Cough: Before you treat, it is important to understand


  • Why there is cough?
  • What a cough happens?

  • Cough: Before you treat, it is important to understandCough
    — One of the common causes leading to a patient to the doctor. But, K
    regret, it is also one of the symptoms with which we prefer to fight
    on one's own. Usually cough
    bind with a banal cold, without even thinking that the cause of it
    There may be another, more serious illness requiring urgent
    Medical care.

    «From what» Cashel happens?

    — This is a protective reaction of the body, which occurs in response to irritation
    respiratory tract receptors of mucus or out there outside the foreign body,
    less frequent — In response to the reflex excitation of the respiratory centers of the nervous system
    for diseases of the nasopharynx, auditory passage, pleura, ozo,

    in itself is not a specific sign of some particular disease. But
    With confidence, it can be said that most often he arises with colds
    Diseases, it is they who rank first in the ranking of his reasons.

    1. Acute respiratory diseases (flu,
      Paragripp and other ARVI), accompanied by acute rhinitis, pharyngitis,
      Larygitis, tracheitis.
    2. Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory
      paths. Cough with chronic hymorite
      also not uncommon.
    3. Chronic nonspecific lung diseases,
      For example, chronic bronchitis, chronic pneumonia, bronchial asthma and others.
    4. Pulmonary tuberculosis.
    5. Lungs' cancer.
    6. Lung Tumors, Plevura, Aortity Aneurysm,
      Increased mediastinal lymph nodes leading to bronchial compression outside,
      The appearance of chronic dry
    7. Fibrous and disseminated processes in the lungs,
      accompanied by the growth of connective tissue and violating motion
      air of the bronchial tree.
    8. Tracheobronchial dyskinesia — condition,
      associated with a violation of tone and spasm of bronchi and trachea.
    9. Pneumatic and hemotorax — Cluster in cavity
      Pleverra air or blood leading to the squeezing of light and reflex
      The emergence of cough.
    10. Hitting foreign bodies in the respiratory tract (y
      Children can stay unnoticed).
    11. Poklush, heavy pneumonia, bronchotapes in children.
    12. Blood circulation organs leading to
      heart failure and stagnation of blood in the lungs.

    What a cough happens?

    Frequent and rare, permanent and periodic, weak and
    Strong, painless and with abdominal pain or under ribs, dry and wet — cough
    may have a different picture. Consider in his features signs
    specific illness — This is the art of a doctor.

    Unproductive cough arises from irritation of respiratory tract.
    The sputum is not cleared, and therefore such cough, in fact, is useless
    For the body. Similar cough
    occurs during laryngotrachite, bronchitis, at the very beginning of their development. He
    barking, coarse, combined with votes, in throat. Then
    there is a scarce wet, the cough gradually becomes wet, that is

    Dry strong cough can be caused by inhalation of irritating substances,
    smoke, hit the foreign bodies in the airways. Such a cough can lead to suffocation,
    accompanied by the formation of skin cover, loss of consciousness.

    Dry cough with pain under the ribs is characteristic of pleurrites, chronic dry cough — For mediastinum tumors, bronchi, sarcoidosis, aortic aneurysms. With tuberculosis
    lungs sick for a long time pushes, and a weak surface cough does not even suggest
    Serious illness.

    Productive cough differs from dry cough with its timbre. Kashlevoye
    noises are complemented by sounds arising when moving sputum. Cough, wheezing, «Bulk» in chest,
    which are heard at a distance are most often caused by the accumulation of mucus when bronchitis,
    Pneumonia, bronchiectatic disease, lung abscesses. At the same time, children and
    weakened patients may not pump off the wet outward, but to climb it that
    mistaken makes thinking about dry cough.

    If the sputum moves easily, it can be assumed that
    «Causal place» Located near the voice gap. At pneumonia I
    Bronchitis mucus moves with difficulty, after a long severe breast cough.

    Cough for
    heart failure and chronic laryngitis usually standing and
    Provoked by various smells, change of temperature and humidity.
    Cough attacks at night
    may be a sign of allergies or cardiac asthma, and the morning cough is more often
    speaks about chronic bronchitis.

    Special attention should be given to the barking, dry cough in a child, cause
    which can be cough, sometimes passing in a chop. A series of convulsive
    The cough jesters is replaced by a protracted whistling inhale heard at a distance,
    Such cough often leads
    To suffocation and require emergency medical care.

    Attention! Far away
    every case of cough
    requires an in-depth examination, especially if there are other signs of acute
    respiratory infection, but not passing cough, lasting more than 3 weeks, despite
    Conducted treatment should be a reason to appeal to the doctor. Before
    treat, it is important to understand the reasons for the appearance of this so many-sided symptom.

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