Game in Russia became hardly disaster. In Moscow, for example, according to some data, over 200 thousand suffer this dependence. Human. How not to get into their number?
Pathological players

Not so long ago, a similar phenomenon in the domestic psychiatry was considered to be exotic and was regarded as a bad habit than illness. When the slot machines and casinos have become our usual phenomenon, the situation has changed. With the advent of a new potent temptation in the metropolitan psychological centers and clinics, hundreds of mountain-players and their affected relatives reached. Forecasts of specialists are full of pessimism: if in the near future the government will not take control of the growth of gambling institutions in our country, the ranks of domestic players will steadily grow.
According to one of the leading specialists in the country in the field of treatment of gambling dependence, director of the Moscow psycho-endocrinological center Stepan Mathosyan, distinguish the pathological player from a simple lover to flush into the picture.
In order to stop and stop the game, a conventional person will play right enough. A person with pathological imposition to gambling such brakes is not. Ordinary logic motifs of the game are not succumbed. It does not stop neither a major loss or dizzying debts. On the contrary, the more these debts, the stronger it pulls to recoup. At any cost. Love, Food, Sleep - Everything goes to the background.
At the same time, it is not much important for obsessed, not so much the result (and not even win as such), how much is the game process itself, the opportunity to feel the sharp risk taste, which in the everyday life is unavailable. And for the sake of satisfaction of this passion, the player is ready to go to all. Listening to the confession of his patients, an experienced psychiatrist concluded: a pathological passion for the game - often the lots of emotionally immature, psychologically dependent people, those whom in childhood either disadvantaged, or too much care. This pretty big group of gamers Matievyan calls children. The desire for the game for them is a way to break out of boring everyday life.
There is in the psychological classification of players and another special group where the driving is a completely different motive - the all-consuming, destructive feeling of guilt, which Masochista players carry through all their life. And the loss is regarded as a way of self-telling.
They say that this motive was ruled by the gambling passion of Dostoevsky, who mastered it after the mysterious death of the father, in which the great writer accused himself. This is an oppressive feeling and caused its pathological addiction to the card game, brilliantly described by Dostoevsky in the novel «Player». Game to self-keeping, until, «until he lost all, until he was completely destroyed, while the demon did not leave his soul, providing a place to creative genius».
Game does not spare neither young nor old, nor rich, nor. And enters one row with such severe mental disorders like kleptomania (pathological theft), pyromania (passion for arson) and tricotics (passion for pulling out their own hair).
For the treatment of patients with gambling addiction psychiatrists are reluctant. Dismiss from a detrimental addiction to gambling, according to experts, is just as difficult as to remove from the needle. The gameman has extremely low motivation for treatment.
Without the help of relatives, and then a specialist here can not do. The most difficult thing is to hold out the first three months, make yourself not touched against the cards, do not go to the casino. Already having lost the subject of his passion, the playman is experiencing a real break: becomes irritable, restless. Up to thoughts about suicide.
In America, such patients at the time of treatment are hospitalized in the neurological departments of the psychiatric clinic, and after discharge, yesterday's patient is visited for quite a long time, the sessions of psychoanalyst and special groups of self-help, organized by those who have been able to escape from a detrimental.
We have medical institutions where they are taken for the treatment of such patients, you can recalculate on the fingers. No effective domestic methodology for treating gambling illness. I had to invent our own psychiatric techniques. Her essence is Suggestion, suggesting a persistent man to the game. Anti-playing coding passes in a specially equipped room that turns into a session time… Real casino. With light music, croupier (their role is performed by nurses), real rates (which are returned after the session to the hospital cashier).
- It is important for us to immerse the patient in that atmosphere that provokes his illness, reveal the unconscious motives of his illness and already with what they managed to work, - explains Mathosyan. - To heal the gameman, leaves two weeks to several years. It all depends on the personality of the patient and on how far his illness went. The percentage of cure is usually low. Often, the mountain-players lose even the money that the truth-untrue collected for treatment. Those who still managed to dig up, about yesterday's addiction remembered with shudders. And no longer play anything. Even in harmless «Fool».
Experts celebrate the following psychological and physical symptoms of pathological addiction to gambling:
- Inability to get out of the game.
- Disregard for family and friends.
- Lie about your addiction at work and in the family.
- Problems with study or work.
- Insensitive.
- Neglect of personal hygiene rules.
- Sleep disorder or change behavior in a dream.
If you celebrate such symptoms, you need to urgently turn to a specialist. Until it's not too late.