Perodontosis? Savor teeth


  • What is perodontosis
  • Treatment of periodontosis

  • What is perodontosis

    There are problems with teeth. Caries, the inflammation of the gums or simply Nesbesta Breath - an indifference consequences of the lifestyle of a modern man, bad ecology and also, God knows what. In any case, with these problems you need to do something. Otherwise they can make your life unbearable.

    Periodontortosis - a problem that lies after the crisis of middle age, between the decision of the issue «Fathers and children» and slowing biorithm.

    Physiologically constant teeth are erased by about 40 years. At this point there is a pure atrophy of the alveolar process. Depending on a number of factors, it accelerates or slows down, then it comes - periodontalosis. Today «life time» Tooths with different degrees of periodontal disease can be extended on average for 10-15 years.

    For reference, periodontal is a combination of tissues surrounding and holding tooth. It applies to it and adjacent to the teuba, and muscle ligaments, holding the tooth inside the bone in the jaw, and the bone jaw bone cloth, surrounding the root of the tooth. «Periodontal disease» Typically refer to a large group of periodontal diseases: gingivitis, periodontitis and actually periodontalosis. In this group, diseases for periodontalosis account for about 2%, in gingivitis - 15-18%, for periodontitis - more than 60% of periodontal diseases. There is an opinion that periodontal appearances are contagious, but it is not true.

    It is possible to determine the presence of periodontal in the following features:

    • on the displacement of the grooming fabric from the surface of the tooth, the exposure of the neck and root of the tooth, the taper atrophy,
    • to reduce tooth resistance.

    Periodontosis can manifest themselves against the background of other lesions of the dental fabric of a noncaryotic type: erosion of the enamel, the womb of the teeth, the cystal defect.

    The common causes of occurrence of periodontal appearance include:

    • Cardiovascular diseases: atherosclerosis, hypertension;
    • endocrine, exchange disorders; scraping teeth and others.

    Specialists argue that periodontalosis is the disease of the whole organism. Therefore, to stop the process of destruction of the gums and can be restored only by complex treatment, affecting all organism systems. Usually their dysfunction leads to periodontal. To restore the work of these systems, it is often necessary to carry out a stuffing therapy. It includes vitaminotherapy, phytotherapy, autohemotherapy, laser therapy, and T.D.

    Treatment of periodontosis

    Local treatment of periodontosis includes the yield of the oral cavity, allowing to reduce inflammation. The oral cavity is treated with aseptics and antiseptics. After a decrease in signs of inflammation, the scratched granulation tissue is removed. It is the immediate cause of the destruction of periodontal tissues. Removal of granulation contributes to the process of scarring of wounds of wounds.

    Perodontortosis? Savor teeth In periodontal disease, the gum massage is carried out to improve blood flow. If the patient complains about the increased sensitivity of the teeth, pain and itching, the treatment of these symptoms is being treated.

    Paradontosis can be treated in clinical conditions, but some remove his symptoms by folk remedies. Deny «Babushkina» Methods are not worth: they can be quite effective. However, it is more likely to turn to a professional.

    If you have not yet reached the perodontologist, you can try to soften the disease yourself. So, it is possible to remove the bleeding of the gums with the help of urban gravity, genuine blood-red, DRIZHENIK Ivolistra (pave-grass), sandy, powdrates straight (represented).

    Some vegetable agents along with bloodstands have an astringent effect due to the content of tanids, catechins and other binding substances. They have a local anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect.

    The tincture of the root of the laptop straight-deed on cotton swabs is applied to the gum 4-5 times a day. Reduces the bleeding of the gums rinse the rhizer of the root. The urban gravel in the form of infusion has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces swelling, normalizes the permeability of the vessels.

    Eugenol and essential oils contained in the roots of the plant eliminate the smell of mouth. Arnica Mountain (appliqués of the tincture of Arnica mountain for 70% alcohol - 1: 10) are used to reduce the bleeding of the gums.
    Blood-like (Dereza) stops buoying gums.

    In general, like other diseases, periodontalosis is easier to prevent than to treat. For its prevention, the hygiene of the oral cavity and timely inspections from a specialist.

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