Female hypogonadism


  • What is hypogonadism
  • How is the treatment of female hypogonadism

  • What is hypogonadism

    Primary hypergronadotropic hypogonadism is
    Reducing the ovarian function due to their innate underdevelopment or
    Damage in the period of newborn. At the same time, female sex hormones,
    generated by the ovaries is absent and the body is trying to
    Compensate the production of hormones of pituitary glands, stimulating ovaries -
    Gonadotropinov. Thus in the blood a large number of gonadotropins
    - luteinizing and follicularity hormones (therefore
    called hypergronadotropic) and low concentration of female genital
    Hormones - Estrogen.

    The causes of primary hypergrofadotropic hypogonadism are varied:

    • Congenital genetic anomaly (Sherezhevsky-Turner syndrome)
    • Congenital underdevelopment of ovarian
    • Effect of infection (tuberculosis, syphilis, epidemic vapotitis or pig)
    • Impact of ionizing radiation
    • Autoimmune diseases
    • Removal of ovarian about any disease.

    Female hypogonadism
    Damaged or underdeveloped ovaries can not
    Synthesize enough female sex hormones -
    Estrogen. The lack of estrogen causes underdevelopment or atrophy
    Milk glands and female genital organs. If this state
    congenital or emerged in early childhood, secondary female
    Sexual signs (dairy glands, female type,
    The deposition of fatty tissue for women's type) do not develop. W
    Patients whose ovarian defeat appeared in early children's
    Aged usually scarce sober on the pubic, dairy glands
    underdeveloped, as well as uterus, ovaries, vagina.

    One of the main symptoms of female hypogonadism - Amenorrhea
    (lack of menstruation). Taz is narrow, buttocks flat. If the disease
    It originated in the adolescent period, those genitals are preserved,
    who managed to develop, but menstruation disappear, female fabrics
    genital organs are thinned and exposed to atrophic processes.

    The diagnosis is helped by a sharp decrease in the number of female sex
    Hormones (estrogens), increasing the content of gonadotropins
    (luteinizing and follicle-stimulating pituitary hormones). At
    Ultrasound examination detected reduced in size
    uterus, reduced ovaries. With X-ray study find
    Osteoporosis (bone resolution) or growth retardation and development

    How is the treatment of female hypogonadism

    Treatment of primary hypergronadotropic hypogonadism
    Medicate. Replacement therapy is prescribed by female sex
    hormones (ethinyl estradiol). With the occurrence of menstrual-like
    Reactions, Combined oral contraceptives containing
    Estrogens and Gestagens (Silest, Diana-35, Trvisilar, Triciston).

    At the age of 40 years old, Klimontorm is appointed, Kliten, TrisExaven.
    Replacement therapy by sex hormones is contraindicated at
    diseases of the kidneys, liver, female genital tumors and
    Diseases of peripheral veins (thrombophlebitis).

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