Our article is addressed, first of all, parents of adolescents. If you do not have enough arguments to talk with children about «lungs» Drugs, use the information below.
Many adolescents, and often adults, believe that marijuana is much safer tobacco and alcohol. How is the situation in reality? Is it possible to smoke from time to time «grass»?
Marijuana illegalna. Consumption, storage, purchase and sale of marijuana are punishable by law.
- Marijuana can cause self-destruction. Smoking «Hose» The company gives teenage a temporary feeling of special intimacy with buddies. However, this feeling passes, and the harm remains.
- The use of marijuana reduces the ability to concentrate attention and coordinate movements. Smoking «Hose» can negatively affect the ability to dance, play sports and memorize new information.
- Marijuana is considered one of the causes of cancer. I would like adolescents to think twice before putting the T-shirt with hemp-painted leafs: Whether they really wish to be a walking advertisement that causes severe pain, dementia and scattered attention.
- Marijuana, like any other drug, makes a person take incorrect solutions.
- Every teenager should understand that smoking «Hose» does not do it «Cool». «Cool» do not eat any drugs, do not smoke cigarettes, not drink alcohol. It doesn't matter what rappers sing and what the characters of base television serials do: kill yourself – not «cool».
- Marijuana is addictive. Many of those who used marijuana are recognized that over time, an increasing amount of consciousness is required to achieve the usual changed state of consciousness «Hose».
- Marijuana – not a way to solve problems. Like any drug, tumoring consciousness, it gives the illusion of runoff from difficulties, but in fact it turns out that «grass» Adds problems. Teenager must firmly know that it is impossible to believe those who say that marijuana will make life easier that she is not a drug.
- There is a myth that «all» Smoking marijuana. It's a lie. 86% of adolescents never tried «grass» and relate to her consumption sharply negative. Marijuana has not yet done anyone happier or more popular. She did not help to work out any useful skills or change themselves for the better.
Answers to questions of teenagers about marijuana
- Can smoking marijuana harm me or kill me? Marijuana itself is not so toxic to kill you, but if you mix it with other psychoactive substances (including with alcohol) or in narcotic intoxication, trying to perform actions requiring extreme attention (for example, get drunk), then marijuana Maybe you kill you. Marijuana acts on the nerve cells of that brain department, which is responsible for the formation of memory, so those who smoke it are worse, with great difficulty remember recent events and worse coped with complex tasks. Even a difficult situation at the crossroads can turn into a fatal outcome for a pedestrian if he passes the road, being «cried».
- Are there distant consequences of smoking «Hose»? Studies have shown that five smoked «Kosyakov» In terms of damage, equal to a pack of cigarettes, with marioshua – much more dangerous carcinogen than nicotine. The use of marijuana in early adolescence can delay puberty in boys and disrupt the menstrual cycle in girls.
- Can marijuana smoking during pregnancy to harm the future child? Children born in mothers who were smoking during pregnancy «grass», have a smaller weight, growth and size of the head than children of mothers who did not use any drugs during the hatching. In children with lack of weight and growth more often than others, there are various health problems arise.
- Does the smoking of marijuana lead to the use of other drugs? Statistics says that few of the drug addicts started immediately from heavy drugs. The overwhelming majority did not plan to become dependent, they are simply «smoked grass». However, everyone who deals with marijuana face people who use and sell other types of narcotic substances. Once having tried marijuana, a person does not see the distant crying consequences of her use and believes that it is safe. That is why it seems to him that there will be nothing wrong with one-time consumption of stronger substances. Few people suggest that the case will not end with a single acquaintance with drugs.
- Whether the smoking of marijuana increases the risk of severe intoxication, if you use alcohol at the same time? Marijuana suppresses the elimination of toxic substances from the body, including alcohol. If you smoke «grass» and at the same time drink alcoholic beverages, your body will not be able to react to the blood alcohol in time. That is why every year a large number of deaths occurred during youth parties are registered.
- What is fraught with marijuana? Smoking marijuana worsens short-term memory and reduces the intelligence, distorts a sense of time and weakens the ability to concentrate attention and coordinate movements. Studies say that people who use marijuana lose the knowledge that were previously proud of. The perception of new information becomes difficult. In many registered cases, marijuana causes psychosis and paranoia. Due to the fact that marijuana smokers inhale unfiltered smoke and delay it for a long time, lung fabrics are damaged. In hemp smoke there are much more substances caused by cancer than in tobacco smoke. Long use of marijuana can lead to the appearance of dependence.