General information about the drug
The first manufacturer of this drug is believed to be Austria. It uses the blood of the calf, which is subjected to dialysis and multiple ultrafiltration. In such a highly purified extract, there are inorganic compounds, electrolytes, important micro- and macroelements (copper, silicon, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium), glycolipids, oligopeptides, amino acids, nucleosides.
Actovegin is produced in several dosage forms:
- tablets that are covered with a shell containing 200 mg of Actovegin, the amount in the package - 10, 50 pieces, or dragee;
- 5% cream or ointment in tubes of 20 grams;
- 250 ml bottles containing an injection solution made on a physiological solution with an actovegin content of 1 ml of 4 or 8 mg;
- ampoules 2 ml, in packing 10 or 25 pieces;
- ampoules 5 ml, in a pack of 5 or 10 pieces;
- ampoules of 10 ml of 5 pieces per pack;
- 20% gel in tubes, packaged 20 grams;
- Eye gel, packaged 5 grams.
Now pills are also available in Norway, Russia, and outdoor drugs called «Salcossuril» Produced in Switzerland.
pharmachologic effect
What happens under the influence of Actovegin in the body?
- Improves transportation to oxygen cells, glucose and their assimilation. This manifests antihypoxic effect.
- The energy exchange increases.
- In the tissues, blood microcirculation is enhanced, the opponentical effect is manifested.
- It is stimulated by the restoration of damaged injuries, fabric burns.
- Marked positive impact on immunity.
- Improves the overall condition of the whole organism.
In patients suffering from diabetes and diabetic polyneuropathy, there is a decrease in its manifestations, namely - numbness of the lower extremities, violation of their sensitivity, pain, burning. Mental well-being of such patients is also improving.
If the medicine is administered parenterally, it starts to act already in 30 minutes, and the maximum effect is usually manifested after 3 hours.
When Aktovegin is appointed?
Doctors prescribe Actovegin to their patients in the following cases:
- Insufficient flow of blood carrying oxygen and glucose, to the brain - ischemic stroke, chronic encephalopathy, CHMT (brain injuries);
- violation of vascular tone (angiopathy);
- Violations of venous or arterial blood circulation;
- Trophiki (nutrition) disorders;
- problems with veins in the limbs associated with the incorrect operation of the valve apparatus;
- Diabetic polyneuropathy;
- Prolesidery, ulcers, burns, beam lesions on the skin.
The medicine is often appointed recently to women carrying the baby, the MirSovet will tell more about this later.
The eye gel is actively used in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases:
- burns of cornea with alkalis, lime, acids;
- corneal ulcers caused by different reasons;
- Damage to the sclera or cornea, for example, the pulp arising from the constant wearing of contact lenses, inflammation of the cornea (keratitis);
- Rogovitsy transplantation.
Methods of application

Actovegin Application Options Several - externally (cream, ointment, gel), parenteral (injectable solutions), inside (dragee, pills). The method of application and dosage depend on the diagnosis of the patient, the severity of the disease. Inside the medicine is usually appointed three times a day for one or two tablets before the food that need to swallow without exposing. Boiled water.

In more severe cases, the drug is introduced into a vein (or artery), the dose, the speed and scheme of the introduction is established by the attending physician. To avoid the development of anaphylactic shock, first introduces a trial (test) dose. We draw the attention of readers to the fact that an opaque solution cannot be used for injections. In the muscle Actovegin can be appointed daily or several times a week.

To accelerate healing of wound surfaces, ulcers, laying out, burns Treatment usually start with gel or cream. They are applied with a small layer and impose a bandage, which is changed as needed. If the wound is wet, then the dressings change daily. When the wound condition improves, then for full healing, you can go to the use of ointments, it is suitable for prevention of beds.
In diseases of the organ of vision, use the eye gel, which is extruded directly in the sick eye on the droplet according to the prescription of the ophthalmologist - two or three times a day. Our site warns that use the gel ointment or cream after you opened the packaging, only four weeks are allowed.
Actovegin during pregnancy
The properties of Actovegin described earlier, allow it to be used during pregnancy for the following purposes:
- Improve arterial and venous blood flow from the mother through the placenta to the fetus.
- To prevent the occurrence of intrauterine lesions of the brain of the fetus, delays of its development, Hypoxia, lack of body weight.
- To prevent pregnancy pathology for mothers diseases, disorders of the placenta function.
- For the preparation and adaptation of the baby to the upcoming birth.
The course of the Actovegin doctor recommends a pregnant woman at:
- Gestosa, accompanied by increased arterial pressure, edema, pain and weight in the legs;
- Threat of miscarriage or Premature birth;
- hypoxia, delay in the development of the fetus;
- problems with the placenta, partial detachment of the fetal egg;
- chronic diseases of women, such as Varicose, haemorrhoids, Systemic Red Volchanka, diabetes;
- Difficulties and complications during previous pregnancies, such as miscarriages, unbearable;
- If ultrasound shows that there are signs indicating that little oxygen comes to the fetus.
The method of introducing an actovegin in the body of a woman, dosage and the duration of the course sets a doctor who follows the course of pregnancy. Sometimes in parallel with this drug, others are prescribed, for example, Kuraltil, Vitamins.
About contraindications and side effects
In the treatment, sometimes there are such side effects as:
- The feeling as if the blood stuck in his face;
- a slight increase in body temperature;
- Increased sweating;
- various allergic reactions ranging from rash and redness to anaphylactic shock (in rare cases);
- When introducing an eye gel, it is possible to redness Scler, tear.
The drug cannot be used, if it is found that a person has individual intolerance to him. Other contraindications: Heart failure (decompensated) Easy, delay in fluid body.
If the doctor appointed you Actovegin, then before you hurry for him in a pharmacy, check - what kind of dosage form it is to buy, dosage, the number of ampoules or bottles, the duration of reception. Observe all the recommendations so that the medicine will benefit you.