Dysentery in children up to year


Dysentery in children up to yearDanger
infection with this intestinal infection lies like children and adults.
The emergence of dysentery u
Children under year is manifested by lesions of the intestine with increasing temperature
Body, exhausting diarrhea, weakness, malaise, headache, nausea,
Sometimes vomiting. Parents need to know about ways and transmission methods
Dysentery causative agent in children,
Treatment and prevention.
These knowledge is needed to avoid
severe consequences of household infection, especially in the warm season, when
Somewhat varies the nature of nutrition and possibly uncontrolled use
Vegetables and fruits while staying children at the cottage or by the sea. Usage
Products without heat treatment, and this applies to all varieties
dairy products, salads, pate, vinegret, fruit and berries in hot
The time of year can provoke a group outbreak. It is known that the causative agent
Diesency — This is bacterium from the intestinal family, which remains for a long time
in dairy products, some types of vegetables grown on contaminated
Soils. Infection comes from a patient or bacteria carrier three famous

  • domestic — when contacting patients;
  • Foodie — consumption of infected products;
  • water — through infected water or swimming
    In the patients contaminated by feces or animal water bodies.

Usually penetrates through the oral mucous membrane, then in the stomach, then
reaches the colon and causes inflammation.

Dieseneria: Symptoms,
Treatment in children

pathogen in human body before complaints — This is incubation, t. E
Hidden period. The development of the disease begins acutely with the appearance of weakness,
malaise, feeling of grapple-shaped pain in the stomach and increase temperature
Body. Chair is noticeably, in some cases up to 20-25 times a day,
The fear of feces is lost, they become liquid with mucus impurities
and blood, greenish shade. Characterized frequent urge, not accompanied by
defecation, irritability increases, dizziness occurs and even
fainting. Such a state involves the insulation of the patient in a separate
The room, with increasing body temperature, is shown abundant warm drinking and
rest. When symptoms appear, at least minimally reminiscent of dysentery, parents are worth
tolerate and immediately call a doctor.

Symptoms, Children Treatment
and preventive events

Dysentery in children up to year
Before arrival
A doctor's doctor needs to provide bed rest, separate dishes and
towel. Depending on the state, individual treatment is prescribed with
using modern efficient drugs aimed at action
on the destruction of the pathogen. It should be taken into account that independent
Treatment of Dysentery U
Children up to a year are unacceptable, due to the possibility of a whole range
complications, and therefore the general line in the behavior of the parents of the sick child —
This is a close contact with an infectious specialist and strict implementation
orders of the attending physician.

Dysentery includes strict adherence to the diet for a long time from 2
up to 6 months, with the exception of oily, roasted and acute food, besides
It is necessary to exclude from the diet of food products provoking fermentation process.
Expansion of diet during the designated period is possible only with permission

Care for patients during treatment, compliance with the necessary hygiene measures —
Pledge of complete recovery. Special significance in such circumstances
Provine individual measures of prevention and hygienic regime. Indispensable
Condition of communication with a fallen child becomes frequent hand washing with soap,
Be sure to be before meals, processing vegetables and fruit hot water before
Use. Prevention in everyday life — It is boiling milk and water, washing dishes
hot water using detergents. Sound and Bed Linen
The fallen child is subject to regular washing and boiling in soap soda
The solution for 30-40 minutes is required daily wet cleaning
Premises. At the same time, it should be remembered that treatment at home and compliance
anti-epidemic regime is not always possible, but because the question of
hospitalization solves the doctor in strictly individual order.

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