All about Listeriosis


  • What is lemaryiosis
  • Ways of infection of letteriosis
  • Symptoms of Listeriosis
  • Diagnosis of Listeriosis
  • Treatment of sheetsteriosis
  • Prevention of lottery

  • What is lemaryiosis

    Listeriosis is little known in practical health care, although
    The story of his study has more than 100 years. This infection
    occurs on all continents, in countries with different
    socio-economic and climatic conditions. She's well
    Known veterinarians, t.To. distributed mainly among wild and
    Pets and relatively rarely affects man.

    Rare messages about lesteriosis in humans are connected with a small number
    Practical laboratories capable of separating sheets or detect
    Antibodies to Ne. Despite the relatively low incidence
    of man, cases of fatal outcomes in cases are registered often,
    And among newborns - even in 70-80%.

    The greatest danger is lisheriosis for pregnant women, since
    It leads to the unbearable of the fetus, stillbirth, premature
    childbirth and early mortality of newborns. In addition to pregnant I
    newborns, lickeriosis most often amazes the elderly people and
    senile age, which are registered the most severe forms
    Diseases - Septic and MeningoEncephalitical. Also often sick
    People of all ages with impairment impaired, weakened by others
    preceding diseases. These are primarily people suffering
    oncological diseases, infection caused by the virus
    immunodeficiency (AIDS, HIV infection), persons who have received a long time
    Corticosteroid drugs, funds depressing immunity when
    Transplant organs and tissues. In recent years, the risk category complements
    A large group of young people - drug addicts, dependent on intravenous
    Input drugs, significantly destroying the immune system. In all
    These cases joining Listeriosis is often the last
    in the link leading to death.

    All about Listeriosis
    The causative agent is Listeria Monocytogenes - small moving
    Warm, not forming a dispute and well-painted by the method of gram.
    It belongs to the Corinbacteria group, among which the most famous
    diphtheria stick, so bacteriologists often originally
    diagnose lestery as a dipteroid (t.E. similar diphtheria) and only in
    As a result of additional studies, these bacteria distinguish between
    by himself.

    Listeria has a harness that helps in its movements can form
    Capsule and parasitize inside cells. It is able to multiply with
    4-6°With in soil, water, on plants, food products. Therefore, lemary
    Can accumulate when storing products in home refrigerators,
    When many other bacteria are dying or stop multiply and not
    Competitions for a significant increase in microbial mass
    Lishery. Such a feature of microbes explains the common
    Lishery name as «Microbe refrigerator». In this regard, storage
    contaminated food in refrigerators does not prevent, and often,
    on the contrary, contributes to letteriosis in humans in the absence of additional
    Processing such products. Similarly, the salinity of vegetables, dairy
    and meat products that are detrimental to many microbes helps
    The reproduction of licenses withstanding 6-20% of the concentration of cook salt.

    At the same time, they quickly die at boiling temperatures, although when
    62°From dying only after 35 min. But even a high temperature of sheets
    can carry, being inside cells or tissues. So, in Canada and
    A number of European countries have observed outbreaks of food sheets,
    caused by the use of pasteurized milk, which is pre-
    not centrifuged, and leasery survived in single leukocytes and
    epithelial cells detected in sediment after centrifugation.
    On open surfaces, ordinary disinfectants (formalin,
    Chlorine lime), as well as sun rays, cause their death.

    Ways of infection of letteriosis

    The most frequent infection occurs when patients with animals and
    Bird or with the use of infected animal products
    origin or vegetable polluted animal discharges or
    Soil - the usual habitat of licenses. Among such products
    Salads made of raw cabbage, soft cheeses are the greatest danger,
    Meat semi-finished products, including birds. Raw meat and meat
    Products can be infected at 30-50%. The possibility of infection
    Liseriosis increases significantly in cases of professional communications
    man with animals, bird or raw materials. Therefore, workers
    Livestock farms, poultry farm, meat processing plants, dairy,
    Foodstuffs and others make up a risk group.

    Although the nutritional path of penetration of the leasery in the human body is
    the main one should not forget that they can be implemented and others
    paths - air-dust through the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract,
    through the eye conjunctiva and damaged skin. Sick man
    or a bacteria carrier separating sheets with urine, feces, vaginal
    and other secrets is often also a source of infection.
    Especially dangerous asymptomatic carriers or faces, having lighters and
    erased (clinically not pronounced) forms of illness. In recent years
    Long-term foundation of licenses in organs and secrets
    urinary tract. As a result, infection is transmitted from
    Mother fetal intrauterine (via placenta) or infection
    newborn during childbirth. Future infection can occur in any
    the term of pregnancy, but most often it happens to the last
    Third of her. Rigorities and newborns can highlight the pathogen in
    The current of the first two weeks after delivery. So they often can be
    the source of nosocomial lesteriosis in non-compliance with hygiene measures and
    insufficient disinfection of patients.

    Due to the widespread distribution of lesteries in the surrounding person
    Environment and opportunities to pass by erased and light disease forms
    Natural susceptibility to sheets of low, and, as indicated,
    In addition to newborn and pregnant women, mostly people are sick
    years, as well as having a deficit of cellular factors immunity. Liseriosis
    Usually observed in the spring-summer period, more often as sporadic
    Diseases. Group morbidity and epidemic outbreaks
    Conducted mainly by the use of grained letters
    Food products.

    Symptoms of Listeriosis

    Liseriosis is characterized by a variety of clinical manifestations,
    Disease flow and outcome options. Incubation period, t.E. Time Ot
    infection before the first signs of the disease, also differently - from
    3-5 days in newborns up to 2 months, but most often in food
    Infeit it is 2-3 weeks.

