Scary word «infertility» to 15% of married couples hear. And in 60% of cases the reason lies in violations and faults of the female body. Our site will tell you all about female infertility - from prevention and reasons for species and treatment methods.
Infertility is not a disease. But, nevertheless, in order to get rid of him, many times are required for many times. Infertility is the situation when pregnancy does not occur a year later (in some sources two years), provided that the couple lives regular sex and does not use contraceptives. It is in this case that a timely appeal to those skilled in the art is required to diagnose and treat infertility.
Causes of female infertility
Reasons for infertility so much that just becomes scary. And it is necessary to know about them absolutely to all women and girls, starting with adolescence.
- Hormonal disorders in the body of a woman. If there are any failures and disorders of the menstrual cycle, it means it is not excluded that you will have certain problems with conception. If there are changes in a normal hormonal background (and this may also be associated with heredity, and even with an environmental), the funnquences of the ovaries are disturbed and problems arise with the ripening of eggs, which in many cases lead to infertility. By the way, it is hormonal failures that the early climax provoke.
- Inflammation of female genital organs (ovaries, uterine pipes). It has long been proven that inflammation is caused not only by hypoints, but also by sexual infections. 75% of women of childbearing age from time to time suffer from inflammation and naively believe that they are not necessarily treated. It turns out that launched or chronic inflammation is the first step to infertility.
- Abortion or injury of uterus (for example, during childbirth). Everyone knows about it, but nevertheless ... I repeat that one of The consequences of abortion is infertility and fetal unbearability syndrome.
- Various tumors and cysts of uterus and ovarian. Such phenomena today are not uncommon. Of all my girlfriends with age from 23 to 35 years, only one managed to avoid a similar diagnosis. The rest can «boast of» Fibroms of the uterus, ovarian cysts and polycystic. The reasons for their appearance doctors are unambiguously called, but only advise regularly visit the gynecologist.
- Congenital genital defects. No one is insured from this, the heredity and ecology is to blame. But similar defects - «Children's» uterus, The absence of ovaries, the undeveloped uterine pipes - sound like synonyms of infertility. True, modern medicine and here offers exits from the situation - from treatment to surrogate motherhood.
- Violation of metabolism in the body. According to many studies, Violations of metabolism The body becomes the cause of 12% of cases of female infertility. No wonder they say that «Plynets» more difficult Pregnant.
- The obstruction of the uterine pipe. Is the reason for 20% of infertility. Partial or complete obstruction occurs as a result of inflammation, as the consequence of abortions, operations of the small pelvis organs. Moreover, it can also give birth, and.
- Factor of age. Western fashion by «Late childbirth» reached us. Modern ladies make a career, live «for myself», And birth The child is planning for a period of «After 30». Very in vain, because the most successful physiological age for childbirth - 19-25 years. And after 35 years, the ability to conceive 20-30 years falls twice as compared with age.
- Stresses, overwork. This «joy» Enough every woman. And at home and at work, and in transport there is because of what to upset. A chronic lack of sleep and overwork, mad rhythm of life and lack «Quality» rest can lead not only to infertility, but also by weight of other diseases.
- Inexplicable medicine causes. It's when a couple of healthy, and pregnancy does not occur. We are talking about the so-called psychological factor when the fear of maternity or early unwillingness to have a child becomes an invisible barrier to conceive.
An impressive list turned out. It turns out that infertility threatens almost every one of us. And the output is only one - take care of and on time. But believe me, today is treated almost everything.
I was diagnosed with polycystic. Fear and only ... They said that I have a maximum of a year, after its expiration it will be pregnant, it will be very difficult. I got pregnant in 25, with the first attempt. After childbirth, polycystic disappeared. With that, I was absolutely nothing to be treated. Like this. The diagnosis is not yet a sentence!
Types of infertility
Depending on the reason, which caused the inability to childbear, infertility is divided into Hormonal (in case of violation of the ripening process and the exit of the eggs due to hormonal failures in the body); Pipe (when the passability of uterine pipes is broken); Motoic (with acquired or hereditary violations in the development of the uterus).
These three species give more than half cases of infertility. They are diagnosed and successfully treated. Is there Inexplicable infertility. Inexplicable - from the point of view of medicine. In this case, the man and the woman are healthy, and pregnancy does not occur. This is exactly what happens in 10% of cases, which once again reminds us that medicine is not omnipotent. But this kind of infertility can be explained from a spiritual point of view.
