Each of us at least once in life heard a terrible word «caries» - It causes fear in children and trembling in adults. Creepy Bormashina, Nalaskaya, Mildly, doctors, acute pain at night do their job: once converging to the dentist, a person for life is in touch with negative memories. Today, our site will try to tell readers that the caries is not so terrible that it can be treated even without born, but the correct prevention can save you from «Painful torture».
What is caries
So, the caries is a pathological process, which leads to demineralization of dental enamel, and after - to the formation of a carious cavity. To speak simple, not a medical language, caries is a disease of the tooth, often accompanied by sensitivity and even pain.
Caries - Surely, the most common disease in the world, they suffer from 97% of the people of our planet. And so you need to constantly take prevention measures. Oddly enough, men suffer from caries somewhat less often than women. This is explained by the fact that the men are less common in the desperate sweet tooths, and women are also «Lose teeth» During pregnancy.
What is the scheme of the appearance of caries?! You noticed on your teeth? It feels if tongue tongue. That this is this flare - a favorable environment for breeding and active «vital activity» Microorganisms. The latter, in turn, glued to the teeth (forming «Blyach») and slowly, but correctly produce a special acid that destroys the solid tissue tooth.
Causes of the appearance of caries
Bad hygiene oral cavity. This is the main reason for the appearance of caries. If you do not care about your teeth every day, then create a favorable environment (blooming on teeth, gums and language) for the appearance and aggravation of caries.
Relaxed immunity and avitaminosis. Yes, it is they who weaken the stability of the body to this disease.
Fluoride, calcium, miniral salts, proteins, and at the same time excess carbohydrate food and sweets, lead to reminiolation of dental enamel.
Composition of saliva. It is the saliva that is responsible for the saturation of the teeth by minerals and the protection of them from «Nalipania» bacteria. After diseases or stresses, the composition of saliva changes, therefore, the teeth become defenseless.
Know that at night, saliva production is broken several times. And if you do not clean your teeth for the night, then in just 6 hours of sleeping microorganisms will make their «Dirty» - form on the tooth «Blyach», What is the first sign of caries.
Hereditary factor and ecology. Many people think that if dad with mom is bad teeth, then a child, like not cool, will be the same. I even heard such an opinion from one dentist. Yes, you will not argue with heredity, and some factors (bite, the structure of the shornly-jaw system) will play a role. But it's not worth lowering! Nobody canceled the correct teeth care - exactly thanks to him you will save my teeth from caries.
Stage Caries
Like any useful, caries proceeds in some kind of scheme, alternating some stages.
At the initial stage, white spots are formed on the teeth - foci of demineralization of the tooth. Stains over time become yellow, then darken and reload into surface caries. Emal of the tooth becomes a rough, painful sensitivity of the teeth appears. If you do not take action, the soft tissue tissue will begin to collapse and the carious cavity is formed - all this is characteristic of the average caries. Well, when it starts to collapse the pulp (sensitive tooth fabric), it will be evidence of deep caries.

Carious tooth negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract, the heart, reduces immunity. At the stage of deep caries, inflammation of the pulp - pulpitis, and sometimes it is possible and sepsis (blood infection) is possible. Therefore, at this stage, the treatment is dangerous not only for health, but also for life.
Between the initial and stage of deep caries, it can pass from a year to several years. If the process proceeds quickly (in children and adolescents), it is called sharp caries. Adults most often found sluggish chronic caries.
Treatment of caries
The problem of dentistry is that many think that caries is when it is formed in the teeth «hole». This «hole» need to be treated, and there are few good in this process. Therefore, prefer to endure to the last - to pain, fluxes and sleepless nights. Considerable in this merit of Soviet dentists, obsolete treatment techniques, sickness to patients. In the past few years, the situation has changed in the root - dentists are friendly, borrowers are contemporary, anesthesia is done at the slightest manipulations. True, all this concerns mostly private clinics.
Although, recently, I had to treat the tooth in an ordinary dental clinic, and I was pleasantly surprised. Modern technique, polite doctor and reasonable prices - that's what I was expected.
But, back to modern methods of caries treatment. I was very surprised that caries at the initial stage (described above the white spot) is treated without the help of born. In time by contacting the dentist, you will save your tooth from destruction. By applying a special remindrawing gel on a peeled and dried tooth, a mineral composition of dental enamel is restored. All this happens painlessly!!!