    In most cases, a gastroenteritic form is registered,
    which is manifested by nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea usually
    Against the background of increasing body temperature up to 38-39°WITH. Listeriosis can
    limit to the specified symptomatics, however, in 3-4 days
    The patient's condition suddenly deteriorates sharply and signs are determined
    The lesions of the central nervous system (CNS) in the form of meningitis,
    Encephalitis or their combinations.

    About lesteriosis should first be thought in case of development
    meningitis in persons over 50 years old, after the preceding gastroenteritis, and
    Also in persons suffering from the lymphoma who have undergone a transplant of organs or
    receiving corticosteroids. Although in general the clinical course of meningitis
    is quite typical, there are some features,
    characterizing it of lemary nature. Unlike meningitis,
    caused by other bacteria, when ledieriosis is more often noted
    Cramps, coordination disorder movements, tremor, violation
    mental state. Muscle rigidity Could not be determined
    almost half of the patients, changes in the spinal cerebral fluid not so
    significant, as with other purulent meningitis.

    Listeriosis meningitis, as a rule, are combined with simultaneous
    damage to the substance of the brain, t.E. In fact, are meningoencephalitis,
    In all cases, it is extremely difficult and in 25-30% of cases
    End in a fatal outcome.

    All about Listeriosis
    Another form of damage to the central nervous system during lesteriosis
    are brain abscesses that are usually subcortical, also
    often end the death or serious complications in the form of parares,
    paralysis, psyche violations. In most cases, the lesions of the central nervous system of litteria is found in patients in the blood, and often in the spinal
    Liquid, T.E. There is a septic form of lumberiosis. Last
    can also manifest with purulent foci in various organs, and then
    Endocardits, pericardits, peritonitis, osteomyelitis are diagnosed,
    pleuropneumonia, liver abscesses, spleen and t.D. In all these cases
    Ozbins are marked, significant fluctuations in body temperature, increase
    Liver, spleen, often develops septic shock with secondary
    renal failure disseminated intravascular
    blood coagulation, respiratory failure, which is in aggregate and
    causes fatal outcome.

    Much lighter, letteriosis takes place in pregnant women, who have, how
    The rule does not affect the central system, usually resembles an acute respiratory
    infection and accompanied by increasing temperature, pain in muscles,
    Sustaines, lower back pain. Recall that I can not
    a serious threat to the life of pregnant women, lickeriosis is extremely dangerous
    For the development of the fetus, leading to stillbirth and premature birth.
    Since the disease is usually developing in recent months of pregnancy,
    When the fruit has already formed, its septic lesion is accompanied by
    MicroBscesses and specific formations (granulomas) in
    Placet, liver and fruit spleen. If the child is born alive, then
    It is observed purulent conjunctivitis, papulese common
    rash, bacteremia, are affected by the main organs and systems, making it
    non-viable for 2-3 days.

    If letteriosis did not have time to hit the placenta and fetal infection
    happened during childbirth, then part of children without the development of sepsis through
    2-3 weeks are diagnosed with meningitis or meningoenefalitis with heavy

    Diagnosis of Listeriosis

    Diagnosis of Listeriosis is significant difficulties in connection with
    the variety of clinical manifestations and similarity with a number of other more
    Of frequently found diseases (toxoplasmosis, syphilis, herpes,
    cytomegalovirus, staphylococcal infection, yersiniosis and t.D.).
    So the diagnosis can not be installed only on the basis of
    Clinical picture. Anamnese data, including epidemiological,
    in combination with the characteristic clinic allow only to assume
    Liseriosis. To confirm the diagnosis, laboratory must
    study of blood, stool, urine, patient discharge, which
    lies in the detection of leveria or in serum
    Specific antibodies whose level increases in the dynamics of the disease.

    Treatment of sheetsteriosis

    Listery treatment is not always successful, t.To. Diagnosis usually
    It is established late, and the rasery is characteristic of rapid spread
    and the defeat of the central nervous system where drug access is difficult. Among antibiotics
    most effectively suppress ampicillin lierys, which is in heavy
    Cases are prescribed in combination with gentamicin or Biseptol. Treatment
    must be long (up to 6 weeks) in cases of sepsis,
    meningoencephalitis or brain abscesses. Since lemaryiosis is developing,
    As a rule, on the background of immune failure, the appointment is shown
    Immunocorrorizing drugs: Imunofane, Timalin, myelopid,
    Immunoglobulins and T.D. In the complex therapy of lumberiosis used
    Disinfection solutions, dehydrating agents (mannitol,
    Furymid), blood plasma, symptomatic means.

    Prevention of lottery

    The prevention of lumberiosis is to carry out veterinary and sanitary
    and sanitary and hygienic events in settlements, in
    livestock farms and product processing enterprises
    animal origin. Anti-epidemic events
    Provide a separate content of raw and ready-to-use
    Products, mandatory heat treatment of meat and dairy dishes,
    Bacteriological examination of food workers, agro-industrial
    complexes, meat and dairy plants.

    Pregnant or persons from a risk group must be removed from work,
    associated with the care of animals or the raw materials obtained from them and
    Products. They should beware of consuming raw or not enough
    Termically treated dairy and meat products, as well as unwashed and
    Subjected to peeling vegetables. For the prevention of lickeriosis
    Newborn pregnant women with unfavorable obstetric history
    subject to mandatory survey on lickeriosis. When identifying them
    bacterida or local infection they are treated
    Antibiotics. Generalized Listeriosis infection is
    Indication for abortion.

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