
  • Signs of telecommunication
  • Causes of telecommunication
  • How to cure from conversion

  • What can be more beautiful in love?
    This is an amazing feeling that can later grow into
    love. But why are one people, feelings bring joy, and the other
    only pain and suffering?

    Some hard to build relationships with the opposite sex.

    Therefore, it happens or isolate yourself
    from partners or «Flame in hopeless love», That is, man
    Enters relationships.

    Signs of telecommunication

    They are as follows:

    • Attention is directed only to feelings
      and the actions of another, and not on their own. («That he or she thinks
      or will do?» «How he / her lives?»);
    • If you dig in yourself, then
      will be discovered in a deep conviction that it is necessary to manage the situation
      (save, help, act), and not give events in the life of another
      a person to develop according to his will, and by the will of fate;
    • Your self-esteem depends on the fact that the beloved person said or did not say, did or did not;
    • You are needing to feed yourself with energy, inspiration, communicating with a person whom, as you think you love;
    • Own life more and more in a dead end;
    • Relationships are based on mutual expectations or rigidly fixed roles (if it is a matter of marriage);
    • You often feel the feeling of devastation, sadness and even pain…

    Causes of telecommunication

    The reason for the addiction lies in
    unsatisfactory relationships with the parents of the opposite sex in
    childhood that meets and «Boys», and u «Girls». BUT
    Also - unsatisfactory relationship with emotionally immature
    parents and educators.

    Many fathers do not pay due
    attention to upbringing your daughters, do not take them, laugh at them,
    criticize them for insufficient attractiveness. As a result, the daughter
    such a father is formed persistent irrational conviction that she
    not worthy of love and admiration for the persons of the opposite sex that she
    must do something specifically, try to love and appreciated, and
    did not take what it is.

    WCONFERENCE IN LOVE The boy also occurs
    SAMONOMPROLY, Emotional Insecurity, Emotional
    rigidity, suspicion of women, stiffness, if their
    Mother herself is unhappy in the family, experiencing negative emotions,
    dissatisfied with their share. A good mother combines
    a leader woman who relies on himself while keeping solid spiritual
    Rod inside, and external softness, attentiveness. And even if she
    brings up the son out of marriage, in an incomplete family, not inclined «hang on
    child» The role of her husband.

    Get rid of coependency very
    it is difficult because the copender is a reaction model to a significant
    other person at the level of physical, energy, emotional
    and mental tel.

    I note that comparison is tight
    a knocked complex in the form of emotionally sensual, psychophysical and
    mental (in the form of belief) behavior in response
    to meaningful, beloved person. Emotional copending is
    trap, network in which we get in childhood. And this trap leaves
    us in the emotional plan at the age of the child. So biographical
    age can be any, and it turns out that inside us
    Wounded child lives.

    Get out of the trap can only be
    years after you are aware that you react like
    way and start consciously working on yourself.Often people to
    hide internal uncertainty and their vulnerability, choose certain
    Model behavior.

    First Model - Competition Model,
    in which you need to prove to all that I am better than others that I am worth love and
    Recognition. This model is used to achieve social and
    Material success. So a person thinks - I'm a lot
    improved itself, worked a lot, tightening knowledge and money,
    To fill the inner lack of energy. (Money - equivalent
    Energy.) And in communicating with a partner of the opposite sex, a person can
    Choose another model - avoidance model. AND
    Applies it to get extra energy - attention
    Due to Flirte. Thus, both models are tightened to you energy. That
    there is essentially a person behaves like a vampire like a huge black hole.
    But it is impossible to live like that, because no person can all the time
    get, not giving anything in return.

    How to cure from conversion

    It is very important to realize that you are inclined to address. Then need to do the following steps.

    First, try to install
    Platonic relations with the opposite man. Such
    Relationships are taught to manage its emotions and sexual energy, not
    Identifying with them. You think the opportunity will appear
    Nice to communicate with a person, to spend interesting together.

    When you understand that this person
    You like, relax and stop controlling feelings, though
    for a short time. Just stop controlling feelings (and not
    Emotions), and admit to yourself that you are worried. Stant simply
    defenseless. And realize the start of establishing relationships. BUT
    Then transfer attention to the partner and focus on its
    attractive and positive features. And do not take anything!

    Such contact will surprise you. In essence is
    Net meditation. It gives rise to feelings that grow up, leaving
    For the usual framework. Just imagine - deep
    Relaxity, the charm of the attractiveness and beauty of the partner
    merge in the feeling of satisfaction with their inner beauty and
    ambient world.

    But be attentive! If you are still
    tend to addness, after such a short-term experience in
    You will certainly wake up the dragon of fear, anxiety, doubts,
    annoyance and irritation for themselves for what you allowed yourself to become

    «And what to do?» - you ask.
    Just quietly return to yourself, look inside yourself. True
    Contact do not hold. If you are experiencing more often and more often, it will cure
    Emotional dependence faster than all other procedures.

    Additional healing «internal
    child» can bring more attentive attitude to your
    needs and desires, hobbies and dreams.

    Finally, you can learn to get
    Energy in other ways: watching the beauty of nature, expanding
    perception, communicating with friends, traveling.

    And remember if you met the real
    love, then she will not go anywhere - not every other day, nor through
    Monthly. Live and enjoy life, every day of her day!

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