What is dangerous alcohol for a growing body?


  • What is dangerous alcohol for a growing body?Remember how I wrote with.Marshak:
    «For drunkenness there are such reasons:
    Commemoration, meeting, holiday, wires,
    Captures, Wedding and Divorce,
    Frost, Hunting, New Year,
    Recovery, housewarming,
    Sadness, repentance, fun,
    Success, reward, new chin.
    And just drunkenness, no reason!»

    In these words, it is reflected firmly rooted with us. Custom to celebrate every little much significant life event. Gradually, a person is drawn into drunkenness with his head and begins to seek all new reasons for drinking. Personally, I simply turns into shock the spread of adolescent and youth alcoholism. Special danger carries a wide propaganda of beer among young people. At first glance, a conveniently young organism to the regular use of alcohol is very convicted. And the movement on the inclined plane begins…

    Zero level

    The most serious consequences for a person alcohol causes at the stage of the embryo, on the very first days and months of its existence, when the most important organs and systems of the future organism are laid. The death of even several cells at the initial stage of the development of the embryo in the future can turn into underdevelopment of some kind of body, and may even lead to ugliness and abnormalities. Even a completely minor use of alcohol, a pregnant woman necessarily leads to deviations in the development of the fetus.

    It is mistaken to believe that alcohol defects should always be visible in the appearance of the child. Most of them appear on internal organs and often can be identified only a few years after birth. For example, underdevelopment of the cerebral cortex, congenital heart defects, mental retardation.

    In recent years, extensive information has been accumulated in medicine, confirming the fact of the lag of the physical and mental development of children, whose fathers systematically use alcoholic beverages. As you can see, not only a woman should think about the health of the future child. Unfortunately, most young people do not even suspect such an extent of danger of alcohol for offspring. French doctors analyzed the development of children whose fathers did not use alcohol at all. And they came to the optimistic conclusion that to conceive and the birth of a full-fledged healthy child, a man and a woman should completely refuse alcohol for a period of at least 2-3 years.

    Without protection

    Let's go back to our youth. For a growing organism, alcohol poisoning has particularly severe consequences. First, the protective systems of a child or adolescent have not yet been formed, so vessel thrombosis and cell death from oxygen starvation in a developing body have a much stronger impact than in an adult person. The removal of alcohol toxins occurs significantly slower.

    Secondly, this body is still at the stage of development, which means that there is an intensive division of cells for building organs and tissues. As a result of alcohol poisoning, some of these cells needed inevitably dies, which means that the ability to underminate some vital structures of the organism, which were programmed at the genetic level. It follows from this that, than younger than the body, the more dangerous for it is alcohol consumption.

    Genocide weapon

    Increasingly, young people already aged about 30 years have suffered diseases of the stomach, liver, cardiovascular system, neurosis and sexual disorders arising against the background of drinking alcohol. The effect of alcohol is equally unfavorable for all systems and human organs, and often diseases occur unexpectedly, against the background of visible well-being.

    The danger and insidiousness of the effects of alcohol on a young organism gives the grounds to call his weapon of genocide, undermining and weakening the genompound of humanity. The strength of this weapon can be seen on the example of the conquest of America. It was enough to teach the Indians to «Firewater», Further did not make himself wait a long time: is the number of Indians at present?

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