Symptoms of major forms of heersiniosis


  • Symptoms of the disease
  • Characteristics of the main forms of the disease

  • Symptoms of the disease

    Symptoms of major forms of heersiniosisAll formats of Iraciniosis are inherent in some common features, the beginning of the disease is acute, the temperature of the Tepa rises to 38-40 ?C, fever, intoxication, abdominal pain, chair disorder, sprinkle on skin, pain in the joints and muscles, an increase in peripheral lymph nodes and liver, a tendency to a wavy flow with exacerbations and relapses. The course of the disease can be sharp (up to 3 months.), protracted (up to 6 months.) and chronic (6 months., 1.5-2 years).

    There may be nausea and vomiting, a liquid slicer chair, up to 10 times a day with an admixture of mucus, blood is usually not happening. In laboratory analyzes, leukocytosis (increase in blood leukocytes) and the acceleration of SE.

    The leading symptom of the disease is abdominal pain. It happens so strong that it is often a patient to make a diagnosis «Acute belly» and he falls under the supervision of the surgeon.

    Characteristics of the main forms of the disease

    The jagglous form develops either simultaneously with the gastroenterocolitical or 2-3 days after the intestinal lesion. In this form, the symptoms of liver damage are symptoms, toxic hepatitis develops. Complaints of heaviness and pain in the right hypochondrium, sometimes itching. The yellowness of the skin and scler appears. The darkening of urine is noted, feces feces.

    Gastrointestinal form most often occurs in adults. The beginning is usually acute, in some cases subacute or gradual. The symptoms of the lesion of the gastrointestinal tract and signs of intoxication appear. Patients are worried about pain in the stomach of various intensity, periodic or grapple-shaped, localized in the above-fevering region or around the navel, nausea, repeated vomiting, abdominal bloating.

    Chair from 4-5 to 15-20 times a day, liquid feces, silent, sometimes with admixture of mucus and blood. Dehydration can develop. Intoxication, manifested by chills, increasing temperature, headache, dizziness, weakness, sweating, decreased appetite, brushes in muscles and bones, precede the symptoms of the lesion of the gastrointestinal tract or joins a few hours after the start of the disease. In some cases, light inflammatory phenomena are noted (small pain or throat, runny nose, rare dry cough, voice hoarseness), which are preceded by gastrointestinal disorders, and sometimes persist on them. There is a redness or pallor of the skin of the face, sometimes the jaundice of Scler. Language in the first days is covered, by the 5-6th day it becomes clean, with «Malinov» Konchik. The pulse frequency corresponds to an increase in body temperature, blood pressure is reduced only with significant dehydration or cutting intoxication.

    The course of this form of heersiniosis is usually easy or moderate. The temperature is normalized to the 4-5th day of the disease, recovery comes in most cases by the end of the 1st week. Rarely the disease flows waves, and the duration increases to 3-4 weeks. Exacerbations and relapses are rare.

    Abdominal form is more often observed in children. The initial manifestations are fever, intoxication, moderate abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, rapid liquid chair, sometimes catarrhal phenomena. After 1-3 days of vomiting and diarrhea cease, but appear (or enhanced) pain in the right brown area or around the navel. The disease can begin with the occurrence of strong pain in the abdomen without certain localization, which in terms of several hours to 1-2 days are localized in the right iliac region. The duration of this form is usually 3-4 weeks, the disease ends, as a rule, recovery. Abdominal and gastrointestinal shapes of heersiniosis can go to the widespread.

    The secondary-focal form is not independent, but can develop after any of the described forms of Iraciniosis. At the same time, the disease can flow hidden, or the first manifestations of the heersiniosis (for example, gastroenteritis) and then the focal lesions occurred are separated from each other long period, during which states well-being remains good. In these cases, the first pronounced manifestation of the disease is the defeat of any organ (heart, liver, joint, cerebral shells). The most frequent variant of this form is a lesion of 2-3 joints or a long defeat of one joint. Usually 2-3 joints are amazed at intervals from several days to 2-3 weeks.

    The course of this version of Iersiniosis is favorable, recovery, as a rule, comes without residual phenomena, and relapses are usually no. Myocarditis (heart damage) is manifested by a subfebrile temperature, weakness, rapid fatigue, unpleasant sensations or pain in the heart, heartbeat, shortness of breath, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat). The flow of benign, insufficiency of blood circulation does not develop, but the duration can be several months.

    Iraciniosal hepatitis can be not only manifestation of generalized form, but also by an option for the secondary focal form of Iersiniosis. With the last jaundice, it appears from the very beginning of the disease. The content of bilirubin in the blood is moderately rising. Jaundice, as a rule, short and non-intensive, and fever and intoxication can be pronounced and long.

    The arthritic form is characterized by the development of the polyarthritis (lesions of several joints), the appearance of nodular erythema and myocarditis symptoms. Leukocytosis is observed in the blood (increase in the number of leukocytes) and an increase in ESP to 30-80 mm / h. Usually, these symptoms appear after 1-2 weeks after the start of the disease and are regarded as a manifestation of an allergic reaction. The disease usually continues from several days to 3 months.

    The arthralgic form proceeds with fever, intoxication and strong pain in the joints. Basic complaint about joint pain. Artralgia sometimes cause immobilization of patients and insomnia. The joints are not changed.

    Gastroenterocolithic form meets more often than others. It begins acutely, body temperature rises to 38-39 ?C, headache, malaise, insomnia, chills appear. Simultaneously with intoxication syndrome, abdominal pain occurs, diarrhea, sometimes vomiting. Liquid chair with a sharp unpleasant smell, occasionally with admixture of mucus, blood. Stool frequency varies from 2 to 15 times a day. Duration of this form of heersiniosis from 2 days to 2 weeks.

    Exandtemic form is characterized by intoxication syndrome and the appearance of Exanthem (rash). Rash appears on the 1st-6th day of the disease. It can be point, fine or large-scale skin without itching. Rash usually disappears without a trace after 2-5 days, on the site of the former rash there is a seven-party peeling.

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