Phytotherapy for hepatitis


  • Life with many prohibitions
  • Hepatitis phytotherapy content
  • Hepatitis phytatitis.
  • The use of herbal juice.

  • Life with many prohibitions

    Treatment of chronic hepatitis, wherever and anyone would be made, how medicines would be used - «folk» or official medicine, is always carried out comprehensively. Each element of such treatment is important in its own way.

    So except our traditional: «Advance with doctors» - We recommend to adhere to the principle of a comprehensive approach in the treatment, sufficient duration, medical accompaniment and control. This will answer the main commandment: «Do no harm». In hepatology (the science of the liver and its diseases) distinguish sharp and chronic hepatitis. They can be viral and non-liberate. The latter are divided into toxic (aggressive liquids, heavy metals, fertilizers, medicines, food preservatives and.) and reactive (accompanying the course of a number of diseases). The most common chronic hepatitis of viral and other origin, hepatosis and dystrophy of this body. From these diseases dies ten times more people than from HIV. Therefore, we focus on the recommendations for the treatment of hepatitis. Especially since these recommendations are shown almost with all types of hepatitis.

    If you suffer from one of the forms of hepatitis, then nutrition is undoubtedly an important component of comprehensive treatment.

    In the liver, neutralization of toxic and dangerous substances. This feature is broken when it is inflammation. Therefore, it should be avoided by the use of products that will have to neutralize, as the load on this authority increases. We are talking about spices, vinegar, salt, alcohol, fried products, abundant, fat, hard-fledged food. On the contrary, carbohydrates (honey, fruit, juices, fruits), alkaline mineral waters - facilitate the work of the liver and help it function. Ecurately follows in 5-6 receptions during the day, and the amount of 1 serving should not exceed 200 grams.

    In the nutrition of such patients, various vegetable oils are widely represented, bran - in the form of decoctions, non-acidic vegetables and fruits, nettle, rosehip, eggs, grapes, low-fat cottage cheese, honey and bees (pollen, Perga, Radub), oatmeal, buckwheat, soy (except for sauce) and fermented milk products, low-fat boiled meat varieties.

    Unconditional observance of these nutrition principles, patients adhere to the exacerbation of hepatitis, which is duration of 1.5-2.5 months. In some cases, these rules are recommended to abide by years (aggressively flowing viral hepatitis).

    Hepatitis phytotherapy content

    The use of herbs is an important component of complex treatment of the disease and is carried out with different degrees of intensity, with the change of grafts of herbs, tinctures and plant juices. Treatment at first glance is quite complex and time consuming, but the recovered liver health compensates for all your «difficulties».

    Phytotherapy for hepatitisIn my medical practice personally, I prefer multicomponent harvesting of herbs, which allows, picking up the composition for a specific patient, to use it for a long time. The more difficult the composition, the longer it can be taken in patients. This makes it possible to change the composition at different stages of therapy, translate the patient to simplified fees or monofext (tea from one to two plants). The collection of collecting is dictated by the fact that the patient besides hepatitis, as a rule, there are other concomitant diseases. Yes, and the tasks of collecting are quite wide - it is necessary to reduce intoxication, inflammation, increase the bore, to remove spasms in the bile system, reduce pain, reduce the number of dying liver cells and restore those of them that retain even viability. With toxic hepatitis, it is important to associate heavy metals or other aggressive agent and remove it from the body, to reduce autoimmune (rejecting your own tissues) processes. With viral and bacterial - weaken or stop viral and microbial aggression. And this is another incomplete list of tasks that must be solved with the help of herbs.

    So what to do? Of course, it is very difficult to propose a scheme of the phytitutication of hepatitis for all occasions, especially since I repeat, they are usually burdened by concomitant diseases. Nevertheless, I offer several schemes. Patient somewhat. Hepatitis suffers. Related diseases: hypertensive disease (10 years), obesity II degree, colitis.

    Harvesting Herbs No. 1: Flowers of immortelle, dandelion, mint, chicory root, birch leaf, yarrow ~ in equal weight proportions.
    Herbs sift through a colander; The remaining large parts are crushed in a meat grinder, a mortar or coffee grinder and mix with sifted collection. 1 Art.A spoonful of collection to put in 0.5 l of cold water, heat up to a boil in a closed vessel from glass, steel or ceramics and boil 5-7 minutes. Let it stand up to 1 hour and strain.

    In the resulting infusion, add 1 teaspoon of the tincture of the Donnik - 1: 5 (or repaint, yarrow, etc.), 1 st.Spoon of plantain juice (or cleanliness, lingers, etc.) and honey.

    Take 100 ml (half a compartment) 4 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals after receiving floral pollen and spirulina. Course treatment - 2 months.

    Bee Flower Pollen - 1 teaspoon in the morning and afternoon; Check out (dissolve) and putting up herriages for 20-30 minutes before meals.

    Spirulina with nine-day - 2 tablets 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals: Check out, putting the herbs with.

