Folk remedies for the treatment of typhoids and parathy


  • Modern treatment of abdominal typhoid
  • Recipes of traditional medicine in the fight against typhoid and parathy

  • Abdominal typhoid - acute infectious disease from the group of intestinal infections, characterized by the lesion of the intestine, liver, spleen and other organs. In antiquity of the people, Tif and other diseases similar to him were usually called hot. Usually they wore the character of devastating epidemics, accompanying hunger, war and other social disasters.

    Modern treatment of abdominal typhoid

    All patients with suspected abdominal typhus must be hospitalized into an infectious hospital. Patient is prescribed strict bed. Sitting is allowed only on the 9-10th day of normal temperature, and get up to the 14-15th day.

    Food of the patient should be easily digestible, rich in vitamins. Antibiotics prescribed for bacteria. Most often it is Levomycetin, less often ampicillin, tetracycline and t.NS. If necessary, use funds that increase immunity. In the development of complications, the operation is carried out.

    Recipes of traditional medicine in the fight against typhoid and parathy

    Folk remedies for the treatment of typhoids and parathySince the Tif was known from the long time, there are a large number of recipes of traditional medicine, allowing you to cope with this disease. Here are some funds.

    • The rhizome of AIRA ordinary is considered in folk medicine with a strong bactericidal agent. Its use in the epidemics of influenza, cholera, abdominal typhoid: rhizome chewed in raw form as a prophylactic agent from infection.
    • Positively affect the treatment of the disease and use for recovery when typhoids: cow milk, cottage cheese, kefir, decoction of rosehip, black currant, vegetable juices, fruits, coffee with lemon or red Hungarian wine, yeast with beer.
    • In the complex therapy of the abdominal typhide, various herbs can be used: decoctions from root roofs (especially autumn collection, killing typhoid and paratyphous groups of microbes for 15 minutes, which have a binding, anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and painful effect). The decoction of the roots of heming is prepared as follows: 1 st. L. sliced ​​roots for 1 boiling water, boil 30 minutes, cool, strain and take 1 st. L. 5-6 times a day.
    • Valerian preparations are effective for the treatment of certain stomach diseases, they have a choleretic and antibacterial effect. It is advisable to apply ordinary doses of tincture of Valerians in a complex for treatment with tit and parathy.
    • Currant is used as a means, a tonic cardiovascular system in infectious diseases. With inflammation and ulcers of the stomach and intestines of any origin, fresh juice from a berry of 2-3 glasses 3 times a day or use decoction and kissel from currant.
    • As a tanning agent applied the following fee: Rhodiola pink (roots) 4 parts, trash high (roots) 4 parts, rosehip brown (fruits) 4 parts, hawthorn Blood-red (fruits) 3 parts, nettle dummy (leaves) 3 parts, holper Digitted (Grass) 2 parts. For the preparation of the burden, 2 tablespoons of the mixture are taken, 200 ml of water poured, boiled 15 minutes, filter. Take 1/3 and 1/2 cup of beam 2-3 times a day.
    • With inflammatory diseases of the intestines are used in the infusion: blackberry sisaya (sheet) 2 parts, calendula dosage (flowers) 1 part. 4 teaspoons poured 1 glass of boiling water and take 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals.
    • Grass from herbs: Melissa Drug (Sheet) 2 parts, Highlander Bird (Grass) 5 parts. Applied in the form of infusion (1 st. L. The mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, insist in a thermos 10 hour.) 2-3 cups during the day when the intestinal inflammation.
    • Herbicch grass has long been known and is very widely used in traditional medicine. It is called grass from «Ninety Nine Diseases». It has a binding, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antiseptic effect, contributing to the rapid restoration of damaged tissues. Take an infusion at half a glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
    • Folk Medicine recommends the infusion of herbs: the gold masculine, sage and pharmacy chamomile - for the successful treatment of intestinal inflammation. Need to brew in a glass of boiling water 1 teaspoon of these herbs. Drink infusion on one tablespoon every 2 hours about seven or eight times a day. The medicine is considered harmless - and therefore they can be treated for a long time.

    These funds should be used as an addition to medicines appointed by the doctor, and then the disease will quickly and will not cause complications.

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