Cerebelchik ataxia


  • Static cerebelchik ataxia
  • Dynamic cerebelchok ataxia
  • Treatment of cerebelchkova ataxia

  • The cerebelchik ataxia occurs with the defeat of various parts of the cerebellum (worm, hemispheres or legs). It is often observed in tumors, diseases of the cerebellum vessels, encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, poisoning, as well as under a number of hereditary diseases.

    Static cerebelchik ataxia

    The shock of the worm of the cerebellum is manifested by static attacks against the background of the reduction of muscle strength. It becomes hard to maintain the same posture, the coordination of some movements is disturbed. A man walks, spreading his legs wide and stalking («drunk» gait). In severe cases, the patient can not sit and stand, in the standing standing falls back or back, poorly holds his head. With severe ataxia, a person cannot maintain balance. At the same time, the coordination violation does not depend on whether his eyes are open or closed.

    Dynamic cerebelchok ataxia

    Cerebelchik ataxiaWith the defeat of the cerebellone hemisphere, a dynamic ataxia arises, when muscle coordination disorders appear mainly when driving. First of all, hands and legs suffer. Their movements are becoming awkward, swallowed, loss their accuracy and smoothness.

    Coordination disorders are exerted by excessiveness, disproportion of movements, «Mimopsy», or blundering, difficulty alternating opposite movements, shake hands at the end of a focused movement, amplifying when approaching the target, speech disorder. A human speech loses smoothness, becomes a slow, chant, dismembered on a syllable.

    When standing and walking the patient deflects or falls to the side corresponding to the affected hemisphere of the cerebellum. Characteristic «drunk» Ataxic gait. Changes the handwriting, becomes uneven, smeared, letters are large. Often there is a constant twitching eye.

    A very characteristic sign of cerebellar ataxia is a violation of combined movements, which the normal person always go together. For example, with the deviation of the body, the person usually bends his legs in the knees, and when trying to look up, throwing the head, frozen forehead. In a patient ataxia, these combined movements are missing.

    Treatment of cerebelchkova ataxia

    Since the cerebellar ataxia is most often a consequence of any diseases, first of all treatment is aimed at eliminating them. In addition, medications are prescribed, improving the supply of brain with blood, vitamins. A very good effect has a massage and medicinal gymnastics. Often, with the help of permanent classes, it is possible to cope with the bright manifestations of ataxia, but there are cases when the coordination of movements cannot be restored.

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