ATETOS: manifestations and treatment


What is a athetosis

Athettosis is a congenital disease; The main manifestation is a pronounced bilateral athentic hyperkinosis.

Double athettos refers to a group of children's cerebral paralysis and is a consequence of an already ended pathological process in a completely unformed brain.

This pathological process can be due to neuroinfection transferred by intrauterine or in the first days after birth, development anomaly, injury during a generic act, which causes hypoxia or hemorrhage in subcortical nodes, the reserves-incompatibility of the blood of mother and the fetus. It is assumed that for the development of double athettos, in addition to exogenous harm, it is necessary to have a hereditaryly due to increased vanity of subcortical nodes.

As a athetosis manifests itself

ATETOS: manifestations and treatment

The clinical picture of double athetosis is characterized by pronounced common hyperkinesome and changes in tone. The violent movements are distributed mainly on the distal limbs, mainly handbrushes, face muscles, tongue, neck. The pronounced variability of the tone, which is indicated as a movable spasm. Against the background of hypotension in individual muscle groups, a sharp increase in the tone may occur, replaced by hypotension. Hypercines are increasing with arbitrary movements, unrest, disappear in a dream.

The distribution of hyperkinosis and tone disorders on speech muscles leads to severe changes in speech. With pronounced hyperkinosis, arbitrary movements are hampered; patients can not serve themselves. In the legs often significantly increased muscle tone. Many patients immediately after birth there are epileptic seizures. Intelligence in most cases does not suffer.

The disease begins with the first days of the child's life. Typically, motor disorders become noticeable by the end of the first year of life, when certain life functions should be developed. The disease does not progress, on the contrary, gradually with the development of a child, hyperkinesis are sometimes softened, and the child can purchase certain motor skills.

Double athettos need to differentiate from other extrapyramidal diseases in which hypercines of a athettosal nature can be observed - torsion dystonia, hepatocerebral dystrophy, Horington, and DR. Unlike double athettos, these diseases are characterized by progressive current and do not begin at the earlier age.

In addition, with torsion dystonia, hypercines are preferably applied to the body muscles. For hepatocerebral dystrophy is characterized by a corneal ring of Kaiser - Fleischer, liver damage, copper exchange and aminoaciduria violations. Huntington's chorea begins at late age, is transmitted by dominant type.

Treatment of athetosis

Symptomatic treatment. The systematic medical gymnastics is shown. To reduce hypercines and a reduction in muscle tone, tensulas are used, lowering muscle tone (Seduxen, Elenium), neuroleptics. In some cases, the effect is noted when the isoniazide is prescribed, which is associated with an increase in the level of the so-called GABA (gamma-amine oil acid) in the brain.

Dose of preparations change depending on the age of patients. With pronounced symptoms of disease, non-drugic therapy, operational intervention is used.

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