
  • What to choose?
  • Masseur himself
  • Healing touch
  • With oil or «dry»?
  • Prohibitive
  • Find yourself doctors
  • When, where, how much and how?

  • What to choose?

    It depends on what you, actually waiting for the massage.

    one. If you pursue exclusively cosmetics, then you
    Help classic face and neck massage. Its four «whale» -
    stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration - open the second leather
    breath. Specialists argue that with regular massage
    By the 55th year you will look for 10-15 years younger. (Truth, start
    This marathon is needed in 20 years.)

    2. You have a hard day? Cope with overload will help
    Toning massage. And remove the voltage is designed relaxing
    (relaxing). By the way, these two types of massage differ from each other
    only speed and depth of exposure.

    3. You decide to get rid of deep fat deposits? Manual
    Massagers intended for this purpose are arranged approximately
    Equally: all sorts of spikes are attached to a rotating basis,
    Suckers, hemisfleers and other. So that such a massage is effective, you need
    stock patience, because the end result depends on the intensity and
    Duration of classes. Electric massagers do everything themselves -
    just click on the button. Moreover, good devices (device for
    lymphatic drainage, for example) Handmadeequipped with a computer that, based on your
    parameters, it will calculate pressure force, exposure time
    etc. True, some experts argue that none
    The mechanism does not compare with the hands of a massage therapist, his experience and intuition.

    Masseur himself

    Recently, many famous cosmetic firms accompany their
    Products Azami Samoissage. Say, little to have miraculous cream,
    We still have to be able to apply it correctly - along the lines of the smallest
    Skin stretching: from the middle of the chin to the ear of the ear, from the corner of the mouth to
    auditory passage, from the middle of the upper lip and the side surface of the nose
    To the top of the ear, from the inner duck eyes along the upper age to
    the outer corner of the eye, from the outer corner of the eye at the bottom age
    the nose, from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the bridges to the tip of the nose, from
    Nose backs down by its side surfaces.

    On the neck these lines are located in three directions. Put cream in front
    need from top to bottom, in the neck, located behind the ear, is the same as
    on the side - bottom up.

    Most specialists are convinced that self-massage is effective in the best
    10 percent case. After all, what is the main massage condition?
    Maximum relaxation and peace. And whether you are completely
    Relax when thoughts are constantly circling in the head: «Now now
    need to push stronger, and then, on the contrary, - barely tangible sliding»?

    Healing touch

    «...I can also recommend you massage...» - so in most cases
    Doctors finish their destinations. Heart disease, arthritis and radiculitis,
    Atherosclerosis and osteochondrosis, chronic gastritis and baldness - this
    The list can be continued indefinitely.

    Professional-«manual» Maybe even clarify the diagnosis of traditional medicine physician.

    Connoisseur segmental and reflex massage (this type of massage is based on
    Relationships of the state of the internal organs and the skin-muscular apparatus)
    will determine what disease «Donimet» patient and even warn about
    starting a few who have not yet gone. For «Interpretation»
    health states are used such poor symptoms as
    dry or elevated skin moisture, pallor or redness,
    Tensions of certain muscles. Carefully selected and dosed
    Massage of skin areas and muscles corresponding to the sick organs may
    significantly speed up recovery.

    Similarly treat experts Su-Jok therapy. This technique
    It is based on the fact that palms and feet are «Mini mirror»
    organism. On them - thousands and thousands of active points, sensitivity
    which specialists determine diseases and treat them, affecting these
    Points. Often healing is accompanied by nausea, fatigue, excessive
    Potting. Let it be not confused by treatment should continue.

    Massage of active points of the legs are recommended in preventive
    goals - Daily 10 minute walking on pebbles, sand or special
    Massage slippers. Maybe the eastern wise men differed excellent
    health because always walked barefoot?..

    With oil or «dry»?

    Question «whether additional lubricant is needed «link» Between her hands
    Masseur and patient body?» Experts still consider
    Discussion. Some confident that moisturizing funds (children's,
    massage creams) and oils (olive or peach) are allowed only
    With dry skin. And Talc (or baby powder) is appropriate exclusively
    With high humidity. Normal skin, which possesses
    Most people do not need any auxiliary means.
    Of course, they facilitate the gliding of the hands of the massage therapy, but have a number
    Disadvantages: significantly change skin sensitivity, interfere
    Returning dead cells and sweat and sebaceous glands. by the way,
    The secret of these glands is usually enough for massage.

    But the nutritious creams, masks and other cosmetic wisdom are best «Jump out» Skin after prior massage.


    In medicine there is no perfect medical agent. Massage is no exception. It can not be done at:Handmade

    • Pain and high temperature;
    • about ear diseases, throat, nose;
    • a pronounced allergic reaction accompanied by rash or vomiting;
    • rotting rash, fungal or other skin diseases that are not identified by the doctor;
    • Moma of the uterus or in the days of menstruation (meaning the massage of the lumbar region);
    • Mastopathy (massage «Wollenkova» zones);
    • Increased lymph nodes and inflamed veins.

    In addition, massage is contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as after childbirth and abortion for two months.

    Find yourself doctors

    Therapeutic massage- business is thin. Should not agree to treatment if
    You are not sure about the qualifications of a masseur doctor. After all, tactile feeling
    - The basis of a good massage is not a congenital gift, it is achieved with
    Time. For example, in Vietnamese Buddhist monasteries before
    Allow the student to treat patients, he is charged with the duty during
    For several years (!) Training your fingers, «months» sand, flour, grass,
    At the same time studying anatomy and astrology (in some days, according to
    Buddhist wise men, stars «Prohibit» treat certain diseases).
    And only after that the student is allowed to diagnose, and then - to

    Of course, you can try to learn these wisdoms yourself.
    But experts argue that the benefits of such procedures will be
    minimal. And making spot self-massage, you need to remember your feelings
    during professional massage and compare them.

    By the way, massage (if only this is not a medical massage in which the doctor
    warns of possible unpleasant sensations) should not cause pain
    Or strengthen it.

    When, where, how much and how?

    When? Massage advise to do an hour before meals or 40-45 minutes after it.

    Where? If indoors are cold, it is better to refuse the massage. IN
    depending on which part of the body is massaged, you can offer
    lie on the back, belly, side, put under your knees or head roller or

    How many? Massage session can last from ten minutes to an hour.
    After the general massage procedure, it is necessary to lie down 20-30 minutes,
    Embed with a towel or warm sheets, because heated massage
    The body continues to give heat.

    There are several techniques that will help get a maximum benefit from session

    • Do not rush anywhere.
    • Breathe smoothly and deep.
    • Relax like that... How can you relax only during massage.

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