Every year, millions of Russians suffer from infectious diseases. The peak of morbidity is especially true for the so-called «Colds», falls on the autumn-winter period. Whatever strong health, on average, everyone is sick of ORVI two or three times a year.

infectious diseases make up influenza and other ORVIs that possess
high contagiousness are transmitted by air droplet, have a small
the incubation period and may be accompanied by severe symptoms and lead to
Serious complications.
There is another digit: up to 94%
able-bodied citizens of our country continues to go to work in a painful
condition. Think about this figure! Obviously, in the peak season «Walnut»
Diseases next to you will be a person infected with the virus
influenza or other ORVI.
Reasons for which people
prefer not to take hospital to calmly be treated at home, simple and
Clear: First, this confidence is that without them work will rise; but
secondly, (and, perhaps, mainly), sick — This is a serious blow to size
salary, and the more man earns, the not the loss may be.
So it turns out because
Rules for calculating hospital payment: to get 100%, you need to have a continuous
Experience more than eight years and from 878,000 rubles of income in the last two years. But even
When performing these conditions, loose payments on the sheet of disability
make no more than 1202.74 rubles per day (as of 2012). Often
It turns out even less. Agree, not everyone is ready to lose so much money for
every day of his illness.
No wonder that
The overwhelming majority are ready to go to work until influenza or ORVI
they are not finally welded, and they will not be forced to fly away at home, and,
As a rule, in this case the treatment will last much longer than if they were
took hospital even at the very beginning of the disease.
In addition to harm to yourself
(Launched «cold» can lead to such complications like bronchitis,
Pneumonia, sinusitis and even complications from the heart), patients workers
pose a threat to their colleagues. The same flu is most infectious just in
The first days of the disease!
«Rebatch» His salary
You can in several ways:
- Agree on,
that for a while you will work at home, because in our time, when the Internet and
Computer is at home almost every, the urgent need for constant
There is no presence in the office. If your position allows you to work from home, — Do it, bent from «Colds». Neither you nor your employer nothing
Losing. - If negotiate O
It is impossible to work from the house, take your vacation at the expense of the annual, or for your
check. Yes, oddly enough, even vacation without salary salary often
more profitable than hospital! - Do not get sick at all! — It's not as hard as it seems. Currently there are medicinal
Means capable of helping the immune system to cope with the virus and quickly
Put a person on his feet. For example, the interferon amaxine inductor stimulates
One of the own protective mechanisms of the human body — System
Interferonov, which performs an important role in the fight against viral infection.
When the cell infects
virus, it starts interferon products, — special protein, which through
impact on neighboring cells, is able to call changes in them that impede
reproduction and further spread of the virus. In addition, interferons play
an important role in the regulation of the work of various cells of the immune system, which
Promotes more efficient anti-viral infection!
Amicin stimulates
Synthesis in the human body of its own interferonov. Increased interferon content
can persist up to eight weeks after the end of the preventive course. This is
allows you to use amixin not only for the treatment of illness, but also as
Influenza and ORVI protective.
The drug has very
Convenient application scheme, — A full course of treatment or influenza and ORVI prevention includes
Total six tablets.
The effectiveness of amaxine has been proved by many years of experience of clinical use.
Amiquin reduces the risk of ORVI and influenza disease and not lose money on
Take care of yourself and your
Contraindications. Before use, read the instructions.