One way to calm yourself, to drive all suspicions are tests for testing a teenager for drug use. With their help, caring parents will be able to keep the situation under control.
I think everyone will agree that
it's easier to try to prevent the situation than letting everything on samone and then
long search for solutions. Especially if it concerns health issues.
It is in this case that caring and attentive parents must have the concept of
the existence of modern express tests that allow you to recognize,
whether a minor of any kind of narcotic drugs consumed.
Dependency may develop from one-time consumption
It must be understood that
Such a situation may be in any family, regardless of the status,
material support, position in society. It's easier to believe that such trouble
passes your home, but the life of Surov and often dictates their rules. Difficult
The publity period is particularly at risk of dating with forbidden dormurable
substances. If you have a certain suspicion how to check a teenager for drugs?
Understand in the initial stages,
Does your child uses herbal or something else, is quite difficult, but
The first alarms should know all adults:
Significant reduction in academic performance
The lack of information about everyday
School Life. -
Loss of interest in extracurricular activities, sports,
hobby. -
Calls of parents to teachers, concealing by a child
This information. -
Suspicion and suspicion in the embers, theft, shallow
Theft. -
Increasing material spending
Money. -
Takeaway from the house of small things (loss of clothes,
player, skate and t.D.). -
Uncharacteristic earlier emotional instability
(bursts of aggression, panic, malice). - The child more often disappears from the house.
Defense, closure, secrecy,
self-insulation, thoughtfulness. - Growing facing.
- Sleeping and appetite.
Changes in psychological condition: reduction
memory, logical thinking.
If at least a few of
The above items are familiar to you, you should seek help to the test
on drugs. You should not wait when you find in your pockets
incomprehensible pills, powders, dry herbs, syringes and not postage stamps.
With the help of express test you
Easy and quickly can determine whether your child is disabled
So, let's
Talk about how to check teen
on drugs. Not
being narcologists and having accurate professional knowledge in the field
narcology, at first it is difficult to understand what kind of substance it is worth conducting
analysis. For such cases in the pharmacy network there are universal
Test systems that make it possible to reveal in the urine of a teenager from 5 to 10
narcotic drugs. The use of test strips is quite simple, not
requires special skills and medical intervention.
It is worth noting high accuracy
results, because they are able to show traces of opiates within 5 days after
Single reception of drugs. You just need to have a small amount
urine, omit on it for 5 seconds paper test, take out, wait five minutes and
Read the result. If the test shows 2 reddish brown transverse
Damn — This is the answer that will make you. So your child is nothing
Accept. If the child is alone, then the drug, unfortunately, has been identified. At
Incorrect analysis of the child will not be at all, so it is worth it, not
Hurry up, repeat it.
There are monotesters for
Definitions of a specific type of narcotic drug: Morphine, methadone,
amphetamine, marijuana, barbiturates, methamphetamine, benzodiazepine,
Fencycline. Similar medical products will be able to not only reveal
The presence of dramatic substances, but also keep the treatment process, remission under
control, in order not happened to relapse.