Rabies, symptoms and treatment


  • What is rabies
  • Symptoms of rabies
  • Treatment of rabies

  • What is rabies

    Rabies (the root of the word means raged, be in
    rage) is a dangerous infection­Harmony affecting the central nervous
    System (head and spinal cord, brain solid shells, meningial
    shell). Being infected or fleshy, animal bites another
    Animal and wounds infected with saliva. Anyone,
    wrapped with mad warm-blooded­can be infected with rabies.
    This is one of the sa­Hazardous infections, since almost every
    The treatment of the victim is dying.

    Rabies predominantly affects the brain. IN
    most cases inflammatory process­The cerebral cells,
    Causeing irreversible disorders­leading to death. Disease maybe
    Start last 9 days after infection with the Beshbean virus­va; but maybe
    pass 30-60 days before the appearance of the sympathy­Tomov. The closer the place of bite to
    the casualties of the victim, the less time passes until the appearance

    Rabies, symptoms and treatment
    After man bite an animal that
    reinforcement­Locally infected with rabies virus, urgent treatment
    Seat bite and immunization­Injections in terms of scheme can stop
    spread­Wound infection. But when symptoms appear, nothing
    It is impossible to stop the progression of bo­Lea. If the animal is impossible
    Catch and its fabrics can not be checked for the presence of the virus be­chenos,
    Anyway, it is necessary to monitor the victim of the bite just in case.

    Rabies caused by virus be­chenos. Dogs - Major Carids
    of this virus. Frenzy often Pereno­It is shown and passed wild
    animals: raccats, skins, foxes and bats. It was
    zare­Only a few cases of bites are guessed­Sheni volaimi
    Mice. In rare cases, the litter of infected volatile mice can
    contain enough virus to cause in­FEKE
    air in closed rooms such as caves. Rabies
    Can also be homemade cats infected with wild animals on the street.

    Fear virus enters salivary glands, and saliva
    thus becomes infected. Immediately after the bite virus
    rabies are transmitted with saliva. Rabies virus can also pass
    child if infected pet will lick or scratch
    it and also in contact with you­fissioning animal. Dog Cat,
    Raccoon, Fox or Skuns is almost always sick and die in those­10
    days after infection. Any wild animal on the street that leads
    herself too dru­oily, maybe mad, since one of the first
    animal rabies symptoms is loss of fear in front of people.
    Since the behavior of wild animals is difficult to correctly appreciate
    nestation­Alistas, unworn wild bite­must
    Call suspicion of rabies until the reverse.

    In dogs behavior with rabies is two­Type: furious and paralytic (or stunned). Furious type is characterized by fever, strong
    excitation and aggressive behavior. Excite­Replaced
    concern, then grabbing imaginary objects and bite others
    Animals. At the peak of the disease, fierce mad dogs fall into
    The incessant attack of the Dzer and Cusan until it comes
    their death.

    Paralytic type of rabies progresses­discharge
    faster. Paralysis develops, especially steam­Lich of the Lower Jaw. Language
    Dogs hangs and inf­Saliva continuously flows along with
    PE­Noah. Quickly comes the total paralysis, followed by death.

    Symptoms of rabies

    The initial stage of rabies in humans is characterized by moderate temperature, anxiety, headache, by­Tererty appetite and vomiting. Typical
    Pain, stuffing and tingling in the wound. Inflammation of the brain progression­Ruet,
    and the disease with the development of infection­It turns out or fierce, or
    in paralytic forces­Mu Raminy.

    Rabies are also called hydrophobia
    (Polyazno). One of the types of illness can you­call the spasm of sings in
    sip so that the victims are beans­wa can not swallow any liquid,
    Even the sly­well. Attempting to drink almost always ends­it's because
    liquid involuntarily falls into dy­happily throat what causes it

    Encephalitis (brain inflammation) increases,
    Strange, militant or feverish behavior­Alternate S
    Rational periods. As a rule, there are cramps. Usually within
    10 days from the beginning of the brain inflammation The cause of death becomes cardiac
    or breathing short­Nosta. Victims of rabies that do not die
    from stopping the breath or heart, usually fall into the irreversible to whom.
    It is unlikely that the victim is­can't recover after stay more than 2
    weeks in a coma due to complications worsening.

    Doctor can usually put pra­Willy diagnosis based on the fact that the patient has been bited by warm-blooded animals, the patient tells
    about pain, stuffing and tingling around the wound and at the appearance
    Symptoms Encefa­Lita. If doubts remain, you need to­Poons
    special laboratory tests try to highlight the rabies virus from
    Saliva, spinal out­fluid or urine.

    Treatment of rabies

    Fast Beach Bite Place­animals and immunization series
    Injections MO­Gut stop the development and distribution of infection­tion.
    Injections should be started until the first symptoms appear. Place bite
    Firstly, firstly processed, including traces of teeth.
    Wound after processing usually leave open.

    Secondly, if the animal is mad or have
    suspicion of rabies, child need to introduce human
    Immunoglobulin vs Bezhen­: Half in the place of bite and half in
    hand or in buttocks. Third, injection 1 or 2 live wak­Qing
    5, 6 or 7 times are held for the last­2-8 weeks, in
    depending on the age of the victim. Allergic reactions to rare vaccines,
    but on­Blue effects, such as a small temperature, anxiety and
    Muscular pain, observed at one­one third of all vaccinated.

    If rabies symptoms begin to appear,
    treatment is required in the hospital, usually in the ward­Conscent therapy.
    The victim of rabies should feel­make yourself as comfortable,
    need to strive for complete anesthesia. Successful Me­Todov treatment
    still not developed, although in re­Some cases are rabies

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