Causes and mechanism for the development of rain disease


  • The origin of the name of the disease
  • Reasons for the development of rain disease
  • Artery's faults to everything

  • The origin of the name of the disease

    Satirik Thailan Gharya Batista Moliere, who rose to the public to the public of modern doctors to him, did not cause smiles at the century later, the Paris therapist and Neuropathologist Maurice Reino. On the contrary, he was disappointed for his colleagues, despite the statements of great playwright to prove that even in those days, not everything was so bad in medicine. In the end, Reino took and wrote a book in the hearts «Doctors Times Moliere», which is so liked by the scientists of Paris's husbands, that they honored the author of the doctors of Philosophy. And according to merit - indeed, Reino was not only a talented practitioner, but also an erudite philosopher and a historian of medicine. If he continued to continue writing works on history and philosophy, in our days his name is unlikely to remember anyone, except for a narrow circle of specialists. Meanwhile, it firmly entered the medical lexicon. In the memory of descendants, Reino remained thanks to the composition dedicated to a very specific illness, where he first described in detail and systematized signs of circulatory disorders in small arteries of brushes and stop, which, gradually progressing, can lead to the halgor of fingers. Contemporaries considered the description so complete that the name of the author turned out to be firmly related to the disease itself - the term «Reino disease» He became generally accepted.

    Reasons for the development of rain disease

    Causes and mechanism for the development of rain diseaseStill no one knows why the Raino disease occurs. It is known that it mostly happens in young women, but the men are sick. The first attacks may appear after transferring infections or the impact of provoking factors - overwork, supercooling, non-harmony lighting. Development of Raino disease is possible as a consequence of brain injury or strong emotional shock. In favor of the neurological nature of the disease, the symmetry of the lesion is also indicated: the manifestations of the disease almost simultaneously capture the same sections on the right and left. But a certain meaning also has a physical activity on the fingers - the disease occurs more often from Town, pianists.

    An important predisposing factor is considered by hereditary features of the reaction of blood vessels on various external circumstances. After all, even in similar life situations, different people are reacting vessels in different ways - someone from the excitement blins, someone pale.

    But manifestations similar to the symptoms of Raino disease are observed in diseases of the domestic secretion glands, nervous system, weakening immunity, as well as in chronic poisoning of lead and mercury salts, long-term exposure to such a harmful factor as vibration. In these cases, vascular disorders can be one of the first and most significant symptoms.

    Artery's faults to everything

    The reason for the development of the disease lies in the arteries themselves, more precisely - in their walls. Arteries - not just tubes for blood pumping. The bloodstream is adjustable with the help of muscle fibers located in their wall. From ordinary muscles they differ at least what they almost do not get tired. Part of them generally always dwells in a state of voltage. This phenomenon is called vascular tone. If there is a need for an additional blood flow, muscle fibers relax, the clearance of the arteries expands and the bloodstream is enhanced.

    Of course, the artery does not determine how much blood should flow through it at one or another: the leading role in the regulation of the vascular tone belongs to the nervous system. It's very responsible: if the walls relax «superfluous» arteries, the total capacity of the vascular bed may increase so much that the body simply does not have enough blood to fill it.

    In case of rain disease, there is a sharp increase in the tone of certain groups of arteries. A significant part of the responsibility for this lies on the impaired nervous regulation, but the muscle fibers of the vessels can be guilty and muscle fibers - maybe they begin to respond too rapidly to teams «over». It is also possible that in the body there are substances-impostors, pretending to the messengers of the nervous system and the deception of the impressive gullible muscles to the reduction. Be that as it may, in the end, the arteries spasm develop - their lumen narrows so much that the blood is almost not acting to the fatty tissues.

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