

anthraxSiberian ulcer refers to acute infectious diseases. It is manifested by characteristic ulcerative-necrotic lesions of the skin and in rare cases of sepsis with the lesion of the liver, lungs and intestines. Early this zoonotic disease was epidemiological, but with the development of medicine and sanitary and epidemiological service, it was rarely manifested by individual outbreaks.

The cause of this disease — Siberian chopstick. It can penetrate the human or animal organism or form infectious foci in the soil. Currently, the cases of Siberian ulcers are associated with professional features: this infection is transmitted to a person from an infected animal or through its skin. This occurs when interacting with infected animals, separating infected carcasses and contact with fur or skin of such an animal. In the soil, the pathogen of the Siberian ulcers can be maintained for several years, and it is possible to infected the contamination of a siberiaspic stick in the body through scratches and other microtraums. You can get sick of the Siberian ulcer, using infected meat or inhaling the disputes of the causative agent of this disease.

A variety of forms and symptoms of Siberian ulcers

The form of Siberian ulcers depends on the method of infection. This disease, it is customary to allocate skin and generalized forms of manifestation.

Skin shape is the most common, it has its own varieties: carbunculosis, edematous and bullous.

A variety of forms and symptoms of Siberian ulcersCarbunculosis variety of skin is found more often. In place of deployment of the pathogen, painless redness is formed, quickly turning into papula, somewhat towering over the skin, which, in turn, goes into vesicula. This process is accompanied by itching and burning, and when combing it was burst and a dark brown ulcer is formed. On the contour of ulcers appear «Daughter» Vesiculi and secondary ulcers. Necrosis develops with the formation of stakes, in the zone of which the patient ceases to feel pain — This is important when diagnosing Siberian ulcers. The final education on the skin was called «carbuncle». The carbuncular variety is accompanied by a shapeless swelling, intoxication of the organism and an increase in temperature, and in the future sharp decline.

Edenatous variety is rarely found, characterized by the lack of carbuncule at the initial stage of the disease and more severe development.

Feature of bullous variety — Bubbles with bleeding content at the site of infection.

The generalized form of Siberian ulcers includes pulmonary, intestinal and septic varieties:

  1. The pulmonary variety is characteristic of a sharp field of illness with chills, increasing temperature, redness of the eyes and a runny nose. It is possible to death, if you do not take timely action.
  2. In the intestinal variety, the patient experiences pain in the area of ​​the stomach, characteristic of general intoxication, diarrhea and vomiting. Infectious and toxic shock can lead to death.
  3. Septic variety is characterized by a sharp increase in intoxication, hemorrhages and brain sheath damage.

Treatment of Siberian ulcers

The treatment of Siberian ulcers is carried out comprehensively with the help of antibacterial agents, penicillin and specific immunoglobulin. In cases of individual intolerance of Penicillin, it is recommended to apply tetracycline or erythromycin. Aseptic dressings are recommended for skin uniform. During septic form, LEVOMYSETSETIN AND GENTAMICINE.

People susceptible to the risk of contamination by Siberian ulcers make preventive vaccinations of a symbolized alive dry vaccine. The profession of risk of infection with this infection includes veterinarians, workers of meat processing plants and enterprises for processing leather raw materials and wool.

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