According to this theory, conception occurs only in an atmosphere of absolute harmony between a man, woman and future child. Yes, for a long time, the child's soul comes to the mother for 3-4 months before conception. Therefore, harmony is perceived, firstly, as the desire of mother to give birth to a child and endless love for not yet born Karapecuz, as well as love and respect for the future Father. Secondly, this love men to a woman and sincere desire to continue. And various negative words and emotions violate this harmony. It happens that the pair did not want a baby for a long time, and now changed my mind. So this reluctance becomes an invisible barrier to conceive. Therefore, in the family where the child is waiting, the world and love, respect and kindness. Mutual forgiveness and sincere wait for a miracle of birth will make their job. Interesting theory. And even being convinced materialist, I believe her.
I want to share with the readers our site history from your life. My employee after two births (the first, unfortunately, ended with the death of the baby) decided to give birth to daughter. 5-year-old brother and husband were only «per». Only now all year nothing worked. Strange, because the first two conceptions happened without problems. She made all the necessary analyzes in two diagnostic centers twice, and they all confirmed - a woman is absolutely healthy.
Once she admitted to me that she had long been dreaming about a personal car, which had already passed on the right, and had accumulated money. And they have added any discount that if it becomes pregnant, then these savings will go to the repair of children's and as they say «At first» after childbirth. I was very surprised by this recognition, because before that she only told about the desired daughter. I intuitively advised her or buy a car, or quickly start repairing the room for future crumbs. The employee chose the second, and after three months he learned that she was pregnant. So, by removing the barrier - a long-standing dream of a car, she opened the way a small miracle.
On another classification, infertility is divided into absolute and relative. The latter unites the species described above, that is, it is subject to cure. But the absolute implies pregnancy completely impossible for certain physical reasons - due to the absence of uterus or ovaries and T.NS.
And the last two types of infertility - primary and secondary. Primary call the situation when regardless of age, a woman can not get pregnant and never pregnant at all. And if the woman had pregnancy, regardless of their outcome, and now she cannot conceive a child, then such infertility is called Secondary.
Methods for the treatment of female infertility
To cure infertility, it is very important to quickly and correctly determine its cause. For this, both spouses give certain analyzes. As a rule, we are talking about analyzes for identifying infections, ultrasound of small pelvis organs, blood tests for hormones. Depending on the results, the doctor either will offer additional diagnostics, or in case of cause detection - will choose the most appropriate way to treat.
- Planned intercourse. If the results of the analyzes are satisfactory and no physiological causes of infertility have been identified, the pair is advised to conduct the so-called «Planned intercourse». In this case, pregnancy may not appear due to incorrectly calculated ovulation or by virtue of any psychological reasons. The doctor will tell you the most favorable time for conception and will recommend contacting psychoanalyst. And let the last for many readers, our site sounds while wild, but it is this specialist to help reveal «underwater rocks» Your problem. By the way, many prefer a visit to the psychoanalyst visit to church.
Properly define ovulation will help a special test. He very much resembles a pregnancy test (and in appearance, and on the process of use) and costs about 20 hryvnia.
The probability of becoming pregnant as a result of insemination reaches 30%, and the procedure itself is absolutely painless.

ECO. One of the most effective methods of treating infertility. In Russia, each fifth barn pair does eco. Many clinics «Grow children from test tubes». First, under anesthesia, a woman has a fence of eggs from the ovary. This is not an operation, but a five-minute procedure. Then these eggs fertilize outside the body of parents sperm husband or donor. And then, after 72 hours, several embryos are placed in the woman's uterus (absolutely painless), and in a week or two, they hold an ultrasound, which shows whether pregnancy has come. This method saves when the uterine pipes are obstruction.
For 20 years of ubiquitous use of the ECO method, more than a million kids appeared «From test tubes». No one guarantees the onset of pregnancy from the first attempt. But our site draws your attention to the fact that in many clinics in the case of three non-characteristic attempts return money to customers. The method is not cheap. Performance up to 30%.
I would like to add that hundreds of specialized medical centers have been created for the treatment of infertility. But the choice of institution and doctors must be taken carefully. Prefer clinics and highly qualified doctors with many years of practice and relevant reputation. After all, we are talking about your future kid, and this case does not trust the dealer.
Female infertility prevention is conducted under the sign «prevent!». It is about the prevention of abortions, avoiding all sorts of inflammation of the genital organs and sexually transmitted infections. Therefore, cute girls, do not get carried away by short skirts in the cold season, because it is possible to dress warm and be attractive overnight! Carefully choose sexual partners and use barrier Counterfeiting methods (condoms) - just so you protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy (later from abortion), and various infections. In addition, lead a healthy lifestyle that will allow your body to develop without pathologies. Do not smoke and do not abuse alcoholic beverages. And once every six months attend the gynecologist - after all, to cure any disease easier in the early stages.