Animal diseases that are able to be transmitted to people call zooanthroponosis. What can be fraught with a domestic pet? How the main zooanthroponoses appear? About this in the article.
A rare person does not like domestic animals, many of their lives do not imagine without a cat or doggy, some consider it quite normal to put a cute creature, kiss him, feed from the hands, to put in my bed. However, few people think that such a close communication can be fraught with the disease.
Scientists calculated that four-legged and dirty pets can suffer from 250 different diseases, of which more than half can be transmitted to man. In Europe, such diseases are totaling only 30, however, from this to us, people, it is no easier, many of these pigeons are able to cause significant harm to health and even cause death.
Gloves from cats and dogs
Animal diseases that are able to be transmitted to people call zooanthroponosis. The most common ones are rightfully considered to be helminthoses or simply disease caused by worms.
Helmintoses are very widespread among pets. Eggs of worms are swallowed by cats and dogs during walks on the street, as well as with the licking of the paw and other, far from sterile parts of the body. Some cats and dogs suffer from coprophage, that is, we tend to eat someone else's feces, and this — straight to infection.
A man infects from the animal with close contact with him and the absence of due hygiene, in particular, rare hand washing and in case it divides the bed with his beloved pet.
The most common helminthoses
Echinococcosis. His causative agent is the larva of the chain of echinococcus living in the intestine of dogs. Parasite eggs are on the animal wool, dirty hands are recorded in the mouth and even fall into the intestine of a person. The larvae came out of the eggs, try the intestinal wall and with blood current are spread to all organs, causing the formation of echinococcal cyst. Lesion brain, liver (75%), lungs (20%) kidneys, hearts can lead to death.
- Toxocroquers — Helmintosis caused by dog ascarides or toxocarars, typical dirty hand disease. They are more likely to suffer children, clinging eggs Helmint on the handles during the game on the street. Unfortunately, there are few dogs walking sites, and some unscrupulous owners allow their pets to cope directly at the playgrounds. The danger of toxocamposis is that Helmint's larvae easily penetrate into the intestinal walls and with blood current is entered into the lungs, where they cause the development of sluggish pneumonia. In addition, the helminthosis is accompanied by a child allergyization.
- Strondhyloidosis — Another option of helminthosis from dogs and cats.
The disease proceeds with pain in the stomach, chair disorder,
Inxication caused by Gelming Vital Products,
manifests itself with headaches, dizziness and general weakness.
In children suffering from strondhyloidosis, anemia develops, is observed
Loge in growth and development.
Diseases caused by the simplest and microbes
- Rabies — one of the incurable diseases leading to death. The rabies virus gets to a person in the bite of animals, with slouch of skin and mucous membranes. If you were bitten by a stray animal or your own dog, which recently behaved strangely and aggressively, immediately refer to the doctor. Only timely vaccinations are capable of saving life! All pets should be vaccinated against rabies!
- Giardiasis — The disease caused by the simplest microorganisms, giardia parasitic in the digestive system of domestic animals. Gamemboli in the human body causes the appearance of weaknesses, headaches, dizziness, nausea, stomach pain. Parasitization of giardia in the biliary paths and a bustling bubble leads to a violation of the outflow of bile, an increase in the liver, pain in the right hypochondrium, anemia. Often the urticaria is developing and the lesions of the joints.
- Felinosis or Cat scratch disease — Another payment for love for homemade pets. Felinosis pathogens are kept in saliva, urine, on cat paws and fall into the rink during applying scratches or care for animals. On the beginning of the fellinosis testifies for a long non-healing wound at the bite or scratch. Limite the temperature rises, the lymph nodes increase, symptoms of intoxication occur. With proper and timely treatment, recovery is guaranteed.
- Toxoplasmosis. Its carriers are also cats, especially those who are not bend hunted on mice and other rodents, with pleasure to be raised raw infected pet meat. The disease is characterized by damage to the nervous and lymphatic system, muscles. Toxoplasmosis in pregnant women are fraught with infection of the fetus, its deformities and death.
- Leptospirosis — This is a severe disease that flows with the lesion of the liver, kidneys, brain shells. Leptospiirs fall into the human body through the nose, mouth, through damaged mucous membranes and skin. The patient rises the temperature, there is a headache, pain in the muscles and joints, in the abdomen. Even death is possible.
- Microsporia, Trikhophysu — Skin diseases caused by fungi. Cats and dogs can be carriers of the disease, but man can also act as a source of infection. In relation to the microsporography and tricochy in the animal, an appearance on the body of the animal prophesin and sections of the skin of the skin should be worked out on the body. In humans, the disease occurs like dermatitis and can lead to focal baldness.
- Ornithosis in the broad sense of the word — These are diseases whose pedestal is birds. In particular, the home parrot or canary can be infected with chlamydia. The sick bird is different from the healthy presence of a focus of inflammation at the base of the beak, discharge from the nose, shortness of breath and muddy eyes. The man is infected with inhalation of dust contaminated by feces and discharge from the bird's nose. Infection causes the development of atypical pneumonia flowing with high temperatures, strongest symptoms of intoxication, heart lesions, liver and nervous system.