Arachnoiditis is the inflammation of the brain shells, most often the head. But do not forget about the spinal cord. His shells are also susceptible to inflammation, although it happens much less. What is a spinal arachnoiditis? Information about it can be found in our article.

The spinal arachnoiditis is an inflammatory process in the brain-shell that surrounds the spinal cord. Inflammation causes constant irritation, the formation of a scarsing and adhesive process and leads to compression of roots and vessels.
The main symptom of arachnoiditis is chronic pain in the lumbar spine, hips.
In addition to this patient, they can disturb:
- tingling, numbness or weakness in the legs;
- strange sensations, for example, such as mosquito bites or a sense of water flowing down;
- Strong shooting pain (reminiscent of shock);
- muscle spasms, cramps and spontaneous twitching in the legs;
- Violation of the function of the pelvic organs and a reduction in potency.
If the disease progresses, symptoms can become stronger and permanent. The process is most often observed at the levels of the chest, lumbar departments of the spinal cord and «horse tail».
Most patients suffering from spinal arachnoiditis cannot work and lead the familiar lifestyle.
- Injury or operation. Arachnoiditis can be a very rare complication of the operation on the spine (especially if there were several of them, or the operation was very large) or to be a consequence of the spine injury. Also, arachnoidite can develop after numerous blockade of the lumbar spine, with severe forms of stenosis (narrowing) of the spine channel or chronic degenerative disease of the intervertebral discs.
- Chemical substances. Recently, myelography was viewed as a possible cause of spinal arachnoiditis. Myelography is a diagnostic examination, during which a contrast substance is introduced into the space surrounding the spinal cord and nerves. It is believed that there is a possibility of the development of arachnoiditis when the contrast is introduced, especially in cases where several punctures were carried out.
- Infection. Arachnoiditis can also be called an infectious process that affects the spine - viral and fungal meningitis or tuberculosis.
For treatment, physiotherapy and emergency electrostimulation of the spinal cord are also used, for which a device transmitting an electrical signal to the spinal brain to reduce pain.
Surgical treatment of arachnoiditis is usually not carried out, as it can only cause even greater development of the scarsing and adhesive process.