12 habits accelerating your aging


You can specifically stop aging, trusting genetics and wisdom of nature. However, there are habits that accelerate the appearance of wrinkles and reduce skin elasticity. You can do nothing to slow down, but at least stop you harm.

We have compiled a list of the twelve most obvious and common ways that women accelerate the occurrence of old age.

one. Experience

Stop nervous for any reason! Yes, we understand that you have responsible work, children, husbands and mortgages. But if you do not regularly send yourself to rest, you will be more likely than those colleagues and girlfriends who go to the massage, relax on yoga and at the spa and at least once a year are fully resting in the south. If you do not provide a break, then who?

2. Incorrect nutrition

12 habits accelerating your agingAbout twenty-five years old you could afford on the tile of chocolate per day, Coca-Cola, roasted potatoes every evening and sea of ​​alcohol. And nothing. Now, when you are thirty or thirty, it is simply unacceptable. Sugar and alcohol are especially harmful. Both reduces skin elasticity. So leave champagne with beer for big celebrations, and cookies, candy and pastries. Replace fresh fruit.

3. Chairs and armchairs

If most of the day you are sitting at the computer, you will make faster than women working in confectionery production. Only activity, only the load on muscles and ligaments, only cardiosales will give you a considerable chance of fifty years to look fresh and young. Every hour make a five minute stretching and charging. Every day no less than forty minutes spend on active movements like walking (and better run) and fitness. And at least two times a week — Power loads.

4. Non-shy

No excuse to constantly! With each short at night you cut not only your life, but also a period of flowering. Would you like to look frozen, tired and «boast» Gray leather? If not, Rule Hard: Critical Minimum Sleep — seven o'clock.

five. Ignoring solar danger

If you live in northern latitudes, your summer desire to catch as much the sun is completely clear. But please do not exaggerate. A tan — This is not a subject of pride, but the reason you will regret: you increase the risk of various types of cancer, and to the forty-fifty years you will look like simply old. Posses on not very young, but very tanned Italian, Grechany and Spanish — If they do not use the services of a Botox specialist, their skin looks terrible. Do not do this, use sunscreen and sprays.

6. Smoking

12 habits accelerating your agingSmoking women are guaranteed to get more wrinkled skin than those who threw this disgusting habit in time. Get rid of the smallest «smoking» the grooves at the eye, near the mouth and the forehead will not be able to almost in any way. So do anything, but stop trading yourself.

7. Unregular sex

We have already written that, the more sex, the person is happier, relaxed and happier. In addition, regular sex life increases life and significantly prolongs the period of youth. Work on the game in your life as possible as much as possible.

eight. Random day

Planning reduces stress. Reducing stress removes large wrinkles and interferes with the emergence of new. Here you have a long youth. Learn to make a plan of the week and day — it's easier than it seems. When you know exactly when and what you do, you do not need to spend strength and nerves to make it all and all have time. You know for sure that you can overcome the day only a certain number of points. And go to bed on time — also important.

nine. Wrong pose during sleep

Sleep on the stomach harmful! At least for your face. Especially if you tend to lie on the same cheek from the night in the night. Over time, this face will reflect all the folds of your pillow. By the way, save the situation can silk or satin pillowcase.

10. Overheating of the apartment

If in the winter in the house it is cold, it is better to dress with warmer than to turn on three heaters and a single humidifier. Make the opposite: put the humidifiers in each room (and let work around the clock), and use the heater «Pottle» And turn on the lucky way. So your skin will keep more moisture and the longest will remain young.

eleven. Wrong posture

If you are used to living with a crochet, you risks look older than your years. The straight back always gives the impression that its owner — Young, energetic, self-confident man. Because only youth is peculiar to natural trust and the ability to not bend under a hail of adversity. Keep posture, control yourself, use special posture proofreaders until you become similar to an ancient weakened old woman.

12. Cosmetics abuse

Some women seem to be without cosmetics they look naked. It is not true. A woman who spends money is not on tonal creams and shadows, but on the leaving agents and services of the cosmetologist, looks much fresh and brighter than that that tries to disguise the flaws of the skin. And the longer you use «Grimom» Instead of collagen masks and creams with Q10, the less likely that you ever can seem to people without makeup. Under the layer of cosmetics, your skin is halier than faster. You need it?

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