Quartzing of rooms and residential premises


  • The effect of ultraviolet radiation lamp
  • Quiczing of rooms and non-residential premises

  • The effect of ultraviolet radiation lamp

    The use of ultraviolet bactericidal radiation is an effective prophylactic anti-epidemic agent, aimed at suppressing the livelihood of microorganisms in the air and on surfaces. It is included in the number of funds to reduce the level of distribution of infectious diseases, and complements the mandatory compliance with the current sanitary standards and the rules on the device and the content of the premises.

    The antimicrobial effect of ultraviolet radiation of a quartz lamp is manifested in photochemical damage to DNA in the cell core of microorganisms, which leads to the death of the microbial cell in the first or subsequent generation.

    When quartzing the premises, they particularly diligently protect from the light of a quartz eye lamp. Wear special protective glasses. Also can not be adopted to a glass quartz tube lamp. If still touched, the lamp must be wired with an alcoholic solution using a soft rag without a pile.

    Quiczing of rooms and non-residential premises

    Quartzing of rooms and residential premisesQuartzing of residential premises is justified if the house has a large number of people or family members often sick with colds. In such cases, the quartz lamp will protect the space for all close people.

    The order of quartzing of the room is regulated by certain rules. First of all, you should free the room from all living, including colors. When you turn on and off, the lamps need to wear safety glasses and try in the room as little as possible.

    After turning on the quartz lamp it is not recommended to leave in the room more than 30 minutes. Every 30 minutes of continuous operation, the irradiator must be turned off for 15 minutes, until the lamp is completely cooling.

    When using quartz lamps will have every 30 minutes (plus 15 minutes of the break) move the irradiator into different locations of the room to provide better disinfection. And in the case of using powerful quartz lamps, the mid-size room can be displaced at a time.

    With long-term operation of the irradiator, a characteristic smell of ozone can be felt. Ozone, as well as ultraviolet rays destroys bacteria. In this case, before returning, it is recommended to ventilate the room.

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