Immunostimulants for children

It is no secret that the health of the child, first of all, depends on the strong immunity. In this regard, the question arises: what factors affect the protective system of the child and how it can be strengthened?

There are many causes of immunodeficiency: congenital predisposition, improper nutrition, frequent colds, lack of vitamins. Immunity of the child's immunity is the main task for parents and immunostimulants come to revenue.

General characteristics of immunostimulators

Children's colds, childhood diseases, immunity, immunodeficiency, immunostimulants, enhancement of immunity, strengthening the body

Immunostimulators - preparations whose action is aimed at strengthening, stimulation and improving the immunity of children. They are a class of biotechnological, natural and synthetic substances that are able to influence the body's immune system. In medical practice, they found the use for the treatment of viral and bacterial diseases. Under the influence of these drugs, the immunity is not only rising, but the whole organism begins to function much more efficiently.

Often parents of kids who often sick with colds are trying to treat a child with a particular immunostimulator. Re-read the mountains of literature, seek information on the Internet, are addressed for advice to familiar. Reasons for concern really set: bad ecology, epidemic Influenza (threatening with all sorts of complications), visits to children's institutions, where there are often sick children and t.D. However, before starting the treatment of the child, our site recommends carefully learning the question, which is immunostimulants.

Since all immunostimulants have their own contraindications, in some cases the negative impact of a particular drug may even exceed its healing effect. Therefore, no ads, no advice of acquaintances should not be the basis for self-treatment. Only a doctor immunologist, after a thorough medical examination, can determine which violations have a place to be and appoint your child an appropriate immunostimulator.

Varieties of immunostimulating drugs

Children's colds, childhood diseases, immunity, immunodeficiency, immunostimulants, enhancement of immunity, strengthening the body

One of the groups of immunostimulants includes drugs made on the basis of animal thymus. Milk iron (thymus) of cattle generates hormones, under the influence of which the cells of the immune system ripen. However, despite their effectiveness, it is necessary to take similar drugs with extreme caution.

First, they increase the level of lymphocytes in the body, which can cause autoimmune diseases. Secondly, there is no guarantee that these drugs are not infected with animal bacteria origin. Therefore, before applying similar drugs, it is important to consult with a doctor immunologist.

Immunostimulants of plant origin

Vegetable immunostimulants are the most efficient and safe substances that will help strengthen the protective system of the kid organism. They were used in traditional medicine from time immemorial. Folk healers had many prescriptions based on medicinal herbs, stimulating the protective functions of the body. Consider them in more detail.

Immunostimulators can be divided into two groups:

  1. Medicinal plants capable of not only stimulate immunity, but also inhibition of its functions. Treatment with such herbs must be carried out with careful selection of dosage, preferably under the supervision of the doctor. This group includes: mistletoe, ash, yellow and licorice cube.
  2. Plants with a soft stimulating action that do not cause side effects. Often the immunostimulants of this group are recommended for self-medication. These include: Cranberry, Chabret, St. John's wort, fig, aloe, Hawthorn, Melissa, Echinacea Purple and Rosehip.

It is worth noting that on the shelves of pharmacies along with immunostimulants for children there is a large selection of vitamins that contribute to the strengthening of immunity. As a rule, experts recommend combining the treatment of herbs with a reception of such drugs to provide an integrated effect.

Food products are completely safe and very useful, in which there are many vitamins and minerals: carrots, beets, pepper Bulgarian, cabbage, onion, buckwheat, gentle wheat. They will not only strengthen the immunity of your child, but also contribute to the removal of pathogenic nitrates from the body.

Indications for the use of immunostimulants

Children's colds, childhood diseases, immunity, immunodeficiency, immunostimulants, enhancement of immunity, strengthening the body

Undoubtedly, immunostimulants bring tremendous benefits in treating diseases, but they have strict indications for use. These doctors include the following:

  • sluggish, recurrent and chronic infections;
  • diseases of bacterial and viral origin;
  • pathology, stimulating the development of secondary immunodeficiency (post-captation, post-change);
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • Immunodeficiency states caused by the action of physical, biological and chemical factors.

It is worth remembering that each of these drugs is targeted for the treatment of certain symptoms and before making a decision on taking medication, it is necessary to undergo a survey and consult with a doctor.


Children's colds, childhood diseases, immunity, immunodeficiency, immunostimulants, enhancement of immunity, strengthening the body

Immunostimulants are intended for delicate effects on the body. Therefore, there are a number of autoimmune diseases in which the use of immunostimulants is strictly prohibited. These are diseases associated with impaired immune system. So, treatment with stimulating drugs can cause irreparable harm to the health of your child.

Among the contraindications to use, the presence of such ailments can be distinguished:

Remember that the health of the baby is the main value, so you feel about any fear with extreme caution and do not hesitate with the appeal to the doctor.

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