Where the line between habit and alcoholism


  • Where is the disease, and where is the norm
  • What is addiction

  • Where is the disease, and where is the norm

    How often we hear from others and say ourselves: «Alcohol helps me remove stress», «When I drink in the company, it is easier for me to communicate», «Tablets from all diseases I prefer natural remedy - alcohol», «Alcoholism is elementary succity, and I control myself». At the same time, we do not mean the presence of a problem, but rather, on the contrary, we emphasize our ability to cope with the situation, do not give in to life difficulties, mean some care for yourself, about your well-being.

    From what we are repelled, on what we base our opinion when we say: «He is an alcoholic», «She fell dependent», «Alcoholism is self-destruction». Where is the thin face separating the disease from the norm in our understanding?

    This point of reference for a person is usually its subjective assessment, t.E. Personal attitude towards being alcohol in his life, or the life of another, a blessing or worse enemy. In other words, if on one cup to put the advantages of drinking alcohol, and on the other - the consequences of these advantages, then the way scales are swing?

    What is addiction

    Where the line between habit and alcoholismThe essence of any dependence, and alcoholism including in its cunning. Alcoholics are not born - they become as a result of some actions, lifestyle. The concept of heredity, of course, no one canceled. But the chance of a person whose relatives to the third knee suffered from alcoholism, but aware of all the danger of their position, much more than that who thinks «It does not threaten me because we didn't have this». The final impact on the result consistently will be fully promoted: whether alcohol is consumed for you enough for you to cause dependence? And although this is the most important question, there is no direct response to it: statistics, after which there is no alcoholism on the Ryumka, no.

    There are many reasons why we cannot objectively look at yourself from the side and detect danger. One of them is that we do not associate the reason that caused the need for alcohol consumption, and its consequence is. No wonder alcoholism is called «Self-conscious disease». A wish «drink up» Initially, it is not a vital need of a person, the same as to eat, drink or sleep. It arises as a result of some situations, more precisely, experiences with them related. If these experiences do not take into account as a mechanism that starts the need for alcohol, then the picture of the type «Wanted - and drank» Quickly turns into «I did not want - but I got drunk again».

    Example. A man, hitting the company, is experiencing a strong embarrassment and an increased anxiety that it may not be appropriate or just not to notice. Drinking, he feels that the tension weakened, the fear left and, along with this, came a pleasant feeling of self confidence. The company immediately drew attention to him and accepted for his. Several such situations - and it turned out a chain: «If you are uncomfortable, because it's scary, ashamed, sad, offensively or sadly, and you can not establish contact with someone with someone, drink - and everything will turn out». In the future, this chain is transferred to all spheres of life. Internal discomfort, signaling about the presence of a problem, pushes not to an effort aimed at its solution (which and how I need to do to get what I want without doping), but to avoid all efforts with the help of elementary tension removal. All problems then «decide» exclusively by taking alcohol, so the number of them is consistently growing.

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