How to cope with the dialords of the newborn

Still being pregnant, I repeatedly heard from more experienced girlfriends and relatives about such an unpleasant features of the children's skin, as a diather. The skin of newborns is very dry, thin and gentle, and the inner fatty layer appears much later, so any external impact leads to microtrams and infection.

Still being pregnant, I repeatedly heard from more experienced girlfriends and relatives about such an unpleasant features of the children's skin, as a diather. The skin of newborns is very dry, thin and gentle, and the inner fatty layer appears much later, so any external impact leads to microtrams and infection. Urine and child feces are additionally annoyed super-sensitive infant skin. Blood vessels are located very close to the surface, and when the baby's bodies overheat (for example, if the air temperature in the room is above 20-22 degrees) moisture begins to evaporate intensively.

What is diallos?

Toughness in newborn, treatment and prevention
So, what is it - Difference? Inflammation of the skin susceptible to friction, moisture or overheating is a dive. Most often, it occurs in folds (more plump kids are more inclined to the doughs compared to thin, groove, axillary, cervical, ears, on handles and legs («Digitudes», As my granny said).

For ignorance or inexperience, we often call «Owliness» Any rash at the newborn. However, there may be the most different reasons for them, consider only the main and most common.

Red allergic spot around anus as the consequence of food irritation caused by Dysbacteriosis, introduction of new dust, frequent and liquid («explosive») Stula. That is, in addition to chemical, there is a physical factor. Conduct the food diary for yourself and the child in the case of a doctor or dust. My baby, it all started with redness, instantly covered with ulcers, even began to slave skin. I was in a quiet panic until the site pediatric did not indicate the frequency and quality of the chair and the status of the anus. Adjusting the chair, I was convinced of the truthfulness of her words - cracks and yazens dragged in front.

Contact dermatitis - Red flat rashes that appear on skin sections in contact with diaper or clothing. It can be triggered by a washing powder, poorly extractored when washing, excessive friction of clothing, synthetic fibers in the composition. Modern kids are very prone to reaction to washing powders containing surfactants. Therefore, choosing detergents, look for a phrase «Surfactant less than 5%», «Does not contain phosphates».

Seborine eczema manifests himself in the form of a large red spot at the bottom of the abdomen or in groin, the skin on this place is sweating and rude. In this case, you need to turn to the children's dermatologist.

Causes of appearance of diameters

Toughness in newborn, treatment and prevention
As soon as the ass of the newborn is beginning to swaddle, wear in diapers, that is, deprive of its fresh air and sunlight, leaving one on one with the feces, microorganisms begin to be embedded in damaged skin and reproduced safely. For the first time I ran into my distillery in 3 Maskina months. On the street just stood the wildest heat, and the houses came the temperature to 30 degrees. And although, as an approximate mother, I tried to minimize the use of disposable diapers and most of the day we walked around the apartment naked, a few days later, bright red sections of irritated skin appeared in Puhu.

My condition is difficult to convey in words, I scold myself with the most recent words - well, I am for a mother, because the dies (in my deep conviction) can only be in the unfortunate Mamas-Ripples, who leave the unfortunate kids to suffer in wet diapers! Thank you for your favorite forums, reassured the aggravated conscience, returned to the faith in the fact that I still have a good mother. It turns out that even the most attentive and scrupulous in matters of hygiene mammy is not insured against such incidents. But other factors affect the occurrence of diaper.

For preventing diameters:

  1. As possible, change the diapers / diaper: minimum skin contact and moisture will reduce risks.
  2. Alternate diapers (fabric, gauze, disposable) - Thus, find the main stimulus.
  3. Always wash the baby after changing the diaper / diaper: as my personal experience shows, ordinary cool water without soap is the best tool. Wet wipes are permissible only in exceptional cases: a trip, guests, at home there is no water. Change the brands of napkins, look for suitable exactly the skin of your baby. Apply soap as much as possible. Your baby is not a pig, from which every day you need to wash off the dirt. Soap destroys a valuable and fragile fat film on the skin, protecting from external stimuli. Swimming with soap times a week, or even once every 10 days enough to maintain purity. And for daily procedures, you can use herbs champs or a weak solution of sea salt.
  4. After bathing the ass and all folds do not wipe (remember the microtrams?), and flot, dry up a soft cloth / diaper. For these purposes, the old duvet cover broke, thin and gentle to the touch. Towels are too tough, in my opinion. At one of my girlfriend, the baby reacted redness even to carefully applying, so its folding was dried by a cool air jet of a hair dryer, at a decent distance.
  5. Fresh air access heals in front of the reelhead of the initial stages. You can leave the child as often «Hoping», and if it is impossible, dressing diaper, tighten it not tight, allowing air to circulate freely. Some moms even cut through special holes for ventilation. But these methods are good for home, it's more difficult to. But I did it - it was chalned a one-time diaper in a carriage, on top of a cotton cloth and laid the child in the same T-shirt, and walked. Of course, it is more convenient to do during sleep and only in a stroller, the sling is not at all suitable for these purposes. Therefore, we had to alternate the means of movement: for example, in the morning they took the stroller, and in the evening they went out in a sling, and vice versa.

Drugs to fight diarming

Toughness in newborn, treatment and prevention
Unfortunately, only insignificant irritation can be removed correct hygiene and fresh air. If all of the above tips do not help, connect defensive ointment and creams immediately. The zinc oxide contained in them restores the existing injuries of the epidermis and does not give diallos to capture new sections. Therefore, after each arms and drying the folds, we abundantly apply a layer of cream. First I used «Desitin». Honestly, to his specific smell (as part of this ointment there are fat from the liver of cod) got used to a long time, her husband spoiled and swore, as she washed away from her hands «Desitin» It was not easy. But the ointment wonderfully defended the skin of the baby even during a long sleep, when changing diapers is impossible. A little later we tried «Bepanten», This cream (it is cream, and not ointment) we also really liked.

As far as I know, some pediatricians and nurses in the maternity hospital advise the use of children's powers (Talc, Starch). We tried and this way. Yes, the powders dry the skin, but then small particles are collected in lumps, mercilessly rumbling the existing foci of diameters, so persistently I do not recommend readers to use these old «Dobrym» Method. Children's oils (vegetable, mineral, as you like) cover the skin with an impermeable film that is not skipping both moisture and air. There is nothing good in this, although our moms and grandmothers smeared their kids exclusively heated vegetable oil. But we are with you more advanced moms, not?

Folk remedies

Toughness in newborn, treatment and prevention
You can use harass hacks with drying and antibacterial effects. 100 grams of oak bark brew 1 liter of boiling water, boil 15 minutes, insist for a couple of hours. Add to the volume of 3 liters. The resulting decoction is used for baths and arms. Brew a glass of chamomile tea and also use as a bath. You can also lose linen seed, brew boiling water and make warm compresses on the plots of diaper. Yarrow, bay leaf, sage, eucalyptus and many other medicinal plants with regular use will help you cope with foci of inflammation.

Put your hand on the heart, I will say: I personally did not always have the opportunity for cooking brazers, baths and lotions. And I remembered about it immediately before starting water procedures. Allocate even 10 minutes to blasting leaflets-flowerfish was unreal, the child did not want to be alone, and we did not have the helpers. Therefore, all methods were going on: both medicinal, and grandmother and the forces of nature.

With my fatherhood, we coped in one summer. Let not quickly, but forever. She did not visit us anymore. All purchased boxes with the grass, started with cream tubes, I was inherited by my girlfriend for her daughter. Only my experience in dealing with the dialords, which I am with great pleasure I share with you, dear readers our site.

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