal tumors, amyloidosis, syphilis and HIV infection.

DIAGNOSTIC DIAGNOSTIC METHODS include computed tomography and x-ray examination of the abdominal organs, assessing the hormonal status.

Treatment consists in emergency replacement hormone therapy with the appointment of hydrocortisone in an individual dose, a course of disintellation and supporting drug therapy in combination with rational healing nutrition. Diet includes a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins. The food diet involves the introduction of a sufficient amount of salt, up to 20 g per day in dishes from fish, meat and boiled vegetables, excluding potatoes and legumes, nuts and mushrooms. Dried fruits are appropriately replaced by decoction of rosehip, black currant, refrain from the use of coffee, cocoa, chocolate. With timely and adequate treatment in compliance with all recommendations, the forecast is regarded as favorable.

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