Animal treatment


  • Hippotherapy
  • Dolphinotherapy
  • Felinotherapy
  • Cubistrate

  • Alas, medicines that guarantees one hundred percent result does not exist. But help adapt a sick child to life can animal pulpia (rehabilitation due to animals). How horses, cats and dolphins help small patients?

    The positive impact of animals on human health was celebrated in antiquity. So, for example, in ancient Greece treated diseases of vessels with cats with cats (it was believed that the cat's rumbling radiates a useful vibration that affects the brain vessels). In the fifth century BC. NS. Hippocrates noted that contact with horses is an excellent means of restoring mental and physical forces. In Europe, animalcondition as the non-traditional rehabilitation method was recognized in the seventeenth century - the pioneer here became England (in 1792 in the English city of York therapy with animals began to use in working with mentally ill). In Russia «Rehabilitation animals» appeared relatively recently: for example, hippotherapy (rehabilitation with horses) in Soviet times were first tried in Georgia.

    Sometimes for a sick person, especially the child, not directly therapy with its exercises is most important, but a psychological moment arising in the process of communicating with animals. After all, the animal is still: how do you look and what are your defects. In return on a good dog, a cat or a horse in any case will pay good.

    In fact, a mute conversation with your favorite home beast can already be called an animal pulp: the interaction with a confidentially tuned pet helps to get rid of stress, relieve a pulsating pain in the temples.

    Such «ordinary» Animal pulp is called non-directional. Directional Animal Parapecies are engaged in special places where people come to contact the help of animals - both small brothers of our smaller and very serious animals.


    Arina is only five years old - this is one of the first hippotherapy classes. The girl has a serious form of psycho-emotional violation. On the horse, Arina holds confidently - sometimes even stroking her gray Sivka-Bourca on the withers. Exercises that a 5-year-old girl performs, sitting on a horse, are easy - lie on the croup, and then lean to the neck of the horse and hug it. But most of all Arishke likes «to fly» On his horse - the baby with a smile spreads his arms to the sides, proudly recreated in the saddle.

    Sick children perceive the horse as something big, what can be leaning and who can trust. The emotional impact of a horse on a child really plays a big role in rehabilitation.

    Animal treatmentGroup classes of hippotherapy should be held in the appropriate atmosphere - today horses ride their young saddles in the Lublin Park. Horses go calm, measured step, and sometimes start in trot. The instructor asks Arina, whether it wants to perform this or that exercise. Rider or pretty nods, or capricious shakes head.

    Cure a serious mental disorder of hippotherapy, but it happens that the child's condition stabilizes so that he goes to a regular school and lives quite normal life.

    Hippotherapy Recommend children with Down syndrome, with children's cerebral paralysis (cerebral palsy), autism, genetic diseases and many other illnesses...

    For each small patient, the therapist develops its horse exercise course: children with disturbed coordination of movements need to move more, babies with impaired psyche - more communicate.

    In addition to the direct rehabilitation procedure, children get a powerful emotional positive charge, developing communication skills. The child cooperates with a horse, learns to build relationships with her and in return gets also good, friendly attitude of the animal.

    Each animal has its own unique features that are used in animal pulp. Horses have three main advantages - its step, its size and body temperature. In his rhythm, the horse's step reminds walking a healthy person who he feels at the time of the child. The body temperature has a horse higher than those of people - what is useful for people with all diseases. And the impressive size of the animal will help the sick child to see in the taper a comradist of his defender. And by the way, the horse has one more unique feature - this is a willingness to communicate with people.

    In the hippotherapy there is an additional special exercise for children suffering from cerebral palsy - just… Friendly slapting horse (if a child with awkward movements strokes, for example, hamster, then with its sharp movements he will only damage the animal and it will test shock).

    The horse itself is such cotton only pleasant, why the child feels only more confident. An important feature of the hippotherapy is the ability to control the horse - the child's self-esteem increases significantly, he feels that it is his great animal that. Sensations that, agree, children under constant adult care are rare.


