Many believe that anti-happose vaccination is one hundred percent warranty. Alas, it's not. No matter how effective is a vaccine, there are still many other viruses dangerous to the body. We are talking about the causative agents of ARVI.

The World Health Organization has already called the subtypes of influenza viruses that can cause the season of the 2011-2012 season epidemic. The greatest danger of them is already known to us by the strain A / H1N1, associated with an outbreak «Swine influenza» in 2009. And although the epidemic is still far away (usually its beginning falls on the middle of winter), so that the events develop on a prosperous scenario, Rospotrebnadzor recommends the vaccination.
Many believe that vaccination — 100% guarantee. Alas, it's not. Although vaccination is most often preventing infecting, the danger of influenza becomes painful, but at the same time the sickness usually flows in a light form, without the development of severe complications or fatal outcome. In addition, cellular immunity is formed at vaccination, as after suffering the disease. But it is important to note that the vaccinated person has influenza protection for a period no more than 12 months, and it is precisely from that subtype of the virus against which vaccination was produced. After this period, the level of antibodies that are generated as a result of the vaccine action falls below the necessary protection required for efficient protection.
If possible, try to make flu vaccinations on time, before the start of seasonal raising of morbidity, since the body is required (usually at least two weeks) to form a immune response. And if you transferred a severe disease before vaccination, then in this case it is best to advise with the doctor.
Whatever effective vaccine against influenza types, active in the current season, there are many other viruses dangerous to the body. We are talking about the causative agents of ARVI. From them the anti-happose vaccination will not definitely help.
Many antibiotics do not help — viruses that cause flu and ORVI are not bacteria, and antibiotics do not act on them. Moreover, they can harm the body.
So in treatment you need to follow the principle: every disease — His medicine. To combat viral infections, such as influenza and ORVI, there are special antiviral drugs. Some of these funds are active in relation to the limited number of infections, but there are also those whose effectiveness is proved against a large number of influenza viruses and ORVI. One of these drugs is Arbidol®.
Feature of the domestic antiviral drug Arbidol® in that it blocks the ability of the virus to infect healthy cells. This means that the influenza virus will not be able to reproduce and spread through the human body. Obviously, it is best to start receiving the Arbidol® at the first signs of the disease, but even if the flu or ORVI is already «unfold» in full force, the drug can reduce the duration of the disease, facilitate its symptoms and reduce the likelihood of the development of complications.
Arbidol® Perfect for both disease prevention. In dangerous epidemic periods, he will support the protective forces of the organisms, helping them to cope with «Attacking» viruses. At the same time, the drug is characterized by a good safety profile, adverse reactions rarely occur and mainly due to the individual intolerance to its components.
Vaccination, antiviral drugs or folk methods — So many means by which you can successfully resist influenza viruses and ORVI. What to choose — decide, of course, you. But always remember the wonderful Russian saying: «road spoon to dinner». Protect your body correctly, effectively and on time.