Good news from the Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology - Over the past year, the number of patients with tuberculosis decreased. Bad news - according to the same specialists, patients with tuberculosis are still a lot, namely - 378 thousand people. Myths about Tuberculosis.

Myth First: Tube
Erkulese only homeless and prisoners are sick
Full nonsense! In Russia, tubed (not sick!) are 95%
Adults! In one or another quantity, the virus is present in each -
just waiting for your o'clock.
More often the disease provokes microbial attack from the outside
- Communication with patients with open form tuberculosis.
Activates sleeping
Koch wand and imminent imminent: stress, smoking, bad nutrition,
Hormonal preparations, chronic diseases.
Myth Second: Tuberculosis is striking only lungs
Tuberculosis affects the lungs in 95% of cases. It can affect any other organ, excluding hair and nails.
Myth Third: it is impossible to cure it!
Partly truth. There is a multiple drug stable form (MDU).
It is celebrated by 8% of the diseased - more often in those who have threw treatment on
halfway. For these, they choose special therapy, but it is not always
Effective. The rest for cure is required until one and a half years.
Myth Fourth: Tuberculosis leads to female infertility
Not always. In rare cases, the tuberculosis of female genital organs really deprives the woman the opportunity to have children.
Myth Fifth: Tuberculosis Called Called Cancer
Not true. Croped tuberculosis is not insurance against malignant tumors. More often, on the contrary, contributes.
Myth Sixth: vaccination against infection can only be done in childhood
People constantly communicating with patients with tuberculosis (lawyers,
Advising defendants in the SIZO, employees of anti-tuberculosis
dispensaries, relatives of the disease, living with him together, and t. D.),
In the absence of contraindications, you can instill from tuberculosis.
It is impossible ourselves - only in a special vaccination office, waiting
The results of the tuberculin sample Mantu. This test will show, do not sleep in
The body infectious microbes. With a negative result, possibly,
Specialists will solve anti-tuberculosis vaccination. With positive
Reactions If necessary, may assign chemoprophylaxis.
Myth Seventh: All patients with tuberculosis are contagious
The source of infection is patients with an open or active form
pulmonary tuberculosis (there are 14 forms of tuberculosis). More often
They are infected with airborne droplets: when coughing, sneezing, conversation
The patient highlights a sputum with tuberculosis microbacterium. Less often infection
transmitted through home utensils.