Fingering gymnastics

«And your baby has already started talking?», «And what the first word he said»? Such questions often ask young mothers when they are walking on a walk. Often, such a phrase grieves and even annoys. If this is your problem and your baby has not yet learned to speak, then it's time to learn about the new method of developing a child - finger gymnastics.

You did not think about why there are so many educational games for children in children's stores? And how many diverse mosaic, sets with sand, cereal, designers with small details. Their main purpose is not only to develop intelligence, but also work in the direction of speech development.

Charging for fingers helps the child to develop faster and start short classes from three to four months. It is advisable to give classes for a few minutes a day. Over time, such familiar daily manipulations like washing, cleaning teeth and T.d come into habit. In fact, the child will get used to classes and will be happy to take part.

About benefit

Gymnastics for children, child health, petty motor skills, finger gymnastics, child development

When daily classes are conducted in a game form, it gives good results. Why? Many readers will ask our website. It turns out that it is on the tips of the fingers - the pads, there are points that send pulses in the brain, and in those stakes of the brain, which are responsible for the development of speech.

Remember how our grandmothers did us «Soroki Crow»? This is one of the exercises of finger gymnastics. Just, interesting and useful!

In addition to speech development, having finger charging helps to develop a fine motor. When a child touches and moves small items with fingers, he begins to think faster and develops his memory. In addition to charging, which is accompanied by small quatrasters, the child remembers both words and sequence of classes.

Experts recommend starting to engage with the child, starting from the breastside. When mom pays attention to this issue enough, the child will start faster «disclose» Kulachka. In addition to classes with handles, it is necessary to massage and legs, «Playing» and talking with each finger. Such gymnastics helps calmly calm down, and later he will learn to memorize sounds and will recognize them.

Gymnastics for a child of preschool age will help him cope with the mastering of drawing and writing skills. Just don't need to force and shout on a child. If he is tired, it feels badly, then you should not force him to engage only with that condition to put «Bird» to myself.

It's boring?

Gymnastics for children, child health, petty motor skills, finger gymnastics, child development

During classes with a child, make sure that he has been involved both hands. In addition, the child learns to work with her fingers, it will faster will begin to navigate in space, learn directions «Right», «Left», «up» and «way down».

To fingers faster flexibility, remember the familiar from childhood the saying about Soroki or about fingers, each of which we denote «Grandfather», «Babushka» etc.

How to do:

  • The exercise is slow, a hurry is not allowed;
  • Each exercise must be done at least three times, but not more than five;
  • First you need to work with one hand (if it is separate exercises), and then on the other;
  • An adult person is watching the formulation of the child's hand, as well as how it switches from different movements;
  • If the student does not perceive the information immediately, it is necessary to show and repeat the exercise quietly;
  • After completing each exercise, the child needs to highlight a couple of minutes for recreation. At this time, you can switch his attention, to tell the poem, talk to the abstract themes (if it is not infant). When you relax your fingers, you can proceed to the next exercise.

Popular exercises

Gymnastics for children, child health, petty motor skills, finger gymnastics, child development

Exercise first. Under the rhythmic poem, for example, about the hedgehog, which ran along the track, children in turn bend every finger (starting with the big one), and at the end of the poem, when all mushrooms are recalculated, which hedgehogs carried in his Lukushka, the child should have hands compressed in Kulaki.

Exercise second. Squeeze one hand in the fist, and the second tight grab it. Squeeze as stronger. Change position. After the exercise, the fists are sprinkled and the hands are lowered down, the hands of the hands need to be a little shake so that they relax.

Starting exercise. In position standing fingers of both hands are woven between themselves, and the palms are protruding forward. In such a position, the hands rise up and you need to try to stretch as much as possible to the sky.

Fourth exercise. Fingers compress in cams and put them on the table. On account «three», or under poem, fists open so that the hands «bounced» over the table. After that, the palms are put on the table and sharply compress in fists again.

As a result of such exercises, the child will not only learn to speak faster, he will also learn how to pronounce words correctly and will replenish his vocabulary.

For preschool children, finger gymnastics will help to adapt the hand to the letter. And during the period of classes, which is especially important for first-graders, gymnastics will help to avoid spasm hands, which very often occurs with intensive loads of the hand.

For left-handed, such classes are simply necessary, as they will help a small little man faster adapting among the right-handers.

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