General information about the drug
Cavinton can be called a preparation with a wide range of action. Many studies conducted in different countries confirm its positive properties.
Cavinton is produced in the form of three dosage forms:
- Tablets - they are flat, round, white, not smell, with chamfer and engraving «Cavinton», performed on one of the parties. Packaging contains 50 tablets.
The active substance of Cavinton - Vinpocetin, it is present in each tablet 5 mg. Auxiliary substances use: magnesium stearate, colloidal silica anhydrous, lactose, starch, talc. - Tablet «forte» - They have a disc shape, white, their edges are beveled. On one side there is risk, and on the other - the inscription «10 Mg». In one tablet Cavinton Forte contains vinpocetin not 5 mg (as in the usual Cavinton), and 10 mg (that is, twice as many). Auxiliary substances for their production are taken as previously named earlier. 30 or 90 tablets can be placed in the package.
- Solution for infusion introduction - in ampoules is transparent, colorless (or a little greenish) solution. Each ampoule contains 2 ml of liquid, Vinpocetina in it 10 mg. Auxiliary components: water for injection, ascorbic and wine-stone acid, alcohol benzyl, sodium metabisulfit, sorbitol. 10 ampoules present in the package.
Vinpocetin is a substance synthesized by artificially, which is an analogue of Devincan (alkaloid). In nature, this substance was found in the Plant Barwin. Barwinka ability to liquidate spasms medicine was known for a long time. Preparations containing this alkaloid were created, they were used to reduce the blood pressure, while stilling and soothing effect. In the future, it was noticed that the Devinan gives good results in patients with problems with brainwood. Based on the data and facts, pharmacologists have created a drug Cavinton, it is synonymous with Vinpocetin. They are issued by various manufacturers firms.

These drugs showed a vasodilator action (as the smooth muscles relax). They improve the blood supply to the brain, help cells located there, better absorb oxygen and glucose. They are also able to improve the rheological properties of blood, that is, its fluidity, braking the bonding (aggregation) of platelets. Endowed with antioxidant properties.
When Cavinton is prescribed?
Cavinton is used in multiple areas of medicine.
- In neurology at:
- acute or chronic insufficiency of blood supply of the brain (acute Stroke, transitory Ischemia, post-insforces, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain, vascular dementia, vertebro-basilar insufficiency, encephalopathy (hypertensive and post-traumatic));
- Mental and neurological disorders in suffering from cerebrovascular failure (forgetfulness, Dizziness, headaches, motor disorders, violations of speech, targeted actions and movements).
- In ophthalmology with vascular pathologies of the eyes:
- retina angiosphasis or vascular shell;
- thrombosis (arterial, venous) or embolios;
- atherosclerosis;
- degenerative changes in the retina, yellow stain, vascular shell;
- Secondary glaucoma.
- In LOR-Practice - with a decrease in hearing (age-related, vascular or toxic genesis), cochleto-baulous neurutication, Meniere diseases, vase gential manifestations Klimaksa In women, dizziness, noise in the ears (labyrinth origin).
How to take Cavinton?
Dosage and duration of application depend on the disease and condition of the patient, they are determined by the doctor. Tablets swallow after eating, drinking water. The dosage can be from one to two tablets (5 mg of Vinpocetina) three times a day. Cavinton Forte Dosage may be doubled. Duration of treatment from 1 to 8 months. If the drug is canceled, then the dosage is reduced gradually for three days.
Ampoules are used for administration to Vienna drip, they are pre-dissolved in the solution for infusion. The dose and the rate of administration is set and calculated by the attending physician. Droppers make from 10 to 21 days. Then the patient usually continues the reception of Cavinton in the form of tablets. If hemorrhagic type stroke, then introduction to the vein is allowed only after 5-7 days from the date of attack when sharp phenomena disappear. For the introduction of the muscle, the solution is not recommended.
Do Cavinton appoint children?
MirSets immediately want to note that specialists have several opinions about whether Cavinton can be given to children. Some categorically against them to treat children whose age is less than 18 years. They motivate his point of view in that it is not entirely known as a children's body can respond to the reception of this medicine. Other children's doctors believe that Cavinton should be given to children suffering from hearing loss, encephalopathy, Hypoxia, The consequences of generic injuries. This tool can help restore, adjust the health of the brain, improve the rumor, attention, the memorization process. Sometimes Cavinton doctors use to prevent convulsive syndrome from those kids that suffered a brain injury. If Cavinton wrote your child to your child, then you can give it, strictly observing the dosage and other instructions of the doctor.
Side effects
Our site wants to warn that sometimes with the treatment of Cavinton, such unwanted effects are possible as:
- Frying in the oral cavity, heartburn, nausea;
- Strengthening manifestations arrhythmia;
- weakness, sleep disorders, dizziness;
- Redness of the skin, hives.
This medicine cannot be used at:
- severe forms of heart failure, heart rate disorders;
- pregnancy, during breastfeeding period;
- Identify increased sensitivity to drug components.
Cavinton has a positive effect on the processes occurring in brain tissues. At the same time, the drug slows down the formation of some substances, which has a beneficial effect on the state of brain cells, they begin to more effectively lead intracellular exchange. Many physiological processes are activated, conditions are created that allow the brain to cope with the resulting pathology.