Intimate hygiene


  • Motherland intimate hygiene
  • Pasters
  • The value of intimate hygiene
  • Vaginal dysbiosis

  • In the ancient Jews, there was a tradition for quite a long time to isolate from the woman around the menstruation, because blood discharge from her body religion considered as proof of the sinful essence of the female flesh. Indications are contained even in the Bible: «If a woman has the expansion of blood flowing out of her body, then she must sit seven days during his cleansing, and anyone who touch her, the unclean will be until the evening; And everything that she will fall into continued cleansing his, unclean; And everything that will sit, unclean; And anyone who touch her bed must wash their clothes and washed with water, and the unclean will be until the evening; and anyone who will touch some thing that she sat should wash their clothes and washed with water, and the unclean will be until the evening».

    Motherland intimate hygiene

    Intimate hygieneDespite the fact that many nations have compliance with the purity of the body was an important part of ordinary and religious life, real birthplace intimate hygiene is considered to be ancient Egypt. It is in this state of hygiene, especially feminine, became a cult. When excavations, several papyrus were found on the medical theme, and among them the so-called «Gynecological papyrus from Kahuna», Describing «Women's problems», Methods for their treatment and measures to comply with intimate hygiene. For example, representatives of nobility and ministers in the temples should have digested daily to care for intimate parts of the body: toft the genitals with water, rinse them with special infants, rub incense. Archaeologists also believe that it is the Egyptian healers who invented the enema, and this suggests that the Egyptians have been scanned. In addition, even the means of menstrual hygiene for the first time appeared in the country Pyramids - papyrus describe in detail the process of twisting tampons from linen fibers intended «For introduction to flesh» during menstruation. Other manuscripts contain information that rich Egyptians used soft papyrus tampons, rolled in the form of a roll. Poor women had to be content with cane tampon.

    From Egypt, the doctrine of intimate hygiene has spread to ancient Greece, and from there to the Roman Empire. Famous hippocrates in the V-IV century BC.NS. Posted several works on female medicine: «On the nature of a woman», «About infertility», «About female diseases». It recommended that a cloth or a wooden rod wrapped in a soft material rolled into the tube during menstruation. Cleuofant from Alexandria in the II century BC.NS. became famous for his writings on obstetrics and female diseases. A Roman surgeon archived in the I-II century.NS. For the first time applied to the survey of the vagina and cervix a special mirror - diopter.

    In the Middle Ages, there was a general decline in culture, therefore, the observance of sanitary and hygienic standards ceased to be needed. It turned out to the point that women simply wipe the menstrual dresses edge. Later, in the era of the Renaissance, regular bath adoption, the ablution of hands before meals and sleep again became familiar measures. During the menstruation period, women in Europe enjoyed fabric dressings attached to the belt skirt. Such a means of hygiene could not be called reliable, but in that era of skirts on a woman there were many, so the stains remained only on the lower. By the way, such gaskets were reusable - after use, they were washed, dried, sprinkled with aromatic salts or powder and used several times.


    Production of gaskets in the industrial way was established in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. Nurses during the First World War came up with the use of cellustone dressing material as a means of menstrual hygiene, having an increased degree of absorption. Literally in a few years, the mass production of gaskets from the cellukotone began. And in 1933, American surgeon Earl Haas created the first in the history of Tampucks. His wife constantly complained that she was inconvenient to ride a horse, using thick gaskets during menstruation, and then Haas turned a piece of medical cotton, handed the cord through it and placed a cotton hand in a cardboard tube. The resulting invention got a name «TAMPAX» - from English «Tampon», «tampon», and «Pack», «package». In 1936, Tampucks was recognized as the greatest invention in the field of intimate hygiene.

    For a long time in our country, intimate hygiene was the topic closed for discussion. It was believed that such conversations were extremely indecent because they concern the field of sex, talking about which is not at all. On the one hand, this is quite understandable - the matter is exclusively delicate and purely personal, but on the other - the lack of information on this topic, the evasion of the open conversation led to the fact that the level of gynecological diseases remained unchanged high. Fortunately, in recent years, the situation has noticeably improved. About intimate hygiene began to speak freely in the media, and in the family circle. Many schools even introduced a special subject «Ethics and Psychology of Family Life», And in the lessons, the girls receive elementary knowledge not only about the structure of their body, but also about ways to care.

    The value of intimate hygiene

    Intimate hygieneSo, why intimate hygiene is so important? Because its observance reduces the risk of many gynecological diseases and problems. Moreover, non-compliance with personal hygiene may well turn into infertility. Therefore, it is extremely important not only to regularly perform a set of sanitary and hygienic measures, but to perform them correctly.

    The most important part of the reproductive system of women is the uterus. According to doctors, the uterine cavity is sterile, so bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms enter it leads to a violation of natural sterility. This is fraught with diseases and complications for childbirth. Nature has provided uterus protection from sterility loss, «Phase» vagina by special bacteria that kill alien microorganisms before they penetrate the uterine cavity. These bacteria, or rather, lactobacilli, isolated milk acid, creating a sour medium that kills most of the pathogenic microorganisms.

    But nature is not omnipotent - if there are too many such microorganisms, they turn the acid medium into an alkaline, and this oppresses lactobacillia, reducing the level of protection of the vagina. Foreign microbes come to the place of depressed lactobacilli, and this condition is called dysbacteriosis. In such conditions, part «Bad» Microorganisms easily penetrate the uterus and causes diseases. To avoid this, it is necessary to carefully monitor the purity of the external genital organs.

    Vaginal dysbiosis

    Most often the cause of dysbacteriosis is to enter the vagina of soap foam. If it happens rarely, the female organism is able to neutralize the effect of soap alkali, but if often or, even worse, regularly, the acid-alkaline balance disorders inevitably. The brightest sign of dysbacteriosis becomes an unpleasant «Fish» smell, get rid of which you can only after the course of treatment. Often smell is not at all, but daily allocations are becoming more. In any case, the reason for the excitement is, and you do not need to pull the gynecologist. The longer ignore the dysbacteriosis, the more lactobacilli will die, that is, above the risk of diseases and development of infections.

    Sometimes there is various hormonal disorders to the appearance of dysbacteriosis and even such natural physiological processes as menstruation, pregnancy, menopause. In girls up to 17-18 years old the risk of dysbacteriosis is higher than in older women, because the body has not yet achieved sexual maturity, so they have a protective microflora of the vagina, which has not yet formed finally, can not «work» in full force.

    Whatever the causes of the emergence of dysbacteriosis, in no case cannot be engaged in self-medication - it is necessary to seek professional medical care as soon as possible. Healthy women should carefully monitor the observance of personal hygiene standards to prevent this disease. It is important to remember that the inattentive attitude to its intimate health threatens serious impaired reproductive function until infertility.

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