Treating an angina during pregnancy

With the onset of pregnancy, the immune system is not able to cope with an increased load, so the body becomes vulnerable to various pathogenic bacteria. Angina during pregnancy - a common phenomenon. How to treat this disease and what are the consequences, let's understand more.

During the period of tooling the child, the immunity of the future milf decreases: chronic diseases may be aggravated, but most often «Gate» Increased infection are respiratory tract. Well, if a woman was frozen easy cold, But when the temperature sharply rises, sore throat appears, it is impossible to carry such a disease on the feet, the right approach is necessary Treating angina during pregnancy.

What you need to do if the sore throat appeared?

Angina, Angina during pregnancy, pregnancy, throat, almonds

If the woman felt ailments: in the throat, it seems that there is formed a com that impossible to swallow. If this period is missing, then the consequences may be sad - angina develops rapidly. After 8-10 hours, a high temperature can rise, and the throat pain - intensify.

Angina is a complex infectious disease that must be treated as quickly as possible. The infection quickly penetrates the oral cavity and affects the almonds. It is known that at this time the immunity of women is weakened, so bacteria and viruses are quickly distributed throughout the body and begin to multiply.

At the first signs of Angina, it is necessary to take urgent measures. If there is no possibility to immediately see the doctor, I will tell you how to treat the angina. And first, let's get acquainted with the types of angina, since it is not always a throat pain may indicate that a person develops angina.

What happens angina. Views

Erroneously the opinion that if a woman in the position fell sick, then this is certainly angina. So far, it is too early to panic, we learn more about this dangerous disease.

Angina, Angina during pregnancy, pregnancy, throat, almonds

There are cases when without Antibiotic it is impossible to cope with the disease. Pregnancy is a very responsible stage in the life of every woman. It is very important to start the right treatment on time. It is known that during the period of having a child undesirable medication treatment, as most drugs penetrate through the placenta in blood and can harm the crumb.

If there is no possibility to visit the doctor so that he prescribes treatment, our site offers to familiarize yourself with the list of antibiotics, which are allowed during pregnancy:

  1. Spray «Bioparox». This drug is safe for the fetus, as it is used locally - it is necessary to irrigate the throat every 4 hours. If high temperature rose, the local antibiotic is not enough.
  2. Antibiotic «Flexin» It is allowed to take pregnant women. There is a slight risk for the fetus. Take the drug with a course (from 7 to 10 days), three times a day. Dosage 500 mg.
  3. Antibiotic «Spyisf» Take 10 days, in the morning and evening, dosage 500 mg. In 1 trimester of pregnancy, take undesirable.
  4. It is allowed in extremely extreme cases of the antibiotic of the past generation «Ampicillin» (intramuscular injection 2 times a day).
  5. There is a chance to do without taking antibiotics, if you do not start the disease. Homeopathic drugs «Angine Gel» and «Tonsillotrene» well helps to remove pain. Tablets need to be dissolved in the mouth, take 1 dragey three times a day.

Angina, Angina during pregnancy, pregnancy, throat, almonds

There is a very large selection of pills and lollipops from throat with sore throat:

  • Popular drug «Faringosept» - Practically instantly stops the reproduction of bacteria. Take pills need after meals (after 15 minutes), dissolve in the mouth. After taking medication to drink and it is impossible for at least an hour, and better - 2 hours. Take tablets you need for 5 days, you can and more;
  • «Neo-Angine» - Relatively new drug, well helps to remove pain without harm to the fetus. Lollipops can be consumed every 3 hours;
  • «Lizobakt» - Local antiseptic. There are some features of the reception of this drug: it is necessary to slowly absorb the tablet, only you can not swallow saliva. It is necessary to hold saliva as long as possible with dissolved crystals in the mouth, then spit. Reception course - 7 days;
  • Verified by years antiseptic «Chlorophyllipt». Tablets take every 4-4.5 hours, duration depends on the patient's condition.

Treatment with folk remedies

Angina, Angina during pregnancy, pregnancy, throat, almonds

Also our grandmothers were confident that any starting angina can be cured without antibiotics, if it often rinse the throat with antiseptic solutions. During pregnancy, many drugs are prohibited, so it is necessary even to prepare solutions for rinsing.

Than you can rinse the throat:

  • pills «Furacilin». To prepare a solution, you need to crush into a powder 1 tablet, dissolve in a glass of warm boiled water. Rinse the throat is needed as often as possible every 30-40 minutes;
  • Well helps with soda-saline sodium angina: you need to add to a glass with warm boiled water for 1 hour.L. shallow salt and food soda and 3 iodine droplets. Rinsing to do in an hour;
  • irrigation by the oral cavity solution «Chlorhexidine». You must first rinse your mouth and throat with warm water, then with an antiseptic solution (we take 1 st. L., Welsh throat 30 seconds). After the procedure it is undesirable to eat and drink for 2 hours. Such rinsing can be made to a maximum of 3 times a day. Solution «Miramistina» also help get rid of white plaque on the mucous. Dosage Standard: 1 st. L. for 1 cup of water;
  • Effective rinsing hydrogen peroxide. If not to be lazy and at the first symptoms of angina to start rinsing, you can fully cure without taking antibiotics. Number of rinsing per day - 3-4 times. We are divorced in half a glass of warm water 1 st. L. Packs (3%). After the procedure, refrain from food and drinking drinks at least for 15 minutes;
  • Pregnant women are allowed to rinse the throat of herbs champs (safe during pregnancy only daisy flowers, sage and calendula).

Remember that the treatment requires an integrated approach - it is impossible to cure an angina only herbal decoctions.

If the temperature rose

Angina, Angina during pregnancy, pregnancy, throat, almonds

Most of the future mothers are experiencing, is it possible to take antipyretic drugs and whether the drug will not harm the future. Every woman in a position should know that it is desirable to avoid reception of such drugs like «Panadol», «Ibuprofen», «Paracetamol» and «Nurofen» Due to the fact that there is a high risk of violation of the development of the sexual system in boys.

In the 3rd trimester forbidden to accept «Nurofen», Since the drug is able to provoke Premature birth.

When the reception of the antipyretic:

  • If the temperature is not reduced within 5-8 hours;
  • when the body temperature rises;
  • If the bit of the thermometer crossed the mark of 38 degrees in 1 and 2nd trimesters, and in the 3rd trimester - 37.5 degrees.

If there is no sharp need to reduce the temperature with drugs, you can try to bring it down in other ways. Only under the condition that the temperature stopped at 38 degrees.

What should be done:

  1. Sharal and accept the shower (water should be warm, but not hot). You can wipe your hands and feet with a washcloth moaning in warm water.
  2. Try to drink a lot of fluid to prevent the body's dehydration. Drink every hour to 1 cup of warm drink.
  3. Drink vitamin beams from raspberry fruits, red and black currant, linden with honey;
  4. Solution for wipes: in equal proportions Warm water and vinegar. Wipe the body with a moistened handkerchief, avoiding chest and abdomen areas.
  5. Welts of Willow - this is a natural antibiotic. Brew 3 sprigs in a water saucepan, left for a slow fire to languish for 15 minutes, then strain and take every 60 minutes to 50 g.

Cure an angina without consequences really, the main thing is to start acting on time. be healthy!

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