Fainting, first aid


  • What is fainting
  • First Assistance in Sync
  • Prevention of fainting

  • What
    Such a faintness, many know, alas, not peakly. Fainting does not know age
    or sex preferences. Men and women and adults are fainted,
    and children. Faint fall from fright, from a stuff, from the type of blood, from creepy
    appearance of a little gray mouse…

    Fall during pregnancy, during menstruation, in the period
    exams in physical training… Fall at low arterial
    pressure and at increased atmospheric, after alcohol abuse
    and when overdosing some drugs… Some fall «From love for art»,
    just to demonstrate women's weakness,
    attract… But how many people know that, in fact, it
    Such - fainting?

    What is fainting

    Fainting, as physicians would be expressed - this is suddenly arising
    short-term loss of consciousness, one of the species of acute vascular
    Brain deficiency. It is most often due to the lack of inflow
    blood to the brain, although there may be other reasons. But, in fact, what
    It is the mechanisms that lead to the turbidity of consciousness or even to his full
    loss - that experts understand (between us, to the end they are still
    And they did not figure it out). For us now matters what looks like
    All this is approximately the same: man becomes «poorly», he «Rolls»
    eyes and begins to settle on the ground. Note that a sharp sudden
    the fall «To the whole growth» Meet
    Relatively rare. As a rule, such sharp falls are associated with enough
    Serious pathology, for example, with epileptic seizures. Exceptions
    This rule makes up the so-called drop attacks - this is when a person
    suddenly falls to the ground, losing the balance. These states may be
    and in full of healthy women, for example, during pregnancy.

    In the typical cases of fainting the sharp fall there is no,
    And the full loss of consciousness may not even be, just arises «Burning»,
    Taming consciousness, sharp weakness. If the loss of consciousness still happened,
    It is usually short - from a few seconds to 4-5 minutes.
    Often marked pallor, abundant sweat, rapid heartbeat. Usually
    In fainting, blood pressure decreases. But the surrounding
    it jumps and sometimes quite significantly! Complete may begin,
    not necessary for anyone and, above all, peacefully lying in fainting, lady,
    which is about this cross, fortunately, does not even suspect. Asks,
    And what, in this case, make an unhappy surrounding?

    First Assistance in Sync

    Fainting, first aid
    The first thing you have to do is if someone somewhere nearby
    From you fell into fainting, it is to say to yourself: «Calmly! Calm down! Nothing
    terrible, the matter is ..…» In fact, a woman who lost consciousness,
    most often it's better not to bother. Consciousness will return when recover
    normal blood supply to the brain, and influence this blood supply you just
    You can't (if, of course, there is no cool resuscitator at hand
    with resuscitation set).

    To restore adequate cerebral blood flow
    The horizontal position of the body is required (the tone of the vessels is sharply reduced and,
    If we raise your head or housing, the blood will simply be detected in the lower limbs
    And about what normal blood supply, of course, it will not go). therefore
    the patient should be immediately put on the back (in
    easy cases can be just to be satisfied with a support back on the back of the chair,
    chairs). Note that it does not fit anything under the head! Head must
    to be at least one level with the case.

    Need to provide good oxygen access (often one
    This leads to the cessation of fainting) - unbutton collar if around
    fallen person crowded a lot of zooak - to open. You can spish
    On the face of cold water or bring a maminated with alcohol to the nose, ammonia.
    Do not strive to pour out the patient in the patient of the ammonia or wipe it
    Whiskey is a solution of ammonia, and it does not restore the brain circulation,
    and stimulates the respiratory center through the nerve endings in the nasophal -
    A person makes a reflex inhale and a large portion comes into the body
    Oxygen with breath. You can, continuing to keep the vaccine with the nashem at the nose,
    For a couple of seconds, cover your mouth with palm - all inhaled air will go through
    Nose, and Vasharyar's pairs will fall into the nasal cavity. You can, at worst, just
    Slip by the tip of the nose - the pain stimulus is also some times capable
    Stimulate the restoration of consciousness. The main thing, I remind once again - not
    rub and not fall into panic. And everything will be fine.

    Prevention of fainting

    Rescue drowning, as you know, the work of the immerses themselves.
    If you have noticed a bad habit of repeating fainting,
    It will be necessary to pay attention to it. First of all, examine the neuropathologist
    and cardiologist to eliminate diseases of the nervous system (such as convulsive
    Syndrome, distant consequences of cranial injury) and diseases
    Hearts (heart rate disorders, undiagnosed heart disease and
    Dr.) You will have to avoid stuffed premises and long stay in the sun.
    If it is impossible to avoid this, try to at least not allow dehydration,
    Drink more liquid (but not carbonated

    Frequently, fainting is preceded by a short
    The period of precursors: «Burning» Weakness, Nausea. If you feel
    This is not waiting for the further development of events, immediately take action (even
    If then it turns out that it sick from your new colleague). Necessary
    immediately lie or sit down (and, if you sit down, then with maximum comfort,
    with maximum relaxation). I remind you that the horizontally will be
    Located your body, the better. You can not hide the head back if
    you sit. You can make some deep, but necessarily slow
    inhale. You can carry with you a watt with the ammonia in a tube from nitroglycerin
    or Validola. You can not take any medicines!
    You can lose consciousness at any time, and the tablet may turn out to be
    At this moment in the mouth and after the relaxation of the muscles of the language and the pharynx to fly
    in breathing throat. Finally, you can simply increase the inflow of oxygen,
    unbuttoned or weakening the tight collar, belt.

    Of course, in a small article it is impossible to highlight all the nuances
    this, quite complicated, medical problem. But still hope that
    Someone these simple tips will help relieve life. Nevertheless,
    fainting - it's life…

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