Types of Afani and its manifestations


  • Causes of Afani's development
  • Types of Afani

  • Aphazia is called a speech disorder, in which partially or completely lost the possibility of using words to express thoughts and communicate with the functions of the articulation apparatus (organs responsible for the pronunciation of sounds) and hearing.

    Causes of Afani's development

    Most often, the acute development of aphasia is observed in violation of cerebral circulation, somewhat less often with brain injuries, hematomas, inflammation of brain sections and its shells (focal meningoencephalitis), brain tumors.

    Afazia can wear persistent or temporary character. Temporary violations of the speech are primarily due to temporary circulatory disorders in the brain arising from the narrowing of the arteries that feed the brain. Sometimes temporary violations of speech develop in some varieties of migraine. Persistent amphias occurs with severe brain damage.

    Types of Afani

    Types of Afani and its manifestationsAmpazia is divided into motor, sensory and amnetic.

    Motor aphasia is characterized by the loss of the ability to pronounce words, it becomes a small, slower, pronounced words are distorted as a result of the difficulty of forming sounds and syllables, as well as whole words. The process of switching from one speech unit also suffers (sound, words) to another. Externally, this is manifested by the so-called peaseveration - jam on one syllable or word. The grammatical structure of speech is wrong (agrammatism). In severe cases of aphasia, pronunciation of only individual words. Often, motor aphasia occurs simultaneously with paralysis of the right half of the body.

    Sensory aphasia - loss of the ability to understand the speech of others. Elementary rumor is saved, but to disassemble, divide it into separate words of the patient cannot. Due to the lack of auditory control violates and actually speech. Sick sensory aphasia speak a lot, but it is incomprehensible. Words are pronounced wrong. Often one sound (letter) is replaced by another. As a result, it becomes incomprehensible and represents the flow of meaningless sounds indicated by the terms «Literary Okrochka», «Sloves Salad». Consciousness of his speech defect is absent.

    The combination of motor and sensory aphasia is denoted as total aphasia. The latter usually manifests itself with extensive foci of inflammation or hemorrhage in the brain.

    Amnesian Afaja. The most characteristic feature of this violation of speech is to fall out of the memory of the names of objects. As a replacement, the patient uses the designation of the function or quality of the subject. When amnesian aphasia, the patient helps a hint.

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