Carious stains are most often formed between the teeth, on the chewing surface of the indigenous teeth. They are difficult to notice themselves, so I recommend readers our site not neglect examinations from the dentist.
If you missed the stage of initial caries, and carious cavity was formed in the tooth, do not pull the time, sign up for the reception to the dentist. It hurts you, since the treatment of teeth is carried out under local anesthesia. Afraid of injection? Your gums are liqueur with an anesthetic gel - and you will not feel the injection! Again, modern high-speed borrine works almost silently, and the impressions that the tooth is about to fall apart (as it was with old bornishins), completely absent.
If you are a terrible boyfare, look for a clinic, where sealing is carried out with a laser. Even without anesthesia (which is important for pregnant and children), there will be no pain and buzz!
Now about the seals. Now used such durable, quick-release materials that are easily selected under the color of the tooth. Even if the front cutters suffered - they will restore them perfectly. Along its popular previous cement, plastic and metal seals. First, though durable, but over time, due to the difference, the hardness are able to destroy the tooth, the second is short-lived, thirdly - contains mercury. The only dignity is low price (approximately 20-30 hryvnia). The most modern seals, in addition to their main purpose, also contain fluorine, thereby imperceptibly carry out the prevention of caries (glassyonenery seals). These seals, as well as ceramic and light-pot durable, are durable, easily selected under the color of the tooth. But the price of these seals «bite». Last week I could have a front cutter in state dentistry, I put a light filling seal. I paid 60 hryvnia (the hole was very small, therefore it took only planning). The same seal with the operation of the dentist in a private clinic will cost you 200-250 hryvnia. It is impossible to say exactly, because it all depends on the amount of material spent for treatment. Often, the cost of treatment includes the amount for the removal of the nerve and the cleaning of the channels (70-100 hryvnia), the cost of anesthetics (if an anesthetic injection was made) and some other services. My familiar dentist who has a private practice, said that the price for the treatment is added to 1/3 of the value of materials and 2/3 of the work of the doctor. In different clinics, the price is considered differently, it depends on many factors, including the qualification of the dentist.
By the way, to save on the treatment of teeth is more expensive. Do not regret, pay for good anesthesia and a seal, otherwise it is possible that soon you will have to go to the dentist.
And also there is such a service as a teeth extension. Even if the tooth crown is destroyed, but the roots are intact (the doctor will see it on the X-ray), the tooth can be increasing. For this use pins that allow firmly to fix the extended tooth, and the crown of metal ceramics is dressed on top. And such a tooth externally, nor for sensations does not differ from the native.
Modern dentists make miracles, so do not be afraid and do not start the caries!
Prevention of caries
This section would like to pay attention to the maximum. After all, the prevention of caries and regular inspections from the dentist can create a miracle - you, dear reader our site, never get acquainted with Bormashina.
So, 8 basic rules for the prevention of caries.
- Brush your teeth 2 times a day, very carefully and correctly, for 2-3 minutes. Special attention to the morning cleaning is given to the gums and the language - for the night, many bacteria accumulates.
- After each meal, whether it is a solid lunch or snack, rinse your mouth with water or 10 minutes (no more) Like chewing gum.
- Correctly select a toothbrush and toothpaste. The wrong choice only damages the teeth.
- Take care that you never disappear in your mouth. Remember the magical properties of saliva. Wear a bottle of drinking water with you.
- Learn the content of fluorine in your area, and if it is not enough, replenish the lack of water fluoridation (home filters «fluorine+») and eat a lot of seafood.
- Avoid reception contrasting food - it lead to the formation of microcracks on the teeth.
- For the prevention, use a decoction from the Corn of the Chinese Lemongrass (1 hour.L. on a glass of boiling water).
- Once every 6 months (children and adolescents - every 3 months) with the aim of preventing the dentist.
Erroneously the opinion that the caries appears if you eat a lot of sweets. Caries develops if the remnants of these sweets are delayed for a long time on teeth. by the way, chocolate and sugar are quickly washed off saliva and wash out from the mouth. A much greater danger represent the remnants of bakery products, meat and fruit. They contain complex carbohydrates that saliva is very difficult to split. Therefore, use dental threads and get the mouth with water!
Take care of the teeth of Smoloda!