Men do not cry


Men do not crySince childhood, in our consciousness, the company lays the stereotype that «Real men do not cry». In the mass propaganda of this thesis, not only parents and other relatives, teachers and educators, but also media, cinema and modern literature participate. On the theme of men's tears tell a jokes and write posts in blogs. And between those, doctors report: «men do not cry» — This is not a reason for pride, but, unfortunately, the diagnosis. According to statistics, men are more susceptible to the dry eye syndrome and the accompanying chronic diseases concomitant syndrome — blufarites of different etiology.

Men's tear, according to doctors, it is not a luxury, not a consequence of weakness or sadness, but the need. It is a tear protects the surface of the eyeball from damage, infections and other adverse environmental impacts. Normally, the front surface of the eyeball should be constantly wet, so the surface of the eye is covered with a thin tear film, which, firstly, facilitates the movement of the eyelid on the surface of the eyeball, secondly, protects it from drying, thirdly, contains various substances, Feeding cornea. In addition, tears wash off allergens, the smallest particles of dust, accelerate the healing of eye damage.

Long stay in air-conditioned premises and carrying contact lenses dry eyes, and a number of computer, intensive reading reduce the amount of blinking movements that are necessary to update the laundry layer. As a result of such violations — Inflammatory eye phenomena, blufarites, accompanied by itching, feeling sand in the eyes, burning, dryness, redness of the eyes and eyelids, loss of eyelashes. Wait that «Self pass» — useless. It is urgent to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist.

In addition to drug therapy in cases of SSG (dry eye syndrome), ophthalmologists recommend regular hygienic procedures for the care of centuries and the ciliary edge, because it is precisely in the thicker of the ages that the glands are hidden responsible for the production of tears and its structural composition. In the complex of hygiene, the century includes three stages: purification of the surface of the eyelids, warm compresses, self-massage age.

Not all cleansing is equally useful. Ophthalmologists recommend the procedure for cleansing the eyelids tools with a content of soft, hypoallergenic surfactants in a small amount. The correct agent must contain not only surfactants and the basis, but also caring components. And be sure to be sold in a pharmacy, and not in the store cosmetics. For example, the company «Geltecle-Medica» Together with the specialists of the Eye diseases, the RAM has developed such a drug like blefrophamampun — In its composition, a soft surface active substance (similar to the one that is used in shampoos «without tears» for infants), water-soluble olive oil, chamomile extracts, gamamemis, calendula, green tea.

Whatever soft tool to wash you would not use, a mandatory effect after using the tools containing surfactants, is toning. In the century hygiene, the process of toning is combined with no less important for the age and glands in their thicker, — Warm compresses. Warm compresses help soften and bring out the secret of the sebaceous glands, thereby restoring the production of a tear film that protects eyes from the harmful effects of the environment. For warm compresses, solutions with a sorbing, disintellation action are used. The budget solution for toning the skin of the eyelids and warm compresses is a blophipalone — It contains a polyvinylpyrollidone and a specially selected complex of extracts «Ophthalmological» grass — Calendula, Chamomile, Green Tea.

If there is inflammation or irritation on the skin of the age, then it is desirable to use sterile disposable preparations, for example, a special wet, to purify the eyelids and warm compresses «Blephalasalfoot», Shown for use including on a wound surface or in the postoperative period.

Men do not cryThe final stage of the hygiene of the eyelids is the light self-massage of the skin of the eyelid with blufflegels. Similar Samutorial removes the feeling of fatigue from the age, moisturizes the skin, normalizes the work of glands producing tears. Blephalects are available in 2 forms — Blefarogel No. 1 is shown to use for prevention and daily care for relatively healthy people, Blephalects No. 2 is appointed with already diagnosed inflammatory diseases, including the skin demodicosis of the age.

For preservation of eye health, you should not forget about the elementary rules. Do not forget to make technological breaks in your computer (usually 10 minutes at the end of each hour). Delete the time to dedicate the gymnastics for the eyes, the techniques of such gymnastics are presented on the Internet a huge set. At least sometimes turn off the air conditioner and air the room of the old grandfather's window opening the window. And, of course, feel free to cry. After all, true masculinity is not at all to hide tears, but in order to have courage to express their emotions natural for man by.

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