Treatment of infections caused by a blue rod


  • Treatment of syneganic infections
  • Forecast in the treatment of copyright infections

  • Treatment of syneganic infections

    Usually, with infections caused by a blue-mall, one or more antibacterial drugs are prescribed to which the pathogen is sensitive. Outdoor otitis and pseudomonade folliculitis of antibacterial therapy do not require.

    Treatment of infections caused by a blue rod
    In relation to the sysegnaist sticks are active aminoglycosides, some cephalosporins of the third and
    fourth generation, some penicillins of a wide range of action, carbapenes, monobactams and

    The activity of various drugs in relation to different types of the cinema stick may not coincide,
    their pharmacokinetic properties and their pharmacokinetic properties, therefore, even the drugs of the same group are not always equal to theffective and interchangeable.

    On the other hand, some types of cinema sticks possess cross-resistant to
    Antibiotics of different groups.

    Starting treatment, proceed from what antibacterial drugs are usually sensitive
    Singny sticks in this hospital. After determining the sensitivity of the selected strain, the scheme of antibacterial therapy clarify. In severe and threatening life, infections are prescribed
    At the same time, two drugs to which the pathogen is sensitive. Using several minutes
    preparations seek to achieve reinforcing bactericidal action, strengthen useful
    Pharmacological properties of each of the drugs and compensate for their flaws, warn
    Development of the resistance of the pathogen.

    The acute and lightning course of infection requires the appointment of maximum doses of antibiotics.

    If the localization of the infectious focus is such that drugs penetrate it badly (for example,
    Central nervous system or heart), use ultrahigh dose.

    With sluggish, inclined to self-esteem or chronic infections (chronic non-hematogenic
    osteomyelitis, necrotic outdoor otitis) can be enough of one drug. However, to eradicate infection, it must be applied for a long time.

    In the infections of the lower urinary tract sometimes there is a fairly short course of treatment with one

    In general, the duration of antibacterial therapy depends on the form, localization and severity
    Infections, as well as from the initial reaction to treatment and other individual characteristics.
    Chronic infections often require long-term treatment (for many weeks and even
    months), especially with extensive damage to the tissues, the presence of foreign bodies or prostheses and
    Impossibility to achieve a high concentration of antibiotic in a focus of infection. With acute infections
    Antibacterial therapy less long.

    Of particular difficulty is the treatment of a chronic pulmonary infection caused by a cynical stick in patients with fibrous acid. With exacerbations, antibacterial therapy, no doubt improve the patient's condition. A more active tactic is to carry out periodic courses of antibacterial therapy, which slows down the progression of the disease. Importing treatment element - regular release of respiratory tract from sputum and mucus. Effective periodically conducted by bronchoalveolar lavage. In some cases, the use of antibiotics in aerosols is useful. Finally, with a severe progressive pulmonary infection caused by a blue rod, the lung transplantation is successfully used.

    With different infections caused by a blue rod, along with antibacterial therapy, a bluegenic bacteriophage is often used, which is a virus, active in relation to the cinema stick. An important condition for effective phagening therapy is the preliminary determination of the phagezensitivity of the pathogen.
    Depending on the nature of the focus of infection, the bluegenic bacteriophage is used: local in the form of irrigation, lotions and tamponation; in the cavity - pleural, abdominal, articular; through the catheter in the bladder; in the cavity of the vagina, uterus; Inside and rectally. Course of treatment 5-15 days. With the recurrent course of the disease, repeated treatment courses are possible. You can produce combination treatment in combination with antibiotics. Treatment with a syneganic bacteriophage does not exclude the use of other drugs.

    In case of infections caused by a blue rod, along with antibacterial therapy, surgical intervention is sometimes required. It is necessary in the presence of prostheses, foreign bodies, necrotized tissues in the infectious foam (with necrotic outer ottitis, sometimes with chronic osteomyelitis and osteochondritis). Localized global accumulations (arthritis of the breast-clearable joint, brain abscess, endophthalmite) require drainage, endocarditis of left sections of the heart - valve prosthetics, colon perforation (with necrotic enterocolitis) - laparotomy and gut resection. Surgical intervention may be required when obstruction of urinary tract, developed against the background of infection.

    Forecast in the treatment of copyright infections

    All infection caused by the syseganic stick can be treated and curable, for
    Except, perhaps, chronic pulmonary infection in patients with fibrousosis. However, their spectrum is so wide that neither the nearest nor long-term forecast may be the same. In one pole there are sharp and lightning infections - septic pneumonia, sepsis, burn sepsis and meningitis, mortality in which is extremely high, even on the background of full-fledged treatment, on another pole - sluggish chronic infections, including chronic non-hematogenous osteomyelitis, necrotic otitis, chronic Pulmonary infection in patients with fibrosis. They do not always pose a direct threat to life, but difficult to treat.

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