Speech Violation - Stuttering


  • Stuttering
  • Causes of stuttering
  • What happens when stuttering
  • Treatment of stuttering

  • Stuttering

    The speech has such an impact on the identity of the speaking man that people with speech disorders stereotypically perceive as people who have serious personal problems, although this is not true. One of the types of disorders is stuttering. This is a violation of the rhythm and smooth speech, generating difficulties in oral communication. Every person has intermittent speech. An ordinary person has 7-10 percent of speech pronounced with interrupt. It happens in the form of repetition of individual words or phrases (sounds: u–e, mm, or interdetty). However, when interruptions in speech make up more than 10 percent - it is already stuttering.

    At the time, for most people, it is considered to be something for granted, stuttering in incredible difficulties when using oral speech in everyday life. 1 percent of the population or 60 million of six billion people is stuttered in the world. For many, everyday communication is a constant struggle.

    Causes of stuttering

    Most often, stuttering occurs at a young age, when speech automatons are not so honed. Contribute to the development of stress-reaction stricter (fright, the death of a loved one, the beloved animal, the divorce of parents, the scandals in the family and T.NS.), so the reasons for stuttering - always in childhood. To stuttering, such a violation of speech as a chant speech, in which the patient speaks quickly, is slowly, then loudly, then quietly - such a reprimand is characteristic of the disease of the cerebellum and otherwise called speech attack. True stuttering is enhanced by excitement, weakens in a relaxed atmosphere, stuttering people well sing.

    What happens when stuttering

    Speech Violation - StutteringStuttering is the result of periodically arising cramping muscles of the speech apparatus: a few short-term cuts of muscles lead to an involuntary repetition of individual sounds and syllables (clonic stuttering), a strong long-lasting muscle contraction causes a speech delay (tonic stuttering); There is often a mixed form of stuttering when both types of violations are combined. Survipods of the muscles of the face and limbs sometimes join the cramps of the muscles of the speech.

    Stuttering is often accompanied by voltage and anxiety. Speech interruption when stuttering is different. At the same time, repeat sounds or syllables, blocks of silence, unnatural stretching sounds, grimaces of a face or teak. If your child fluctuates, repeats or stifled before pronunciation of the word or phrases, take a closer look. Defective speech aged two to seven years is the norm. But learning to understand and use speech - the process is long and complex. Many children understand speech before they can express their thought in verbal form. Uncertain speech and repetition in children's speech are the option of norm. But if they are found too often and associated with tension or avoiding behavior, it may indicate starting stuttering. The following signs indicate the initial staging of stuttering:

    • Frequently occurring words.
    • Prolonged sounds.
    • Avoiding the situation of communication, phrases: «I can't say that».
    • Upset appearance.
    • Tense view of the muscles of the face and neck and voice.
    • Speech with unexpected voice lifts.

    Treatment of stuttering

    Stuttering - the problem of speech therapist. If the cause of stutter is mental injury, the pediatrician can direct you to a psychoneurologist. There are several ways with which you can reduce the risk of stuttering from your child. First of all, you should clearly understand whether you are the reason for stuttering your child. Changes that you can perform touch your manner talking, day mode, and creating an environment positively affecting your child.

    • Speak slowly and smoothly.
    • Do pauses in your speech, especially at the moment when the child has already told the phrase, but you still do not. It gives you the opportunity to tell you something else, and you will think about your child, what exactly wants to say your child.
    • Specify less questions, make less teams. Issues put pressure on a child, he feels time limit for response. Better phrases and comments Start by: «Let's», «What about?», «What do you think?»

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