    Always smiling dolphin from many associated with a dream. The dream to which you can touch, it becomes for sick children.

    Animal treatmentRehabilitation by dolphins, like hippotherapy, is recommended for various severe diseases. Dolphinotherapy is the most powerful antidepressant that can help relieve stress. Especially since the waves themselves, even if they are not sea, and in the pool, already calm - the positive effect of water on the emotional state of a person is known to all.

    Jacob smiles a happy smile - big rarity. Little handms of the boy grabs immediately for two dolphins. This, by the way, the most common type of exercise - a child with two hands holds for fins of dolphins, forming a kind of water tug.

    Communication itself with dolphins, definitely has a healing effect. The main healing feature of dolphins is an ultrasound radiation that comes from these sea jumpers. Ultrasound Dolphin as if configured to the child's wave, with whom it comes into contact. For the most efficient dolphinotherapy, it is best to go to the sea, in the habitat of the tailed doctors themselves.

    The fact is that the flippers are contained in an open water area, where nothing prevents them to radiate their ultrasound fully. In the pool, the efficiency of ultrasound is somewhat declining, meeting the barrier in the form of sides of the pool.


    Another, no less popular view of animal pulp - felinotherapy, that is, healing communication with cats. The advantage of fellinotherapy is that it can be adapted to any positively confused cat, including its home Murk.

    Felinotherapy will be a good diagnosis, there is even such a sign that cats always fall on a sore place. Feature of feline doctors - their rumbling, which in fact turns into vibration, useful organism. It is possible even that cats have some more magical properties.

    The therapeutic effects of Murzikov will be useful for patients with nervous disorders, and especially - for children suffering from heart diseases, and, oddly enough, the bone system. The fact is that the cat's beloved by us makes sound oscillations whose frequency is significantly compacting the bones.

    No special exercises in fellinotherapy are provided - it is enough just to tinker with your cat. And most importantly, it can be done at home. Some craftsmen adapt their fluffy pets to relieve headaches - for this, it is enough just to bug into the wool of Murki head, close your eyes and lie down in such a position for about a minute. True, this exercise is recommended more than adults.


    Cate therapy call treatment with dogs. To the main goal of this type of animal pulp - the activity - children navigate the dogs themselves. Special type of dogs were withdrawn for canister panels - Golden Retriever. These dogs are wonderful in that they are extremely kind. So they are so easily included in contact with children.

    Animal treatmentThere is one important aspect - a dog can become a true friend in the canter paishes. In particular, Moscow coaster People noticed that golden retrievers can phenomenally transmit energy of their joy. When a child, for example, combing the wool of the dog, the tail of the beast is nice, and the child feels very clearly. Cover therapy very often recommends children with children's cerebral paralysis - in many ways due to the sensitivity of these dogs. There is one exercise that is indispensable for the guys with a strongly disturbed motor. The dog takes the subject and transfers his sick child. At the same time, the ball feels when the subject must be given right away, and when it must be kept. The kid applies strength to remove the object from the mouth of a friend, thus developing his motility and power.

    In the complex of canister panels held by Moscow experts, the child's training is published by the teams of the team. The dog performs them, for the efforts of the child treats animal with delicacy. The child learns to control the animal's behavior in a friendly form, gradually understanding how to manage himself.

    In the kate-therapy, the child will sometimes be enough just to tell the dog on a leash or ride in the sledding, which drags the dog. And another dog can improve blood circulation - the golden retriever just lins the face of the baby, making him a unique massage.

    According to experts, it is useful to start engaging in animal pulp as soon as possible. It often happens that the child can even go to a completely ordinary school. There is another important aspect - the animal becomes for children suffering, for example, autism, a unique bridge into the world of people. And some patients, matured, find their calling in working with animals.

    It is possible to significantly improve your condition using animals is quite possible. We do not always immediately recognize all the internal resources of the child who can help stabilize its condition. It happens, work out, make efforts, and the disease seems to be sent to the background.

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