What is leptospyrosis? What are the manifestations of leptospirosis? How to examine and treatment of leptospirosis? Answers to these questions you will find in the article.
Leptospirosis, manifestations of leptospirosis
Leptospirosis - infectious disease caused by bacteria
Leptospira; It is characterized by lesion of the liver, kidneys, shells of the brain. Leptospiir - spiral single bacteria with curved ends; The species is presented
More than 100 options. Leptospirosis is common ubiquitous. The main reservoir of leptospirosis - wild and home
(Pigs, Cattle) Animals. A person is infected with leptospirosis when carrying out agricultural work; Less often with contacts
with animals and via food. The peak of morbidity leptospirosis falls on the warm season (May-September).
Broke-free leptospirosis form: incubation period - 5-12 days,
sharp rise body temperature up to 39-40°C, muscular and headaches,
conjunctivitis, redness Scler and face. 3-5 days may appear
Bright pink rash on the limbs and torso. Possible nausea, vomiting
(sometimes with blood), abdominal pain. In some cases celebrate
The two-way course of the disease - the first dominate flu-like
manifestations; For the second (after a few days or week) is characteristic
Typical bad clinic leptospirosis. Forecast rude-owned
Leptospirosis favorable. Complications of rude leptospirosis -
Inflammation of the kidneys, lungs, eyes.
Justice leptospirosis (Vasilyeva-Weyl's disease) - the most malignant
Shape leptospirosis. Incubation period - 2-19 days (on average 7-13 days). Justice leptospirosis begins
acutely body temperature rises to 39-40°WITH. Fever keeps 5-7 days and
then decreases to normal values. Simultaneously with the drop in body temperature
(Sometimes from 2-4 days of the disease) reaches jaundice coloring of the skin and mucous membranes
Approximately 30% of patients observe repeated, usually shortened, lifting
body temperature (second sick week); At the beginning of 2 weeks, the jaundice becomes
More intense. There are muscle and headaches, conjunctivitis, nausea, vomiting (often
with blood) and abdominal pain. There may be herpety races on the face. Practically everyone
Patients reveal the increase in liver and spleen. In favorable cases from the end
The second week and over the next 5-6 weeks there comes a gradual recovery.
Complications of jaundice leptospirosis: lesions of organs of vision - parishs of outdoor eye muscles, iris,
Inflammation of the eye nerve. Recovery is accompanied by the development
persistent immunity.
How to examine and treatment of leptospirosis
Blood microscopy is most effective in the first days of the disease.
Lysis reaction with patient serum and a standard set of microorganisms
spend on the 2-3rd week of the disease. After a week it is necessary to repeat the reaction
To identify the growth of antibody titers.
Treatment of leptospirosis:
- Bed regime, milk and vegetable diet.
- Antibiotics: benzylpenicillin 6-12 million units / day in / in or amoxicillin
500 mg inside every 6 hours - within 5-7 days.
- In groups of the population, the most susceptible to infection are carried out vaccination
Vaccine, three times with weekly intervals.