How to distinguish flu from ORVI?


  • Flu flow
  • Paragripp
  • Adenoviral infection
  • Treatment
  • How to distinguish flu and avvi?

  • Flu flow

    How to distinguish flu from ORVI?
    The disease occurs in the form of a moderate severity. For the first time
    Several hours of disease The temperature rises to the mark 39–40.
    The mucous membranes of the eye blush, the vessels in the nose can start to burst and
    Blood will go. Here are the symptoms of the classic fluity influenza. At
    Such symptoms need to call a doctor.

    Usually through 4–5 days
    Temperature will fall. After the disease, another week feels the patient
    severe weakness, but then it passes.

    heavy flu to all of the above symptoms
    Sloma and pain in the whole body, rapid heartbeat and lack of air.
    Maybe worse: insomnia, vomiting, cramps, hallucinations, up to
    brain or lung edema. With a rapid flow of influenza, lethal

    In addition, heavy flu can give complications for internal
    Organs, especially under the punch gets the heart, kidneys.

    light flu symptoms of the disease can not be. With one
    The parties are good for the diseased, but on the other, the correct diagnosis
    May be delivered too late. Especially often complications after
    influenza arise in the event that the disease was transferred to

    Diseases can be avoided at all if
    get a vaccination. In this epidemic season, strains were discovered
    influenza a (h1n1), a (h3n2) and in. Vaccine vaccination «Grippoll» produces
    Immunity to all the above strains.

    In addition to influenza, such diseases as paragripp and adenoviral infection are distributed.


    Is not so acute as real flu. Temperature is rare
    rises above 38 degrees. And keeps no more than one or two days. But
    Many are sick and no temperature. However, both of those and others are repulse pain in
    throat and dry cough. The voice becomes hoarse, sometimes disappears
    at all.

    Adenoviral infection

    How to distinguish flu from ORVI?
    Begins, like flu, acute. Temperature 38–39. Hold on maybe
    week and then two. Strong runny nose and tangible sore throat too
    appear in the first hours of illness. On the third or fourth day can
    appear thread. Still a couple of days in the corners of the eyes (under
    centuries), as well as throat, on almonds, it will be possible to notice white or
    Serious films.

    Body temperature at this time can fluctuate in
    Rockwise area 37. Lymph nodes are enlarged and painful throughout the body. Not
    Abdominal pain and stool disorder. In humans strongly
    Complications can develop. One of the most serious —


    If there are no signs of complicated course of the disease, it is necessary first of all to help the body get rid of toxins.

    Available, natural way — Abundant Drink: Tea, Morse (Cranberry
    or brushing). Good for this grass. Rinse the throat and wash
    Nose can be infused chamomile and calendula. If the temperature is not too
    high, these same infusions or similar pharmacy cans
    Use for inhalation. Equally important to support protective forces
    organism itself. Good rosehip, black currant.

    Immunostimulating agents are widely used, in particular
    Interferons. To suppress the activity of the virus there are special
    Antiviral drugs. The sooner you started to take them, the easier
    the course of the disease and the less risk of complications. All this, of course, not
    eliminates admission if necessary for conventional symptomatic means
    like paracetamol, copper from cough, drops from a cold.

    It should be noted that antibiotics in viral infection do not help them
    prescribed only when bacterial joins the influenza

    How to distinguish the flu from ORVI?

    The beginning of the disease:

    ORVI (in the surprise – cold) — more often smooth;
  • FLU — Always sharp.
  • Body temperature:

    • ARVI — above 38°With rarely rises;
    • FLU — 39°C and above reaches 2–3 hours, keeps 3–4 days.

    Incixation of the body:

    • ARVI — weak, the general condition is satisfactory;
    • FLU
      — chills, sweat, strong headache (in the temples and in the eye), fear
      Light, dizziness, lubrication. All this manifests itself sharply and increases

    Cough, chest discomfort:

    • ARVI — Dry, ripped, moderately expressed, appears immediately;
    • FLU — painful, with pain, appears on the second day.

    Rubber and nasal congestion:

    • ARVI — often the main symptom;
    • FLU — appear not immediately, expressed not so bright.

    Throat (redness and pain):

    • ARVI — one of the main symptoms;
    • FLU — In the first days of illness manifests not always.

    Rednessing eyes:

    • ARVI — If bacterial infection is joined;
    • FLU — Frequent symptom.

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