    Walnut Oil (or Pumpkin) - 1 Tea Spoon 3 times a day - on bread or food while eating.

    Warmer on the liver - for the night, for 30-40 minutes -¦ 15 days in a row and 15 more every other day.

    Hepatitis was accompanied by pain in the liver area, then the collection is added; Upon weekly chamomile, three-lines watch, cleanly (or one of these plants), increase the fraction of mint assembly. Take such a combination of herbs before the disappearance of pain plus one week.
    In cases where the disease is accompanied by mass death of hepatic cells (high level of hepatic factors in the blood), it is advisable that in the collection of the donor drug (up to 20% of the total weight of the collection). This grass improves blood microcirculation, dissipates inflammatory foci, accelerates the regeneration of the hepatic cell, reduces blood pressure in hypertensive, blood coagulation, enhances the contractile function of the heart muscle.

    Make a break in the treatment in voices - 2-3 months.

    In the collection of herbs № 2: Birch leaf, St. John's wort, a thousand goldenbread, the root of Barbaris - for 1 WEIGHT, Rosehip fruits - 3 parts, add to 1 weight of the flower of elderberry black, eucalyptus leaf, daisy colors, linden colors - if the disease flows With elevated temperature, expressed symptoms of inflammation (blood painting, accompanying inflammation).

    If hepatitis proceeds with the damage to the pancreas (hepatopancatitis) and the violation of its exemplary function (gases, poor digestibility of food), then in the collection should be attended: the root of the dandelion, the seeds of the coriander, cleanliness, pyrhem, nine - 5-10% of each of the total weight Collection.

    In the same period, patients take digestive enzymes during food (Festal, Panzinorm, and DR. - 1 -2 tablets 3-4 times a day).

    Harves in this case do not use - pancreas loves cold.

    With a concomitant colitis, the collection number 3 from chamomile, licorice, rebel - 1 part, Hypericum, clean region, mint - 2 parts, yarrow, plantain - 3 parts, root of burdock and flax seed - 0,5 parts. After the preparation of infusion is added 1 st. Spoon of plantain juice (or Hypericum, turn, rebel), 1 h.Spoon of propolis tincture (or Calgana, Pijmas, dandelion, nine), 1 st.spoonful of honey and take 100 ml 4-5 times a day before meals 1-1.5 months. .

    In severe cases, when hepatitis proceeds, with edema, rationally fee add diuretic herbs with heart properties - spring horizon (add 1 h.spoonful grass in welding), hawthorn flowers or parsley seeds, or astragal, or a field of field, or floor palu (last - 2-3 teaspoons in welding).

    Well showed itself in hepatitis of any origin, cholecystitis, cirrhosis, fat degeneration of the liver, accompanying pancreatitis complex fee, consisting of: Barbaris roots, Valerians, nine, burdock, licorice; Mint's herbs, millennials, yarrow, liners; Inflorescences of Pijmas; Edge Pallets Sunflower; chamomile colors; fruits of coriander, dill - all at 0.5 weights; The inflorescences of immortals, cornflowers, dandelion root, herbs shepherd bags, plantain, dispatcher, donel, drying, horsetail, Chernobyl, Celebre - all in 1 weight; Herbus herbs, nettle, rebel, crushed rosehip berries - all 2 parts.

    Mix all the components, sift through the colander, the remaining major parts to grind and mix with the sifted fees. 0.5 liters of water take 1 tablespoon of collection, heated to a boil and boil 5-7 minutes, insist 1 hour. Focus. Add 1 Article.spoonful of honey, 1 dessert spoon of juice (or cleanly, repaint, yarrow, etc.); 1 teaspoon mint tincture (or chamomile, calendula, etc.). Take 100 ml 3-4 times a day before meals, and the residue is at night.

    This formulation is checked for years, several thousand patients were treated by it. It is also suitable for prevention, but in smaller doses.

    In some cases, I recommend taking this collection for the whole family or even a team of employees of one organization. In addition to the main liver (therapeutic and protective) action, the collection is effective in atherosclerosis, ischemic disease, weakened immunite, to remove salts (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis), flu, for cleansing, to maintain the body when aging.

    The use of herbal juice

    In conclusion, a few words about the preparation of herbal juices. They are a very important component of treatment. And not only, by the way, hepatitis - many diseases.

    In our family, juices are prepared on honey. The grass is passed through the meat grinder, pressed and mixed with honey 1: 1. In this form, it can be stored in the refrigerator up to the year.

    Here, actually, and all. I emphasize once again: I have given recipes - not only for the treatment of liver. Not only therapeutic general. They are good and as preventive. In combination with juice, tincture, bee products (honey, pollen, perga, propolis, uterine milk), rational food, healthy lifestyle they will make your life much richer and happier. Close, friends, neighbors, familiar will follow your example, and the number of healthy people will increase.
    We wish you all health and happiness.

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