Prevention of leptospirosis


  • How to prevent leptospirosis
  • Events that are held in an epidemic focus

  • How to prevent leptospirosis

    Preventive measures include activities aimed at preventing and fighting
    Leptospirosis among agricultural and pets and disease prevention
    People on the territory of the epizootic focus. Significant part of common sanitary
    Events conduct veterinary service and management of livestock farms and other
    farms. Organizational and methodological guide to the work on the prevention of leptospirosis
    Among people are departed by specially dangerous infections of republican, regional and
    regional (urban) centers of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

    Prevention of leptospirosis
    Special attention is paid to the protection of water bodies from pollution by their patients
    animals-leptospiron carriers. Forbidden construction of livestock and anniversary
    premises and camp content of pigs and other farm animals on the shore
    reservoirs without relevant rules for the protection of water bodies. Set strict control over
    Sources of centralized water supply, as well as places of bathing of people, livestock water
    and descent of wastewater from animal farms.

    To prevent the distribution of icterohemorrhagic leptospirosis
    In the most populated areas, deratization activities are carried out. Them
    spend in residential buildings, on animal farms, food warehouses,
    from beverserums, enterprises for the processing of livestock raw materials and products, in mines and
    sewer facilities, as well as in open stations of cities (landfills, waste,
    Park zone) and countryside, places of mass recreation, hunting and fishing. On the
    dysfoliage on leptospirosis of animal farms, as well as in slaughter and
    sub-products of meat processing plants, mines, mines, on land staff
    Must work in special clothes: bathrobes (overalls), rubber gloves,
    Boots, aprons that protect the penetration of leptospir through damaged skin
    Covers and mucous membranes. Specific Vaccinations By introducing killed
    leptospyrosine vaccine subject to high risk of infection (agricultural
    workers, livestock rods, workers Benozh et al.).

    Preventive immunization against
    Leptospirosis spend the population on epidemic testimony defined by local
    Health authorities depending on the epidemic and epizootic situation. IN
    Hearts of leptospirosis Medical and veterinary workers, farm managers are carried out
    Sanitary and educational work among the population about the prevention measures of this

    Events that are held in an epidemic focus

    All patients with obvious disease or suspicious on leptospirosis in
    Immediate hospitalization to be subject to immediate hospitalization. Disagreement of persons who were in
    Contact with sick, do not conduct. Quarantine are not installed. Persons passing
    leptospirosis are subject to dispensary observation for 6 months with mandatory
    clinical examination by oculist, neuropathologist and therapist in the first month after
    Transferred disease.

    In the following months, dispensary observations are carried out
    Monthly district doctors with the involvement of specialists in the clinical profile
    manifestations. Removing from accounting is carried out with full clinical recovery. For emergency
    Antibiotic popilaxis of leptospirosis to the risk of infection, prescribe
    doxycycline (vibramicin) according to the scheme: 1 capsule (0.1 g) once in a course of 5 days. IN
    The epidemic focus is carried out by extermination of rats, disinfection is carried out
    Similar to this in the abdominal typhoid.

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