Heat. Most of the population of our not hot country was waiting for her, many wanted to warm up and fry in the sun. And here it came, and many are surprised to notice that it is also easy to get sick at such a heat as in the cold season. In this article we will talk about the causes of summer colds, ways to prevent them and treat.

In order not to get sick at such a beautiful season, it suffices to comply with simple recommendations. Try to protect yourself from all sorts of drafts. If you have air conditioning in the office, sit so that you do not blow. Car air conditioning is better to use as much as possible. To not blocked on the road, open the windows of the car on one side. In public transport, do not sit down at the open window. Ice drinks do not drink immediately - let me warm up a drink and cool - yourself. After overheating in the sun, do not hurry to immediately rush into the cold water, to start cool down in the shade.
As you can see, nothing complicated: avoiding sudden drops of temperatures, you protect against summer colds.
At the first symptoms of colds: sore throat, plow and weaknesses, take the drug with antiviral action. For example, Anaferon. It is recommended for prevention, and for the treatment of sharp respiratory viral infections (which are called in everyday life «cold»). Anaferon's action mechanism is based on the incentive of the body's immune response. As a result, antibodies are produced, destroying viruses and accelerating the process of recovery. Children's form of the drug - Anaferon Children - recommended even the smallest, medicine can be given to the kids, starting from monthly age.
Treatment must be started at the very first symptoms of colds. Start S «shock» Doses of Anaferon - 1 tablet every 30 minutes during the first 2 hours. Then take another 3 tablets for a day. As a result, you will get 8 tablets on the first day of treatment. From the second day, take 3 tablets per day. Treatment lasts 5-7 days or until complete recovery. Note that the pills should not be swallowed, but to dissolve. It is convenient, especially if you are in the way or in the office - do not need to search than to keep the tablet.
Many prefer to treat light shapes independently. However, in some cases, we still have to see a doctor. The reason can be: severe throat pain and appearance of plaque and films, high temperature, cough, chest pain, abundant sweating. In the treatment of a cold, it is better to show excessive foresight than to miss the beginning of a more serious disease.
We wish you a good summer!