Who did not have to consider sheep? Alas, insomnia at least once in his life visited everyone. Everyone knows what painful sometimes it happens. And, meanwhile, the fulfillment of the simplest rules will help to cope with this sleep disorder.
Rule first. Create a favorable surrounding environment for sleep

Rule second. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and tobacco
Drinks and food containing caffeine, such as coffee, tea, soda and chocolate, will stimulate your brain longer than you think.
Alcohol — depressant. Although it sometimes helps to fall asleep, he can cause awakening at night.
Nicotine is also a stimulant and its use before bed it is desirable to avoid, as it stimulates blood circulation.
Rule third. Regularly exercise
Working in the office and doing mental labor, you do not give your body enough work. Those whose work lies in physical work, have less problems with sleep than office workers.
Rule fourth. Make the mode of your sleep
Try to get up and go around at the same time. Even at the weekend. Laying and getting up at the same time, you gradually get used to this.
Rule fifth. Leave your bed for sleep
The bed must serve you for one: for sleep… Good, for two things: for sleep and sex. Many read, work, watch TV, lying on the bed. Your mind should not have any more associations except sleep. Set your mind the installation: «If the bed means to sleep».
Do not watch TV and do not sit at the computer before bedtime. Light from the monitor and TV is similar to the sunlight, so your body seems to be that at the moment the day, not the night.
Also the best way to fall asleep — It get rid of all thoughts. For example, first lie down in bed, «Leave» Conperbate your thoughts on a piece of paper.
Sixth rule. Warm milk and herbal tea
Milk contains calcium, which helps to relax, while its warmth will help you calm down. Also milk contains a tryptophan amino acid, which increases the level of serotonin and melatonin in the blood, which slows brain activity.
But dairy products are not suitable for everyone. Sometimes better drink tea. There are quite a lot of types of herbs that help to sleep: Anis, Fennel, Lavender.
Seventh rule. Relaxation: Massage, Warm Bath and Meditation
There are many ways to relax, but many do not even know about them. You can simply take a warm bath containing a salt cup. Good massage after work can help you restore forces.
Meditation. No, do not cross legs and buzz! Just focus on relaxation. Breathe deep, long breaths. Transcendental meditation technique can show how to introduce into deep peace, reduce the alarm. This is a very effective means against insomnia. The very reading about this technique sees a dream, verified!
Eighth rule. Ritual «Time to sleep!»
A typical model may consist of:
- read a little;
- brush your teeth;
- turn on the fan;
- put alarm clock;
- put alongside the hammer to break the alarm clock in the morning.
After it, doing so every day, you will be easier to fall asleep.
Rule ninth. Do not sleep during the day
If you dare throughout the day, it can say on your nighthood. Therefore, it is important to find the right balance. But if you can't do this, then it's better not to dare at all.
Rule tenth. Do not eat before bedtime
A light snack can help you fall asleep, but not only hard food: she will only harm sleep. Digestion requires a lot of energy, so you will feel the activity.